humble soul
I lost faith in the RCC about 9 months ago
I only came back to God about 2 years ago after 20 years in the wilderness
I soon came back to Christ and Catholicism but i wasn't going to church
I only knew the basic teachings. I was naive and had a false, over simplified view of what Christianity was
It was when I read the NT myself. It filled me with something that I can't even explain, the Holy Spirit perhaps Christ, I don't know but I was so at peace just myself and the bible
Then I had to go to prison. Satan tormented me like never b4. Such evil thoughts i was having on enacting a bloody revenge. I'd never had such criminal thoughts like i did at the start of my jail term
Satan was also trying to get me to screw up in so many other ways; inmates, smokes, drugs, guards, clothes, food, sport, loneliness, depression, anxiety, trauma, stress and the rest. Satan attacks when we are weak, like he did with Jesus.
And in prison he has a huge presence cos so many inmates are weakened
But praise be to Christ because his ministry in prison is is far greater than any ministry on the outside. Thinking about makes me so emotional, i had to stop writing cos I started to cry. Let's just say that without Christ I wouldn't have made it through prison
Then i got released. I started to learn about Catholicism and Christianity. It was painful. I became fixated on why the RCC glorify Mary. I became afraid and still am for the salvation of my parents who have worshiped Fatima their whole lives
So i entered a Catholic forum. They almost drove me away from Christianity all together. It was ugly. I thought "Protestant" was a dirty word or an insulting one as they kept calling me this. Eventually I had to find out who these Protestants were.
I thought they were like Amish or something weird, i braced to learn about a horrible group of people...
What i found was the opposite. Protestants had been saying the same things I were for 500 years. Suddenly i felt like all my theological thinking was correct after all.
I was convinced i had to leave the RCC and join these Protestants who i had just learnt about. Then i learnt that it isn't one denomination, it's tens of thousands... Which one do i choose
The more i looked the more i started to learn that there is no perfect church. I started to see faults in these churches as well and the things i didn't understand about the RCC i was starting to see and comprehend. Like i thought sola scriptura was the only way to go but it's inadequate to say the least and creates even more problems
Then i learnt about the schism that split the RCC and the Orthodox church. By this time i was just over it, all the religion, all the division. All i wanted was a place to go and praise the Lord. So i stayed with the RCC. The original church in the first place
As for rogue priests im guessing ur talking about the pedophile saga. I thought it was all shocking but i never followed the trials of any of them until it came to the trial of Cardinal George Pell. What i learnt and what i saw got me thinking how many other priests were given an unfair trial like Pell. How many of them fell victim to this organized take down of the church. Im sure some priests are guilty but im inclined to believe that most of them are victims of a witch hunt by the growing anti-Christian sector of society. Certainly is suspicious how nothing was ever said about anything before suddenly all these people making claims that happened 30-40 years ago appeared. It's dodgy mate
So i focused instead on the theology and started to realize more and more that the RCC isn't getting me to do anything I don't agree with. Then i started to understand that "it doesn't say to do this in the bible" is not proof that it's false like i thought it was, in fact it's not even a coherent argument, it's a fallacy of ignorance
So now although i don't follow all the Catholic doctrines i accept them
Which ever doctrine u think is wrong it's just that, u think it's wrong
The bible might not say it's right but it doesn't say its wrong
So i don't know what you want. If your after a church to go and worship our Lord than the RCC is as good as any.
If you want to leave cos u disagree with doctrines then i wish u luck in trying to find a church that has no suspicious doctrines.
If your filthy about pedophile priests i would remind you that it wasn't just Catholic priests. I have great reservations on the validity of these sudden allegations. And that the actions of the priest really haven't got anything to do with you worshiping of God.
If u think the RCC won't bring you salvation tell me why. Or if not i would wish u luck again in finding a church. They've all got faults