I'm Sick.....Abortion?

You know, I mean this out of love so don't take this the wrong way,.. but even though the Bible says that we should train up our children in the way that they should go,.. sometimes we also have to step back and make their own choices. Will mistakes be made? Most definitely, but we just got to hope and pray that they will learn from them and make the right decisions and that if they are lost they will come to know Christ because that's all we can really do as parents. We can only sow the seeds, the rest is up to them and God.
I disagree with this approach, particularly with minor children who are still under our care and influence. Once they become adults they will likely make their own choices much as I did but until then, they are our responsibility.

In fact, what you describe very much explains the approach I took and the results speak for themselves. Bear in mind there are always exceptions in either direction but I'm speaking generally. If we as parents don't first live the life we are called to by the Christian title we claim and then do not make certain that our children know it, they will not know Christ as they aught. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Developing daily Scripture reading and prayer life isn't something we will instinctively do. We are sinners and more likely to rebel against God. It starts in the home.
i don't have any major suggestions on what to do about "kids these days," LOL. its just...it isn't really a 'liberal' vs 'conservative' issue, at this point, now it really is more about for Him or against Him, and more and more, society is moving....

no just openly against Him, but at times...there seems to be hostility, which I think will probably only get worse, over time. :-(
...it is not our school system's responsibility to teach Christianity. It is ours as parents...

Then why do parents send their children to unbelievers 40 hours per week, plus assigning another few hours of homework.

Parents rely on the church to do all the work.

One hour per week of Sunday school taught by Christians can't compete with 40 hours plus homework taught by unbelievers. Some churches have schools where believers can train up the children. It really does matter who children are around for most of their waking day.

Where I failed is in our daily lives. I did not openly include daily devotions with our kids or other Bible study even though I do regularly on my own. So I failed to teach them the importance of daily time with God and I regret it now that they are grown.

Yes, parents should do that. In days of yore, parents taught their children on the family farm, or in their work shops (such as carpenter shops). Children just naturally adopted their parents' values, because they were around their parents for most of the day. This was reinforced by rabbis teaching them in the temple, yeshivas, and synagogues. Nowadays, children are shipped off to strangers for most of their waking day, and they adopt strangers' belief systems. Those strangers are usually unbelievers.

The public school system was originally sold to the people as teaching children to read so that they could read the Bible and get saved. The Bible itself was one of the main books used to teach children to read, along with sermon type books. Children were encouraged to memorize Bible verses.

How times have changed. Now unbelievers teach children that the Bible is a myth, and all non Christian religions are just as valid as Christianity. Cultural relativism. Biology classes teach that there is no need for a creator since evolution doesn't require one. One hour of Sunday school can't compete with 40 or 50 hours of that silliness.
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The time shortage you speak of, in my opinion, is a cop-out. I personally believe that the average family (naturally there are exceptions) requires multiple incomes because they are working hard to satisfy personal desires more than basic needs. We have come to expect a particular lifestyle in this country that is far above that of just basic needs and to achieve that lifestyle we work multiple jobs and run up credit unnecessarily so we can live the high life. Yours truly is as guilty as the next.

Yes, that is part of what is going on, but is not the whole story. When the country was on the gold standard, one income could generally support a family. Now that bankers are debasing people's paychecks, it takes two incomes. Many people have to work 40 hours per week, plus whatever overtime their employer requires. Regardless of whether they need the extra income from overtime. One man I know was forced to work 12 hours 5 days per week, and 8 hours on Saturday. Mandatory if he wanted to keep his job. He didn't want or need those extra hours. He is not the only one.

Local zoning boards, desperate for additional funds, (Bankers are debasing the purchasing power of their revenue too. Education inflation is to the moon, way beyond the CPI.) tend to zone McMansions in their venues. People are simply not allowed to build the modest homes that their parents owned.

Special interest groups send lobbyists to demand favors, which the average family is forced to pay for. One example, the infant treatment Acthar costs $8 per vial in Europe, and $38,892 in the USA. Parents are forbidden from importing the med from Europe for $8.

Its not all a choice by individuals. Many of the choices have been made for them by others.
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I disagree with this approach, particularly with minor children who are still under our care and influence. Once they become adults they will likely make their own choices much as I did but until then, they are our responsibility.

In fact, what you describe very much explains the approach I took and the results speak for themselves. Bear in mind there are always exceptions in either direction but I'm speaking generally. If we as parents don't first live the life we are called to by the Christian title we claim and then do not make certain that our children know it, they will not know Christ as they aught. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Developing daily Scripture reading and prayer life isn't something we will instinctively do. We are sinners and more likely to rebel against God. It starts in the home.

I'm sorry I should have clarified this. I mostly meant this approach for grown children.
That might help. The woman would still need several months of medical care, and financial help from the father of her baby or her family while she is too pregnant to work. Many women have abortions because they have been abandoned by the father of their child, and are overwhelmed by the thought of having to do the whole thing as a single mother. This is not right.

And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. Exodus 22:16 KJV

The Bible is very clear that a woman is not to be abandoned in this manner. There are millions of abandoned single mothers in this country. It was never intended that a woman should have to do it all by herself. Young men must be trained up to never abandon their children, or the mother of their children. That is the OT way.
It should be the modern day way too.
Adults think too much about themselves and not enough about the children they bring into the world...the ones who suffer the most when they lose, mostly, a father due to divorce.

I hearsay that the children are flexible and will adjust.
It is murder, period! How are you? It's nancy from CB...
Hi MA,
Yes....and even atheists believe in morality and the natural law.
I think having a baby is a very big experience to go through and some are just not up to it and have no support....
I've always wanted to see real, perfect, birth control.
Don't know how things are these days, but we used to say that if men had to have the babies, a perfect method would already be available.

Seems like this would be a solution?
im pro-life, but i think its best to leave abortion legal, regulated, etc. fallen world...banning the procedure just means that women w/ resources will go where they can to get it done, legally...

and women without resources end up dead, in back alleys.

i do also think anti-poverty programs could help reduce the # of abortions.

i dunno. i just don't see how gov't trying to clamp down will help, at all.
I think it's important for government to stand up and say that a fetus is a baby and if one aborts,,,it's murder.

I don't think the government should be supporting illegal activity - which is what it's doing right now.

A whole generation or two grew up hearing that a fetus is not a baby. Now that a lot of education has been taking place by the pro-lifers maybe it's starting to sink in that this is wrong and maybe this is why abortions have gone down to 800,000 per year?
This past Tuesday during our morning men's prayer breakfast the topic came up about prayer being removed from our public school system. One point I brought up is that it is not our school system's responsibility to teach Christianity. It is ours as parents and we have been failing in that area.

Even in our churches I see a failure. Parents rely on the church to do all the work. At our church, some drop their kids off on Sunday morning to attend Sunday School but most do not stay to attend the adult program. What message does this send to the kids? And then, after confirmation, about half of the kids stop coming altogether. Parents don't really care that much and the kids are getting the same message.

I know I failed. While I did require our daughters to attend Sunday School and since I was the high school leader I was always there with them. I required they continue attending until they were adults and then I encouraged them to attend the adult program. Unfortunately, my wife does not take Bible study seriously so she doesn't attend and our daughters follow her lead in that regard. Where I failed is in our daily lives. I did not openly include daily devotions with our kids or other Bible study even though I do regularly on my own. So I failed to teach them the importance of daily time with God and I regret it now that they are grown.

We have a Biblical responsibility as parents but we don't take it seriously as we should.

6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NKJV
I agree with you.
Parents do very little.
We can only do our best...even as Believers.
Even if we do everything right, our kids could still turn out atheists....
But we should give it our best effort - although there are no guarantees. Kids are affected by outside forces too.
I admire your work with kids...I know it's not easy. (in church).
A whole generation or two grew up hearing that a fetus is not a baby. Now that a lot of education has been taking place by the pro-lifers maybe it's starting to sink in that this is wrong and maybe this is why abortions have gone down to 800,000 per year?

Yes, this works. People talking to their neighbors and friends, telling them the real story. Keep it up.
Hi MA,
Yes....and even atheists believe in morality and the natural law.
I think having a baby is a very big experience to go through and some are just not up to it and have no support....
I've always wanted to see real, perfect, birth control.
Don't know how things are these days, but we used to say that if men had to have the babies, a perfect method would already be available.

Seems like this would be a solution?
"Don't know how things are these days, but we used to say that if men had to have the babies, a perfect method would already be available. "
This past Tuesday during our morning men's prayer breakfast the topic came up about prayer being removed from our public school system. One point I brought up is that it is not our school system's responsibility to teach Christianity. It is ours as parents and we have been failing in that area.

Even in our churches I see a failure. Parents rely on the church to do all the work. At our church, some drop their kids off on Sunday morning to attend Sunday School but most do not stay to attend the adult program. What message does this send to the kids? And then, after confirmation, about half of the kids stop coming altogether. Parents don't really care that much and the kids are getting the same message.

I know I failed. While I did require our daughters to attend Sunday School and since I was the high school leader I was always there with them. I required they continue attending until they were adults and then I encouraged them to attend the adult program. Unfortunately, my wife does not take Bible study seriously so she doesn't attend and our daughters follow her lead in that regard. Where I failed is in our daily lives. I did not openly include daily devotions with our kids or other Bible study even though I do regularly on my own. So I failed to teach them the importance of daily time with God and I regret it now that they are grown.

We have a Biblical responsibility as parents but we don't take it seriously as we should.

6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NKJV

My guess is that you continually pray for your daughters, and your wife? If so then, God heard those prayers way before you were even on the scene.
He has pulled me out of my own mire so many times, prayer is so very powerful when your faith is added ♥ You did not fail, I'd say you maybe lost "a" battle but...the war is already won :thumbsup Prayer and faith brother!
In His Name,
Maybe I'll start a thread?

Either that or answer the question on this thread. The only life that I can think of that was given through blood (besides when a woman delivers her baby) is the eternal one that was given when Jesus died on the cross. :cross
Either that or answer the question on this thread. The only life that I can think of that was given through blood (besides when a woman delivers her baby) is the eternal one that was given when Jesus died on the cross. :cross
I started a thread in theology.
God did not want Cain to be killed because
blood, or life, is precious to God.
I started a thread in theology.
God did not want Cain to be killed because
blood, or life, is precious to God.

Oh okay, now I think I got it. Even though Cain was a murder God was against the idea of him getting the death penalty. I think that's basically what you're saying but I will go ahead and take a look at your thread anyways. :)