I'm Sick.....Abortion?

I agree, but not everybody feels that way because not everybody even believes in God or the Bible and the constitution does mention that although we have the freedom of religion there's also the separation of church and state. (Actually, I'm not a hundred percent sure whether or not they're in the same documents but I think my point still stands.)
Personally I think there are very good secular (non religious) reasons to oppose abortion.
I like you.
What we need to do is look at the reasons women seek abortions and resolve those (an example is finances), as well as other things (such as better sex Ed) that also help decrease abortions.

Good point! :thumbsup

Personally I think there are very good secular (non religious) reasons to oppose abortion.

I know but that wasn't the point that I was (or at least trying) to make.
I like you.
What we need to do is look at the reasons women seek abortions and resolve those (an example is finances), as well as other things (such as better sex Ed) that also help decrease abortions.
If only this was true.

Abortion and infantacide are even mentioned in scripture.

Today, most abortions are used for eugenics (getting rid of imperfect children) and birth control.
If only this was true.

Abortion and infantacide are even mentioned in scripture.

Today, most abortions are used for eugenics (getting rid of imperfect children) and birth control.

Sad,.. but true. :(
I agree, but not everybody feels that way because not everybody even believes in God or the Bible and the constitution does mention that although we have the freedom of religion there's also the separation of church and state. (Actually, I'm not a hundred percent sure whether or not they're in the same documents but I think my point still stands.)

None of that changes what the Bible says about training up children in the way they should go.
None of that changes what the Bible says about training up children in the way they should go.

No it doesn't, I never said that it did. I just meant that it isn't always followed even among believers.
No it doesn't, I never said that it did. I just meant that it isn't always followed even among believers.

Which is why there are so many abortions. The Bible says if children are trained up properly, they will do the right thing all of their days.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV
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Sure, go ahead and make it illegal. That's fine with me. Pass a Constitutional Amendment so a future court can never change it back to legal.

In addition to that, just also do something else that will actually rescue a few babies. It shouldn't all be legal mumbo jumbo that doesn't actually rescue any babies.
The 14th amendment has verbiage where about rescuing slaves,guttmacher research is biased on that as they admit it.

Child ,sex slavery,aka traffic three busts within my county. No law passed mandating any taking in immigrants here since these were smuggled.

Save one case .the most recent involves Asian srx slaves
Personally I think there are very good secular (non religious) reasons to oppose abortion.
Right. Murder is murder, but liberal politicians and judges tried to obscure that with some nonsensical interpretations. Abortion is premeditated murder, if people want to be totally honest. Redefining who is a person and who is not is arrogant presumption. A child is a person the moment it is conceived.
I was going to place this in the Prayer Forum, but I don't know what's left to pray about...
except for Jesus to come get us and end it all.

I just found out about the law passed in NYC (or NY - not sure).

HOW is that an abortion?
HOW is it not murder...even for atheists.

Sorry, I'm feeling nauseous right now.
It is murder, period! How are you? It's nancy from CB...
It is murder, period! How are you? It's nancy from CB...
For the life of all flesh – its blood is its life. Therefore I say to the Israelite people: You shall not partake of the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood. Anyone who partakes of it shall be cut off” (Leviticus 17:13-14).
Acts 15
"19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. "

As we see, abstaining from blood is a big deal.
Where in Scripture does it say that this no longer matters? JLB