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Imagine in your mind that one day you wake up and your world as you knew the night before has now changed forever. The sky is darkened and the moon gives no light any longer as a thick cloud of smoke covers this planet that has choked out all vegetation and turned our water into cesspools of contamination from the fall out of the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

Those who survived are running frantically in the streets just trying to fend for themselves and what is left of their family. A child sits by the dead rotting bodies of what use to be their family, crying from fright and hunger. All of a sudden you are rounded up like cattle by the Militia and place in detention camps to be sorted and numbered not knowing what is going to happen to you.

Within the shell of a room filled with more people than what capacity should be holding all you can see is people passing by the bared windows as they march in a single line as men with guns strapped to their backs are pushing them further along the line to hurry them to where they are heading. Then all of a sudden you hear shots ring out and people screaming and crying as they watch those before them die in a bloodshed of flying bullets.

Your heart is pounding and you can hardly catch your breath when someone in that darkened room with you shouts out that there is no God and we are all going to die. In your heart you know Jesus is very real, but for a passing moment you are so caught up in the devastation that you forget those words of Jesus that says those who endure until the end are those who will be saved. Instead of reaching out to those who are with you, you are so frightened even for your own life that you forget the Biblical accounts of Paul and Silas as they sang praises to the Lord while they were imprisoned.

All of a sudden silence fills the air for a moment and then the doors of that darkened room swing open with guards yelling at everyone to form a single line and follow them. Here is your last chance to save a soul as they lead you to the shooting wall. The guards take you one by one as they speak to you they ask, “Are you one of those Christians?” You are so scared and your mind is confused from the dumbfound ness of everything that is happening that words are hard to speak, but you answer that you are a Christian. Then the guard gives you an opportunity to renounce Jesus and they would place you back with your loved ones and give you housing and a job. You think that maybe for an instance you would take their offer so you can be with your family once again, but yet knowing that even in pretending to renounce Christ just to be with your family the words are still spoken and can not be taken back as you choose family over Christ. Will you stand for Christ and allow His witness to be the last words that come out of your mouth or will you waver for the sake of your own family or even your own life.

This writing is not so far fetched that that day will never happen here in the USA as it is now happening in other parts of the world even as I write this and will happen here in the future. We are not to fear what has to come, but be prepared for what must come before the glorious return of Christ to take his bride to meet him in the clouds to be with him forever.

I am asking all who read this that if you have not made that decision to ask Jesus into your heart to please not put it off as no man knows the day nor the hour Jesus will return. It could be years from now, but also could be in the next few minutes of your life. John 10:9 I am the door, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. Jesus was the word made flesh to dwell among us, John 1:14, to show us the way back to Gods grace. John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10:9, 10 if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in his heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved. Vs.10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Please do not put this off as Christ return will be as a twinkling of an eye and then the door of Salvation will be closed forever.

Luke 14:26, 33 If any man come unto me and hate not (hate not means putting your family first before God) his father, mother, wife, children, brethren and sister yes and his own life also he cannot be my disciple. Vs. 33 so likewise whosoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple.

Rev 7:13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Gosh, you should have beat Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins to the punch. But you are too late. They already made the big fortunes from the Left Behind Series.
Gosh, you should have beat Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins to the punch. But you are too late. They already made the big fortunes from the Left Behind Series.

This is not one of those false prophecy teachings like those false teachers preach as I do not subscribe to their nonsense. I wrote this a long time ago as a thought provoking what if scenario. It's to make one only to think it could be possible and that now is the time for people to turn back to God before it's to late for them. Matthew 24:35, 36
The sky is darkened and the moon gives no light any longer as a thick cloud of smoke covers this planet that has choked out all vegetation and turned our water into cesspools of contamination from the fall out of the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

If you are talking about imagery, do you really think the Lord would share his Glory with a nuclear bomb?
If you are talking about imagery, do you really think the Lord would share his Glory with a nuclear bomb?

This is not God's glory during the timing of sounding the first six trumpets during His great wrath being poured out into the world as a last attempt to draw man to Him. Here is what to expect during this time.

God has already given what is written that we prepare ourselves to know what is coming, but yet many reject His truth. If there were a pretrib rapture of the church then why would God just end all things at once after we are taken up. What would be the purpose of the seven trumpet and seven vial judgements. Below is what we need to expect to happen during the first six trumpets sounding that leads up to the son of perdition who takes his seat to deceive the world promising safety and provision.

Rev Chapter 8-9 First six trumpets

Hail and fire can be likened unto meteors that fall from the sky as the brimstone God brought down from heaven striking those in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:24. A third of the trees and all the green grass are burned up which makes a third part of the world with a shortage of oxygen in the air that is created from the carbon dioxide from the trees and living plants. I would only imagine the drifting smoke itself would cause respiratory problems for many people.

Seeing that this is Global the intense fire and smoke from all the trees and grass burning can travel for miles causing much more damage throughout the nations. The trees that produce various healthy foods for our well being will become scarce. The green grasses that would probably include crops of wheat, barley, corn and so forth will be destroyed causing a shortage in food. The animals we depend on as a food source will also die as they are left without vegetation they need to live on.

This great mountain burning with fire could be another meteor or even a series of meteors sent down from heaven at one time, but on an extremely larger scale as the third part of the sea is destroyed along with sea life and the third part of the ships that sit in it. The third part of the sea turned to blood by reason of all the animal life that is killed and those men, women and children who are on these ships that are destroyed. Take into consideration the disease that would spread from all the rotted sea life that is rotting away washing up on the shore and the flesh of those who were burned along with the ships.

These ships will more than likely be types of fuel tankers, merchant, fishing and luxury cruises ships traveling the waters. With the third of these ships being destroyed means a third part of the world’s fuel and food supply would be destroyed.

John saw in his vision a great star that is burning like a lamp that falls to earth. In John’s time torches were used as a light source so this star burning like a lamp or a torch could be that of a burning comet falling or a series of comets falling on earth. I can only think it to be many comets as they fall on the third part of rivers and streams as it poisons the third part of the earth’s fresh water supply and causes many to die from the bitter water they drink. This would also kill all fresh water fish leaving man without another food source.

This star is given a name called Wormwood because wormwood is a plant that can be potentially toxic in its pure form and has a bitter aroma to it. In large amounts, it can cause damage to the nervous system, resulting in convulsions, loss of muscle control, and sometimes death. Now we have a third part of the world without fresh water to drink.

With the third part of the sun, moon and stars being darkened this will affect mans source of electricity and heat that is vital to keep a certain degree of the earth warm, and generated power in homes, hospitals and manufacturing plants including nuclear reactors.

Agriculture and navigation would be hard pressed as it takes the solar power from the sun to run the solar cells that produces the energy needed to run farming machinery and trucks to take the produce to manufacturing plants where the produce is then distributed to market.

Vehicles such as cars, ambulances, planes, trains and the list goes on need an energy source from the sun in order to run their engines. The darkness of the third part of the day would be roughly around eight hours of daylight being lost and total darkness of night as the moon and stars are illuminated by the sun at night. A flashlight would be useless to see in the dark as it needs energy from the sun to run the battery that turns the light on.

This much darkness would cause people to panic in the streets creating chaos as the love of many will wax cold, Matthew 24:12. Riots would break out causing looting and lose of life as those who have not will do anything in desperation to take from those who have much.
Imagine in your mind that one day you wake up and your world as you knew the night before has now changed forever. The sky is darkened and the moon gives no light any longer as a thick cloud of smoke covers this planet that has choked out all vegetation and turned our water into cesspools of contamination from the fall out of the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

Those who survived are running frantically in the streets just trying to fend for themselves and what is left of their family. A child sits by the dead rotting bodies of what use to be their family, crying from fright and hunger. All of a sudden you are rounded up like cattle by the Militia and place in detention camps to be sorted and numbered not knowing what is going to happen to you.

Within the shell of a room filled with more people than what capacity should be holding all you can see is people passing by the bared windows as they march in a single line as men with guns strapped to their backs are pushing them further along the line to hurry them to where they are heading. Then all of a sudden you hear shots ring out and people screaming and crying as they watch those before them die in a bloodshed of flying bullets.

Sounds like a cool video game idea. No but seriously that would suck but I think I'd rather take the bullet.
Sounds like a cool video game idea. No but seriously that would suck but I think I'd rather take the bullet.

Darn it! Where's my like button? But anyway me too. If Jesus died on the cross for me, I can certainly take a bullet for Him.
Persecution for the sake of Christ is not a game, but a reality that is happening in many parts of the world where many are laying down their lives as they refuse to renounce Christ as their Lord and Savior. Now is the time to repent and turn back to God before the door of Salvation is closed forever as no one knows when Christ will return.
God speaks to me in imagery. He even uses the words of Scripture to create imagery, and that's His usual route of imparting understanding to me.

Revelation is like that, but to John. It is defined for us as revealing Jesus Himself. That's central to understanding the Apocalypse.
God speaks to me in imagery. He even uses the words of Scripture to create imagery, and that's His usual route of imparting understanding to me.

Revelation is like that, but to John. It is defined for us as revealing Jesus Himself. That's central to understanding the Apocalypse.

That's the whole purpose of the revelations John received and gave to the seven Churches in Asia, which is present day Turkey. The seven Churches represent the seven Spirits that are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, reverence, might and the Spirit of the Lord. It's all about a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: Isaiah Chapter 11. All scripture is written to lead us to Christ, but yet many reject Him and mock His name.
This great mountain burning with fire could be another meteor

John saw in his vision a great star that is burning like a lamp that falls to earth.

This much darkness would cause people to panic in the streets

Could have? Would cause? Why these are great images for a science fiction novel or even a B rated movie on TBN. But we don't have to guess at what this mountain could be. It is the image of the Glory of the Lord.

God speaks to me in imagery. He even uses the words of Scripture to create imagery, and that's His usual route of imparting understanding to me.

Revelation is like that, but to John. It is defined for us as revealing Jesus Himself. That's central to understanding the Apocalypse.

The revealing of Jesus himself: It is written in the scripture that He shall come in the glory of His Father. The Glory of the Lord has appeared before, and it imagery is recorded in the scripture for our edification. A mountain burning with fire.

I started a Bible study last December on the Glory of the Lord, but no one seemed really interested at the time. Perhaps it is time to resurrect that thread and carry on where I left off.
The children of Israel witnessed the plagues in Egypt, they witnessed the fire mingled with hailstones, and they were witness to the angel of death. They witnessed the parting of the sea and were led by a pillar of fire by night and by a cloud by day. After witnessing all those things you would have thought they wouldn't have freaked out at the sight of the Glory of the Lord as the mountain burned with fire and smoke.
Could have? Would cause? Why these are great images for a science fiction novel or even a B rated movie on TBN. But we don't have to guess at what this mountain could be. It is the image of the Glory of the Lord.

The revealing of Jesus himself: It is written in the scripture that He shall come in the glory of His Father. The Glory of the Lord has appeared before, and it imagery is recorded in the scripture for our edification. A mountain burning with fire.

I started a Bible study last December on the Glory of the Lord, but no one seemed really interested at the time. Perhaps it is time to resurrect that thread and carry on where I left off.

Good idea! This mountain burning with fire you speak of, is that the one Bedouins know as "Mount Moses?" All the physical evidence is still there ...
Could have? Would cause? Why these are great images for a science fiction novel or even a B rated movie on TBN. But we don't have to guess at what this mountain could be. It is the image of the Glory of the Lord.

I'm sorry you think all of this is like that which is taught by those false prophets on TBN, but Gods word says what it says as it is written in Rev Chapter 8 and 9. This has all been given by the Prophets Ezekiel and Joel and the Apostle John: Ezekiel 38:14-23; Joel 2:1-11; Rev 16:1-21. Mock me if you want, but so did they in the times of the Prophets until they were consumed by the power of God.
I'm sorry you think all of this is like that which is taught by those false prophets on TBN, but Gods word says what it says as it is written in Rev Chapter 8 and 9. This has all been given by the Prophets Ezekiel and Joel and the Apostle John: Ezekiel 38:14-23; Joel 2:1-11; Rev 16:1-21. Mock me if you want, but so did they in the times of the Prophets until they were consumed by the power of God.

Let me apologize if you think my comment came across a rude, it was not my intent. I'm sorry if you feel that I was mocking you, but I would rather ask if you thought maybe you were taking your own ideas a little too personal?

"...until they were consumed by the power of God"

Where in the scripture can I find a nuclear bomb as the expression of the power of God?

Yes, Gods word says what it says: it says that the Words of the book are sealed, and only Christ is worthy to loose the seals thereof. When we look for the antichrist in the scriptures, the words of the book are sealed. When we look for proof of angels having sex with women and producing giants, then the words of the book are sealed.

....and a third part of the water were made bitter.... I would ask you to consider your conversation with the author of the OP in the Sons of God, Giants & The New World Order thread in the bible study forum. Because of iniquity, the love of many shall wax cold.

You reference Revelation and some of the prophets; but for all that it written, can you tell me what the seven thunders uttered?
Let me apologize if you think my comment came across a rude, it was not my intent. I'm sorry if you feel that I was mocking you, but I would rather ask if you thought maybe you were taking your own ideas a little too personal?

"...until they were consumed by the power of God"

Where in the scripture can I find a nuclear bomb as the expression of the power of God?

Yes, Gods word says what it says: it says that the Words of the book are sealed, and only Christ is worthy to loose the seals thereof. When we look for the antichrist in the scriptures, the words of the book are sealed. When we look for proof of angels having sex with women and producing giants, then the words of the book are sealed.

....and a third part of the water were made bitter.... I would ask you to consider your conversation with the author of the OP in the Sons of God, Giants & The New World Order thread in the bible study forum. Because of iniquity, the love of many shall wax cold.

You reference Revelation and some of the prophets; but for all that it written, can you tell me what the seven thunders uttered?

I never thought you were rude, but many scoff at what I write. These are not my own ideas or anything taken from those Left Behind books as I never read any of them, but did see the movie and it was not very scriptural. I don't take any stock in what is preached on TBN.

Yes, I do take scripture very personally as this is where I find my information as I study the OT, NT and history and see how history does repeat itself especially in the captivity of God's children, even in the end of days.

The Prophets weren't consumed by the power of God, but only the enemies of God are consumed by His power as we read in the many battles in the OT.

Where did I ever mention anything about a nuclear bomb?

Rev 5 only Jesus is worthy to open the seven seals as each seal is explained from Rev 6:1-17 and the seventh seal is the seven trumpets (seven thunders, Rev 10) of God's end of days great wrath being poured out in all the world as the seventh trumpet will expose and bring an end of all evil that is in the world as Christ returns and cast the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire making an end to all abominations before the New Jerusalem is ushered down from heaven.

I already posted in that topic and was asked to not participate so I left it. What does wormwood have to do with the sons of God and Giants anyway.
Where did I ever mention anything about a nuclear bomb?

Your OP
from the fall out of the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

I already posted in that topic and was asked to not participate so I left it. What does wormwood have to do with the sons of God and Giants anyway.

The topic of wormwood has nothing to do with the sons of God and Giants. I was pointing you to your conversation with someone with whom both you and myself consider a dear brother, but his heart has been poisoned and turned to bitterness. You would do yourself much better to leave off of the fantastical ideas and start paying attention to your surroundings.

By the way, what was uttered by the seven thunders: John was told write them NOT!
Your OP

The topic of wormwood has nothing to do with the sons of God and Giants. I was pointing you to your conversation with someone with whom both you and myself consider a dear brother, but his heart has been poisoned and turned to bitterness. You would do yourself much better to leave off of the fantastical ideas and start paying attention to your surroundings.

By the way, what was uttered by the seven thunders: John was told write them NOT!

I said the fall out from nuclear reactors, not bombs. Why then did you bring up wormwood and talk about His thread as there was no connection.

No one other than John knows what was uttered by the seven thunders as he was instructed to seal them up. If God wanted us to know He would of had John write them down. All we know is when the voice of the seventh trumpet sounds the mystery will be finished. Man can only speculate, but have no knowledge what was said.
I said the fall out from nuclear reactors, not bombs.

Actually, you said fallout from a nuclear explosion, then went on to describe being rounded up and placed in detention camps. But then again, whether you meant a nuclear bomb or a nuclear reactor exploding, it really doeasn't matter.

Why then did you bring up wormwood and talk about His thread as there was no connection.

You brought up wormwood in post #5 and provided a description. If you don't understand the connection to your converstaion in that other thread and the water being made bitter, then perhaps it is to remain hidden from you.
Actually, you said fallout from a nuclear explosion, then went on to describe being rounded up and placed in detention camps. But then again, whether you meant a nuclear bomb or a nuclear reactor exploding, it really doeasn't matter.

You brought up wormwood in post #5 and provided a description. If you don't understand the connection to your converstaion in that other thread and the water being made bitter, then perhaps it is to remain hidden from you.

If it didn't matter to you why bring it up and again, I see no connection between wormwood and the sons of God and giants as there is no connection. I have not been following that other topic since posting what I have in there in the beginning of it all. I have no clue where you are going with all of this. Maybe you need to make it clear what you are talking about as you lost me.


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