In Today's News

Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

They should make those international travelers get their vaccines before using US airports. Measles has become almost extinct in the USA due to herd immunity. It would be better to keep it extinct in the USA.

May the Lord bless you too.
You laugh, try the old means of testing for a freon leak,it wont ignite but will create a toxin called phosgene.sniffers. which in have will detect cng,lb. And refrigeratents

Yes, sniffers are safer. Select utilities send someone out every once in awhile to sniff the pipes of residents.
Happy New Year.

I'm sure the person who invented New year's just wanted a party. Lol , as soon as I typed that I heard a bottle smash on the road somewhere, now an alarm is going off, now people are shouting. I think I might move car to garage for the night.

Anyhow, as I was saying, I'm sure they were some party freak, New year's doesn't exist, it's just another day that doesn't exist either.
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Happy fake new year. Im a bit late as it's 12:15am. I'm going to bed.
It makes sense to count orbits around the sun. Easier to keep track of seasons that way. 365 1/4 revolutions of the earth per orbit.

I agree and I totally forgot to lol at your robot comment even though it really wasn't a funny situation but the way you put it was. :lol Anyways, there is no news today so Happy New Year everybody! :biggrin
Yes they do, but the sniffers are more sensitive. Utility guy arrives with a meter, not just his nose. He waves the whirring sniffer near pipes.
It's too tell you got is there.freon doesn't unless the leak because it will carry the oil is big
It's too tell you got is there.freon doesn't unless the leak because it will carry the oil is big

The smell is a good safety precaution.

R-410A has been used since 2010, but they are working on alternatives. They fear R-410A may be implicated in global warming, and it may eventually be phased out too. It doesn't deplete the ozone layer like Freon, so there is not as much urgency. For now.
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It makes sense to count orbits around the sun. Easier to keep track of seasons that way. 365 1/4 revolutions of the earth per orbit.

But that's just a routene. Nothing is new, it's just continuous. It's not a new day or year or anything. Everyday is really one day.

Like day and night, we awake and sleep but it's still continuous life one day.
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But that's just a routene. Nothing is new, it's just continuous. It's not a new day or year or anything. Everyday is really one day.

The numbers help to keep track of history. Columbus sailed in 1492 Anno Domini. Without the numbers, how would we keep track of when things happened in relation to each other? How would people know that it is time to collect Social Security, if no one keeps track of birth dates? Numbers are useful.

If no one kept track of days of the week, how would they know when it is time to get a couple of days vacation from work (Saturday and Sunday)? Do you want to work continuously because every day is the same?