In Today's News

Awww, I hope your day goes better.

Thanks, I will tell everyone what's going on in Christian Talk and Advice. I might be feeling better enough for news, but I'm still currently suffering from a broken heart. :crying
Thanks, I will tell everyone what's going on in Christian Talk and Advice. I might be feeling better enough for news, but I'm still currently suffering from a broken heart. :crying
I'm sorry to hear that. Broken hearts are the worst. Give yourself some time and space. Broken hearts can take some time to heal, but they do heal. Be kind to yourself.
Hey guys, I'm back and although I'm still not a hundred percent, I'm doing a lot better than I was. :) If you want to find out what's wrong with me check the latest topic in Christian Talk and Advice. :sad Please take note that although it says that I wish to runaway from home I'm probably not going to actually do it because I have quite a few times in the past and I already know that that is never the answer. :nonono Anyways, here is tonight's report! :salute

First of all in tonight's news a thirteen year old little boy was allegedly sentenced this morning for the murder of his little brother and I will go ahead and let you know more about that once I do know more.

And this just in, a worker was killed after a building collapsed today and fell on top of him. Here's more and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members. :pray

And also find out what this former NFL star did after he caught a peeping tom sneaking a peek into his daughter's bedroom.

Oh and this appears to be snow joke. :lol

And a search continues for a toddler who fell down a well.

And also a man was caught on camera punching an eleven year old in the face and is now currently facing charges. Here's more of the information. :mad

Also all I can say about this is that it's a very heartwarming story. :')

Here's another story that made me cry. :crying

And the Canton Police Department have released a statement saying that one of their fellow officers had no choice but to shoot an aggressive dog. Here's more on the story. :sad

Also this is a rather interesting story.

Finally in tonight's news a landscaper who claimed that he wanted to bury a cat in somebody's backyard was really burying his one year old daughter and arrested for child abuse. Here's more of the details. :mad

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that there will be no news today from me so I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the day. :biggrin
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I don't believe that we have a very long report tonight so I'm just going to bounce right into it. :boing

First of all in tonight's news this certainly is one for the books as a man who was allegedly stabbed thirteen times proposed to the woman that stabbed him. Here's more. :eek2

And here's why sixty-eight thousand pounds of chicken nuggets were recently recalled. :erm

Also a cold case might have some new light shed on it thanks to a Barbie doll that was left on a child's grave. Here's more on the story.

And gun safety classes are scheduled to be mandatory for some middle schools in Iowa. Here's more of the information.

Well it appears that some package thieves are still at work in Northeast Ohio even though Christmas has been long and over with. Here's more of the details. :nono

Finally in tonight's news, a Pennslyvania woman is currently facing charges after abandoning her newborn son in the toilet after giving birth to him at work. Here's more of the information. :mad

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and weekend and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that today's/tonight's news is canceled. Have a wonderful rest of the night! :biggrin
No news again today. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everybody. :)