In Today's News

I don't think it comes under the category of silencing political opponents. Now Trump's talking up the need to look into Cohen's father in law? That may have been an attempt to silence someone.
I would have thought one officer would be enough to arrest a old non violent man. Not 15 cars and guns drawn.
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I would have thought one officer would be enough to arrest a old non violent man. Not 15 cars and guns drawn. I don't think he would have put up a fight.
I definitely wonder about that. It could have been a message to someone higher up. Or that they wanted to overwhelm the place because they had their eye on getting critical evidence. They would not want that to disappear. They raided a New York home of Stone's. They knew he was in Florida. So that was obviously about evidence, and probably evidence involving others including one or more higher up. Mueller started low and is methodically moving up the chain.
I definitely wonder about that. It could have been a message to someone higher up. Or that they wanted to overwhelm the place because they had their eye on getting critical evidence. They would not want that to disappear. They raided a New York home of Stone's. They knew he was in Florida. So that was obviously about evidence, and probably evidence involving others including one or more higher up. Mueller started low and is methodically moving up the chain.

I don't actually know too much about it all, but out of all the investigations and all the garbage that has been going on over the last couple years, has there been any evidence for anything.
I don't actually know too much about it all, but out of all the investigations and all the garbage that has been going on over the last couple years, has there been any evidence for anything.
Something like 22 people have been indicted. Raids don't take place unless a judge or judges have been convince by tangibles. Indictments don't happen unless a grand jury if American citizens have seen evidence and believe it warrants an indictment.
Hang tight. This will not end without at least Trump Jr indicted or serious charges brought against the President. Manafort and Stone and Cohen are not the wrap up.
I love the equality.
They don't try an enormous package as a bill to fund the entire federal government at one time. So there are funding bills for different combinations of departments. And those don't have the same start and end dates. Which is a really good idea.
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Islam is tolerant and peace. Just look at all the churches, temples and synagogues in Mecca. Let's celebrate diversity.

What about Jerusalem, it is not even mentioned one time in Islams most trusted sources, but allah does say in the quran after moses to let the children of Israel gather together in the land (Israel) until the promise.
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Islam is tolerant and peace. Just look at all the churches, temples and synagogues in Mecca. Let's celebrate diversity.

What about Jerusalem, it is not even mentioned one time in Islams most trusted sources.
Don't know what this is about.
I will celebrate diversity the day that Christian's, Jews, Buddists, Hindus, and anyone else can build churches, temples, and synagogues in Mecca, and without persecution.
Some diversity should be celebrated.
Even within the church there is a lot of diversity.
There is a diversity of music and other arts in the world's cultures that I think is cool.
I don't expect every non Christian part of the world to behave as I would hope we would as Christians want.
I'm not a half pie type of guy, why would I celebrate globalism and diversity when most of the world has no diversity. Most countries have a mass majority of one ethnicity and/or religion. That's not diversity.

As I said the day Christian's, Jews, Buddists, Hindus and anyone else can build there places of worship, in peace, in Mecca I will celebrate diversity.

The day all females in all countries can freely choose to wear or not wear a head covering without persecution I will celebrate liberalism.
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I'm not a half pie type of guy, why would I celebrate globalism and diversity when most of the world has no diversity. Most countries have a mass majority of one ethnicity and/or religion. That's not diversity.

As I said the day Christian's, Jews, Buddists, Hindus and anyone else can build there places of worship, in peace, in Mecca I will celebrate diversity.

The day all females in all countries can freely choose to wear or not wear a head covering without persecution I will celebrate liberalism.
You are confusing the existence of diversity, which is a simple fact, with whether that diversity is celebrated or made use of around the world.