In Today's News

Well guys this is it! Today is the first year anniversary of my news thread which just might be the longest thread here on! :thumbsup For the longest time I always wanted to be a newscaster and thank you so much for making my dreams come true! :biggrin Happy birthday ITN!!! (In Today's News/ or sometimes Tonight's :wink)

Hey guys, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm really sad and disappointed to say that I really thought that people would have actually come to my party yesterday :sad but oh well. Today we have an extremely short report, so that will leave me more time to tend to my second annual Luck of The Irish party thread! :biggrin Alright now on with today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, (although I wasn't familiar with her I figured that a lot of people on here probably would be) Katherine Helmond who starred on "Who's The Boss" and "Everybody Loves Raymond" passed away late last month at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. Here's more of the information.

And a pony was rescued from a pond yesterday and pulled to safety. Here's more of the details. :)

And also a nurse for the pediatric intensive care unit at the Children's Hospital in Illinois adopted one of the babies that she helped care for. Here's more on the story. :)

And one Wisconsin town is considering a new law that would fine the parents of bullies. Here's more.

Finally in today's news, a woman was sentenced to fifteen years in prison yesterday for beating a senior citizen last summer. Here's more of the information.

That's all for today's news! (and it wasn't as short as I thought) Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
They have tried but they won't stop Tommy.

He has been thrown in prison, nearly beaten to death, banned from social media giants, and they have banned his book. They are burning books trying to silence him.

There is one thing about Tommy, he doesn't try manipulate anyone like the establishment fake news medias so people trust him and he gets a following.

I am still waiting for one piece of evidence where he has incited violence or hatred. You know all his nice white shiney teeth are fake because all his real teeth got smashed out in prison. You know he left the EDL because racism was creeping in and he couldn't stop it and wanted nothing to do with it,don't worry the media won't tell you that. If he was proud of racism he would still be the leader or a member.

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Because he had over a million followers on FB they silenced him.

Why did Tommy get banned when he done nothing wrong himself. What people post is nothing to do with him. Anyone could say anything just to ban him. You can't ban someone because of what other people do or say. You give individuals warnings if they break the T&C's. If someone incites violence then ban them as a individual for breaking the rules. That is what the report button is for.

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Trying to cencor people doesn't stop anything. Stop being fake news if you want credibility.
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What does North Korea, Iran, and the UK have in common?

They all arrest Christian street preachers.

African man accused of racism and islamaphobia?. Smells like Christianphobia to me.

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Hey guys there's not enough news today and I was going to take a sick day anyways since unfortunately my sinuses have been killing me. :(
If anyone else did that it would be called assualt and kidnapping.

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Christian man in UK gets kidnapped and assualted.

This is plainly wrong; there was no breach of the peace here - this was restrictive of this mans mission to spread the words of Christ.
I find it very sad that people such as the gentleman in the video are silenced; aren't we supposed to respect others views and opinions? There are Islamic hate preachers in the UK that do the same thing as this gentleman, however they're not detained.
It's frankly shameful.
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. I can't really concentrate right now and it's getting late so I'm just going to copy and paste the articles tonight. Sorry, I'm just feeling rather upset. :(

That's all for tonight's news and I hope that you all have a better rest of the night than me. :(
This is plainly wrong; there was no breach of the peace here - this was restrictive of this mans mission to spread the words of Christ.
I find it very sad that people such as the gentleman in the video are silenced; aren't we supposed to respect others views and opinions? There are Islamic hate preachers in the UK that do the same thing as this gentleman, however they're not detained.
It's frankly shameful.

There is time people need to stand up for there basic human rights even if they are humble like that man.
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