In Today's News

Everyone to there own peaceful beliefs. At least they didn't travel too far and fly off the earth. Lol.

Lol. Flat earthers are entertaining. It says this article is older news, I wonder what the result was or what happened if it already has.

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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I don't have anything else to say tonight other than that so I'm just going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in tonight's news, lawmakers in several states are tossing around the idea of making releasing balloons illegal. Here's more of the details.

And a parrot was taken into custody last week after it allegedly warned its owners of a protentional drug raid. Here's more on the story. :lol (I sure hope it isn't sinful that I find this story rather amusing.)

And also the faithful canine companion helped Washington police discover her owner's dead body. Here's more. (quite bittersweet too)

Also all I can say about this story is that it made me want to cry. :crying

And it appears that a deaf rescue puppy found the perfect match. :)

Also it was another victory for The Cleveland Indians as the final score was six to three in Friday night's game. :woot

And also here's an emotional reunion nearly six years in the making. :')

And I didn't realize that you could wind up hospitalized for crying too much. :neutral

And even though this was posted a few days ago I keep forgetting to post it.

Finally in tonight's news, the boy who was thrown off a balcony earlier this month is now awake and conscious. Praise the Lord! :amen

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

Helium filled balloons can be dangerous to children. Some children breathe in the helium because it makes their voices sound funny. Sometimes they breathe in too much helium though, but they need oxygen instead. Children should always be supervised around helium balloons, but this is impossible if people just release hundreds of balloons which land randomly.

Oxygen. Good stuff. Always get enough oxygen.
Helium filled balloons can be dangerous to children. Some children breathe in the helium because it makes their voices sound funny. Sometimes they breathe in too much helium though, but they need oxygen instead. Children should always be supervised around helium balloons, but this is impossible if people just release hundreds of balloons which land randomly.

Oxygen. Good stuff. Always get enough oxygen.

The brain needs oxygen. A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause retardation ( mentally challenged for the politically correct) . True scientific fact.
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The brain needs oxygen. A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause retardation ( mentally challenged for the politically correct) . True scientific fact.

I'm not politically correct but I'm glad that you changed your choice of words around since that R word is very hurtful to me and the other kids at school used to call me it all the time. :(
I'm not politically correct but I'm glad that you changed your choice of words around since that R word is very hurtful to me and the other kids at school used to call me it all the time. :(

It's not a hurtful word when used correctly and not using it the wrong way. People have twisted a real word to make it look bad and offensive. Retardation is a real word that has a meaning. It's like handicapped. Soon mentally challenged will be offensive. We can't keep destroying language.
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Hey everybody and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend and I don't have much to say other than that and it's a very brief report today (at least compared to yesterday) so I'm going to get right to it! :salute

First of all in today's news, an eight year old little boy is currently being credited with heroically saving the life of his older sister. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap:clap:clap

And the forest that inspired the Winnie The Pooh stories caught fire last night. Here's more of the details.

And also here's an update on the story about the owl that I posted yesterday.

Also emergency crews rescued five men out of a cave in Southwest Virginia yesterday. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

And also a fifteen month old child was bitten eight times at daycare. Here's more of the details. :sad

Also I forgot to post this yesterday and for the record I find it absolutely ridiculous! :rolleyes

Finally in sports The Cleveland Indians unfortunately lost last night to The Houston Astros with a final score of four to one. :sad Boo!!!

That's it for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2

It's not a hurtful word when used correctly and not using it the wrong way. People have twisted a real word to make it look bad and offensive. Retardation is a real word that has a meaning. It's like handicapped. Soon mentally challenged will be offensive. We can't keep destroying language.

I didn't know that and when you put it like that I totally agree. :yes
Hey everybody and welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

I'm glad they got that Dalvir guy off of the streets. He should leave other people's cars alone. Especially when there are children in the back seat.

Teachers should make some effort to make learning fun and interesting for students. Its not supposed to be 12 years of misery and slavery. Teachers should also teach stuff that will be useful to people, not just memorizing lists lists filled with nonsense.

May the Lord bless you.
I didn't know that and when you put it like that I totally agree. :yes

Mental retardation, Intellectual disorder, and general learning disability are different names that have a similar definition.

The word retardation is used in music, physics, and biology.

There is psychomotor retardation, a slowing-down of thought and a reduction of physical movements in an individual.

Its not discrimination unless someone is discriminating.
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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I really don't know how long today's report is going to be today so let's just bounce right into it shall we? :boing

First of all in today's news a woman from Akron Ohio was arrested last night after she shot at her teenaged son. (How can any mother do that to her child!? :mad) Here's more of the information.

And here's a remarkable story on how two brothers got another chance at life. :)

Also here's the latest update on the next step for dealing with robocalls in the state of Ohio.

Checkout Walmart's two new ice cream flavors! :eek2

And this is a rather interesting study about whether or not breastmilk is beneficial for adults. :chin

Finally in today's news, an Arizona woman was attacked by a swarm of bees yesterday after their hive fell on top of her head. Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Don't the authorities need to do some explaining how this list got in the hands of the media?. That's all im looking at.
