In Today's News

Hey everybody, I hope that everybody had a wonderful Easter weekend and welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We've got a rather short report to do tonight so if you don't mind I'm going to go ahead and bounce right into it. :boing

First of all in tonight's news, here is an update on the story on the child that was thrown off a mall balcony.

And here's a story that's helped me renew a little bit of my faith in humanity. :)

And also a good Samaritan heroically tackled a suspected arsonist. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Also the owner of a casket store in Ohio has been accused of theft and not providing gravestones for her customers. Here's more of the details. :nono

And find out how the Easter Bunny wound up in a brawl between two other men.

Finally in tonight's news, the Queen of England recently celebrated her ninety-third birthday on Easter Sunday. :biggrin

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
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Honor, Service, and Sacrifice.

You will never be forgotten.

To all our Veterans. Thank you.

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No alcohol. It might offend some peoples religious beliefs. Even no one is forced to touch or drink the champagne. You could easily just say no thank you.

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Hey everybody and welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Sorry it's rather late but it's also rather short so let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in tonight's news a nine year old little boy was arrested after he brought a loaded gun to school. Here's more of the details.

And The Cleveland Indians wound up beating The Miami Marlins six to two in today's game. :woot

And also find out why one high school in Texas had to enforce the dress code for parents. :nono

Also one Cleveland man is currently on a five thousand dollar bond after he was accused of shooting arrows at a family. Here's more of the information.

And also the body of a seventy year old woman was recovered after she fell off the Grand Canyon. :sadHere's more of the details and my thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family. :pray

And a ten year old little girl born without hands recently won a handwriting contest. :) Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also a canine officer is currently recovering after his face was covered with two hundred porcupine quills. Here's more.

Finally in tonight's news, a Pennslyvania woman was tragically killed after she fell into a meat grinder. :sadHere's more and my thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family members. :pray

That's all for tonight's news! (and I guess it was a bit more than I thought) Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Yes, that's what it means.

I thought I would see what my Muslim friend thinks about it. His response.


Im not sure what religious group it's offending. Not my peaceful Muslim friend, not me as a peaceful Christan. I wonder who. Islamic State?
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But if a person believes something is wrong, that thing is wrong for him. Romans 14:14b NCV

Exactly. But that does not mean ban everything to suit that person. Should we just ban everything because everyone is offended by something. Let's all just put a ball and chain on ourselves.

I like to have a drink, someone else finds it offensive, so all drinking should be banned to please that individual.
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If you hurt your brother’s or sister’s faith because of something you eat, you are not really following the way of love. Do not destroy someone’s faith by eating food he thinks is wrong, because Christ died for him. Romans 14:15 NCV

Use wisdom. Act in love for God's children.