In Today's News

Why does the government always get involved in people's private lives. Renting is a private agreement between someone who owns a house and someone who has a free choice to rent it or find something else.

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Why does the government always get involved in people's private lives. Renting is a private agreement between someone who owns a house and someone who has a free choice to rent it or find something else.

The government telling people what they can and cannot do with there private property. If a tenant is not happy or cold or it's unhealthy then don't rent it. Ask questions first like, is the house insulated. It's like buying a vehicle, you look at it first and check over the vehicle before you buy it and make an agreement.

In the end all it does is increase rents because the cost of compulsary regulation just gets added to the rent. The landlord won't be paying for it.

It is cheaper to have a mortgage where I live. SOOO happy I do not rent anymore as the prices have soared!
Its a world of complainers. People need learn to chill out.
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It is cheaper to have a mortgage where I live. SOOO happy I do not rent anymore as the prices have soared!

Sometimes thats the case. The cost of rent could be a mortgage payment. Just save or borrow a deposit.
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Sometimes thats the case. The cost of rent could be a mortgage payment. Its just some people find it hard to save a deposit why they renting.

But relistically if a couple both work and save 50 each a week its only a few years until they would have enough for a home deposit. Thats stable work history and deposit can get a mortgage. Even min wage can do it. I could even do it on min wage as a single dude. But some people would rather buy other things or get in debt.
So many do not have the discipline to save like that and, yes, many go into debt. I was blessed as I did not need to have a deposit...mine is a V.A. loan and they do not require it. My mortgage is cheaper than any rent I ever paid too...also, my city, sewer, school and trash taxes are included in the mortgage. Also, my percentage rate will never go up and, it is pretty low! Yes, I am very blessed indeed ♥
At the end of the day many people shoud just appreciate they live in a house with a bed. Some people dont.
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At the end of the day many people shoud just appreciate they live in a house with a bed. Some people dont.

I think its just human nature to want more. If people feel like there not getting ahead they get depressed or have a cry about it. When in reality they live in a house, have some food, have a bed, clothes on there back, and a iphone to complain about how life is unfair and the rich have all the money.

Some people need to stop idolising celebrities, they are all sold out, chosen, linked, and are in the same club and are there specifically to suck the world into there satanic masonic worship.
It's total ingratitude that makes them blind to their blessings. And, when you think about it, the poorest of the USA are richer than a large majority of the whole world!
Attitude of gratitude turns things on their head :amen
I'm over the news. It's just too fake.

I'm over most of the negative news in the news today which is why there isn't any again today. :) Instead you get to hear what wonderful news we have that we have a gift of free salvation and that's better than anything else you hear in the media right? :biggrin2 (I say this as I'm about to post on what we studied in church this morning. :))
Now, that's just they take tips ? Put 'em in their tiny little metal pockets? Lol...j/k. But still scary nonetheless!

I like robots. I think they have good potential to help the elderly do tasks around the house/yard. As long as they are programmed with safety features.

I think house robots can be designed with a head to make people comfortable.
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I like robots. I think they have good potential to help the elderly do tasks around the house/yard. As long as they are programmed with safety features.

I think house robots can be designed with a head to make people comfortable.
They of course, are very practical, but so very impersonal too. They I'm sure, might have some speech ability and are pre-programmed with some niceties and polite speech. JMO...But then, the practical side is awesome :)
Hey everybody welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I don't know how long of a report that we have today but at least we can start on a positive note. :yes

For first of all in today's news find out how a three year old little girl battling cancer wound up with having her dreams come true. :biggrin2

And find out how some employees at one Home Depot store helped out a two year old boy who had trouble getting around. :thumbsup

Also find out how one cemetery in Cleveland Ohio is choosing to honor its fallen heroes for Memorial Day. :salute

And also a forty-seven year old man is currently facing sixty counts of animal cruelty after many animals were recently pulled from his home. Here's more of the details.

And this just in, an eleven year old girl heroically saved her little brother last week from an attempted abduction. :thumbsup Way to go Julianne! :clap:clap:clap

Also a sixty-five year old man was killed by a shark over the weekend. :sad Here's more and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members. :pray

And also find out how a woman managed to survive a little over two weeks lost in a Hawaiian forest. :)

Finally in today's news a six month old infant was found alive in a motel room even though both of her parents were discovered dead. Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of your Memorial Day weekend and God bless our troops! :salute