In Today's News

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I don't think that we have a very long report today so let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news a perfectly healthy dog was euthanized all because of the fact that it was written in her owner's will. Here's more on this (in my opinion) disturbing story! :mad

And a recently released video shows the moment when a deer decided to turn aggressive and charged at a park visitor. :eek2

Also a flamingo at an Illinois zoo had to be euthanized after an elementary school student threw a rock at its head earlier this week. Here's more. :sad

And also find out a new method of taking care of deceased bodies that Washington has recently developed.

And I can't really think about what to say for this one but I just wanted to share this wonderful and amazing story with you. :)

Also find out the conditions one wanted man from Torrington Connecticut will be turning himself in.

Finally in today's (now tonight's) news The Cleveland Indians unfortunately lost to the Oakland Athletics last night in a final score of five to three. :sad

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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It's just a little bit extreme. What makes her so different from anyone else that she should be so highly praised?. She doesn't even lead the country anyhow, shes always too busy overseas brown nosing.

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I like that personal trainer helping people. It is good to help people.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you as well. :) There will be no news today so I hope everybody has a wonderful rest of the day. :biggrin2
Hey guys, before we get into today's report (which should be posted later this afternoon) I just wanted to give a few announcements. First of all one week from today I will be making it known public where I am vacationing this year for summer and so that means starting on June 12th all the way till June 20th there will be NO news. Of course feel free to post your own articles until then. :) Also because of the fact that on Father's Day this year I will be gone, I will be posting an early Father's Day wishes thread the day before I leave. :yes Oh and I also will be doing what I did last year by keeping you updated on how I am what I'm doing and posting pictures when I get back. :wink

Second of all I really can't believe it but this weekend is Memorial Day weekend already which means the unofficial start to summer! :sohappyOn June first there will be a return of my first virtual party thread ever on which will be the second annual virtual Hawaiian luau party!!! :wootSo it will be time to have some fun in the sun and work on your virtual tan. :shades

Third of all the day after Father's Day (which I do believe is June seventeenth? :confused) there will be a countdown thread to (if my calculations are correct) America's 243rd birthday!! :woot2The day the news comes back (I actually return a day earlier but I'm giving myself an extra day to relax. :)) my second annual God Bless America thread returns with all of your favorite patriotic hits and fireworks from Macy's 4th of July Spectacular on the fourth taken from the YouTube livestream. :wink

Right, I do believe that's all of the announcements that I have for now and like I previously mentioned the news should be posted later this afternoon once I have some lunch and go outside for a bit of fresh air. :) I am also tagging one of my best friends in the whole entire world JohnDB to this so he knows what's up and all of the excitement that the board's about to have now that summer's finally on its way!! :wootSo now all that there's left to do is do like Brady says and have fun!!! :sohappy

That was a fun post, lol. Now I am exhausted! :D
Hey guys, I just wanted to let all of you know that I will be leaving soon to go to the mall and get some lunch in the food court so due to time purposes, the news will be posted later on when I get back. :)
Hey everybody. I'm sorry that it's a little bit later than expected but welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I don't know how long of a report that we have tonight but let's bounce right into it shall we? :boing

First of all in tonight's news here's a little sneak peak on how they are currently making sure that amusement park rides are safe. :thumbsup

And here's the most bizarre case of breaking and entering that I've ever heard of. :eek2

Also one bill in Louisiana is looking at the marital age of sixteen. Here's more of the information.

And also the Cleveland Police Department are currently under investigation on a man who was caught on camera randomly pepper spraying people. Here's more. :nono

And two roads in Cleveland Ohio were closed early this morning after a pedestrian was hit by a SUV. Here's more of the details.

And also a forty-seven year old woman was sentenced to probation after she had been accused of debarking her dogs. Here's more.

Also two teenaged girls have been recently accused of giving one of their classmates urine and toilet water to drink. Here's more of the details on this disgusting story! :mad

And a woman was rescued after a tree collapsed on top of her house yesterday morning. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Also this isn't really newsworthy but I still wanted to share it. :)

And another dead dolphin was discovered with a plastic shower hose in its stomach. Here's more. :sad

Finally in sports unfortunately The Cleveland Indians lost terribly in last night's game against the Tampa Bay Rays with a final score of seven to two. BOO!!! :sad

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and a safe Memorial Day weekend. :biggrin2
"First of all in tonight's news here's a little sneak peak on how they are currently making sure that amusement park rides are safe. :thumbsup
<----I was kind of surprised to see that the "Ohio Department of Agriculture oversees state inspections of amusement rides." I mean, the dept. of Ag.?? I could maybe see "farm equipment" but, amusement park rides? Meh...shows what I know. Ha!

And here's the most bizarre case of breaking and entering that I've ever heard of. :eek2
I actually heard this story on my radio station today. They said it was a cleaner or cleaner's had mistaken the address...but why and how would they have gotten in? Other of course, unless he forgot to lock it that day...and what kind of house cleaner leaves the kitchen uncleaned?? Huh...strange indeed.

Also one bill in Louisiana is looking at the marital age of sixteen. Here's more of the rmation.
"They must have juvenile court consent and go through a 14-day waiting period."
Is this 2 week waiting period supposed to make them think long (lol) and hard about their decision to get married? Hm, don't really have an opinion either way although, the apostle Paul was right, stay single :D

And also the Cleveland Police Department are currently under investigation on a man who was caught on camera randomly pepper spraying people. Here's more. :nono
Now that's just mean and sadistic!

And two roads in Cleveland Ohio were closed early this morning after a pedestrian was hit by a SUV. Here's more of the details.
How sad. Not even sidewalks are safe anymore! (I did not read this one, sry :oops2 I think the subtitle kind of gave it away?) :)

And also a forty-seven year old woman was sentenced to probation after she had been accused of debarking her dogs. Here's more.
God just said, don't go there child! :nono

Also two teenaged girls have been recently accused of giving one of their classmates urine and toilet water to drink. Here's more of the details on this disgusting story! :mad
Ew, just ew.

And a woman was rescued after a tree collapsed on top of her house yesterday morning. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

\ Glad she was rescued! (no, did not read this one either :oops2)

Also this isn't really newsworthy but I still wanted to share it. :)
Yes newsworthy! I did not thin work ethic like Anita's existed anymore, lol. Praise God for giving her a car, and that cop something to ponder ♥

And another dead dolphin was discovered with a plastic shower hose in its stomach. Here's more. :sad
MMmmnope...not goin there.

Finally in sports unfortunately The Cleveland Indians lost terribly in last night's game against the Tampa Bay Rays with a final score of seven to two. BOO!!! :sad
Well, unless couples figure skating is a sport then, I'm just not a sports fan, sry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll take a good concert over any sport tho :rocking

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and a safe Memorial Day weekend. :biggrin2

Thank you kindly for the updates, as of today you are my sole news source! :D
Happy Memorial Day and God Bless!
Oh btw, I realize that most of the time the subtitles give it away but it's still the fun of being a news reporter that I enjoy. :) Oh and that one story just didn't seem like something that sounded like news but still a beautiful one.
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Hey everybody. I'm sorry that it's a little bit later than expected but welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

Interesting about the cleaning caper. In the house for 1 1/2 hours, and nobody noticed. I bet he remembers to set his alarm now. Might have been a cleaning crew that got mixed up addresses. Since they got in without breaking anything, its possible that a relative with a key hired them, and forgot to tell anyone.

16 to marry in Louisiana. Its 14 in Alabama.

That was nice of Matt Bowers’ Chevrolet dealership to give a car to that needy person.

May the Lord bless you.
Oh btw, I realize that most of the time the subtitles give it away but it's still the fun of being a news reporter that I enjoy. :) Oh and that one story just didn't seem like something that sounded like news but still a beautiful one.

It was all good. I love the thread and, it keeps me up on things as I went from a political/news junkie to like, nothing...I don't like TV and I no longer buy newspapers so, If I want world news I usually will go to Reuters, Assoc Press or BBC. I do not trust ANY cable news programs and even recognize the bias in our local paper...oh yes. Al Jazeera is a good source as well. It used to be so bad that I would actually sit and watch C-Span just to be sure I had the truth of who was voting for what! BOOOORING! Yet, not many wanted to let the truth get in their way and, it all caused division so I simply stopped with all of it. I do not "concern myself with the cares of this world" any longer. I find that prayer is what is really in order for Christians.
Kay, I'm done :)