In Today's News

Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I apologize for the fact that it's so late but I've been extremely busy today. :whirlAnyways I think due to the fact that it's pretty late I will go ahead and copy and paste this one. :yes

2016 Craig ranked 200
2017 Craig ranked 390
2018 (Changes gender to female)
2019 CeCe is National Champion.
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It's amazing how people can cheat and if you protest the decision it's discrimination.
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They fixed the Internet just in time for your YouTube videos at the Luau.

Yeah I know, I'm really glad too. :biggrin2 Just so everybody knows there will be no news today, but I will be ready to party again shortly at the virtual luau. :woot2

Today's weather. Average day. No wind but a bit cold.

That's really good, but I was just getting ready to comment on the fact that I agreed with you on your Allah comment. :neutral Ah well. :shrug
How do they even know there will be any storms?. Why would you name storms before they have even happened. Lol. It's weather controlling.

Brace yourself for up to 4 major storms?. How do they know there will be any storms at all?. Weather control.

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It's weather controlling.
Call it weather manipulation as well as mind manipulation. Creating fear is a major pastime for the news media. They would sooner report all the murders committed today, than all the positive and beneficial actions which were also news worthy.
No one really cares that air transport gave an airline an award. Its not like the general public was invited and included.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let everybody know that I'm getting ready to leave for a dentist appointment soon, but shortly after I get back today's news will be posted. :)
Alright I got my teeth cleaned now so welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

I'm really too upset to say anything about this first story so I'm just going to go ahead and post it instead. :sad

And a lawsuit was filed yesterday against the ride maker who apparently knew about a defect that caused a deadly crash at the Ohio State Fair a couple years ago. Here's more of the information.

Also, just out of curiosity what do you guys think about this form of discipline?

And also an investigation is currently underway to find the culprit who smashed car windows and robbed them. Here's more of the details. :nono

And find out what a little boy did to raise money for the Parma police canine unit. :thumbsup

And also a woman and her dog are currently recovering after a dangerous encounter with a deer.

Also apparently it's RIP for iTunes, take a look at the future is going to go for the entertainment industry.

And the man who pled guilty last month for an attempted murder of a five year old little boy has now received nineteen years behind bars. Here's more.

Finally in tonight's news a car was discovered in Shaker Lake yesterday morning. Here's more of the details.

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Putting her daughter in traffic was not a good idea.

iTunes. People don't buy music anymore, they only rent it.

May the Lord bless you.

Thank you, may the Lord bless you as well and now that I just finished the news a little while ago I can get back to the party. :) I agree with what you said by the way and due to the fact that I will be getting home late the day I return home from my vacation, the news, (after my week long break) and my God Bless America Independence Day party thread (included with a virtual cookout) will be posted on June twentieth and my Christmas in July party will start on July first. :biggrin2

Also due to the fact that I will be gone on vacation on Father's Day, early Father's Day wishes will be posted a week from today and above all else don't forget that updates from my trip to New Mexico will be posted whenever I can and find the time and pictures will be posted after I return home again. :biggrin