In Today's News

Have fun on your vacation. Be safe.

Thank you but I'm not leaving until next week. Anyways, the news will be posted later today. Boy, even though I love posting the news, I'm really looking forward to my break. :)
Vacations are wonderful.

Tell me about it! I need one BIG time as of right now. :thudI apologize that the news is so late today but I had chores and sinuses to deal with. (Now you can see why I need a vacation. :yes ) Anyways welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Anyways I don't think we have a rather long report tonight (thank goodness) so I'm just going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in tonight's news Canton firefighters were successfully able to save a dog :eek2from a house fire yesterday morning. Here's more of the details. :clap

And find out what the mayor of Atmore Alabama had to say when he was caught on camera killing a raccoon with a shovel. :eek2

Also three thousand dollars worth of koi was stolen early last Friday at the Ohio Fish Recue. Here's more on the story. :nono

Finally in tonight's news believe it or not a Taco Bell customer called the police after the restaurant ran out of shells. Here's more.

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
China told the USA not to cross the Yalu. US forces crossed the Yalu, and China attacked. They drove US forces back, dug in, and held their ground for 3 long years.

In Nam, China supplied the North Vietnamese, who battled US troops ferociously. China invaded the USSR over border issues, as well as Vietnam.

Now China is telling the US not to encourage Taiwan to declare independence. China has repeatedly proved that it is willing to fight over their border. One wonders if the US may be in for a rerun of Korea and Vietnam at some future time. One wonders if the military will have the resources to fight this war, given that the US rich have rebelled at supplying the military with ammo.

China is rapidly becoming a super power. Manufacturing has fled the US, and moved to China. They have a 50% savings rate, which gives them plenty of capital to build factories with. In the US, bankers have discouraged US saving, so the US has a negligible savings rate.
Hey guys, I just wanted to let everybody know that today's news will be posted later on today after I get some things done. However in a very rare weather report from me, I'm not sure how the weather is where you guys live but it's only up in the sixties today. Come on summer hurry up! Thank goodness I'll be in New Mexico soon though. :shades
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We have a rather long report to do tonight so let's get right to it then shall we? :saluteFirst of all though I'm posting this because of the fact that I forgot to post it a long time ago. *smacks forehead*

And I just wanted to share this because I wanted to know what everybody thought about it. :lol (I really hope that it's not a sin to think this is funny.)

Also apparently April the giraffe won't be having anymore calves. Here's more of the details.

And also an eleven month old little girl tragically lost her life after she was left in a hot car for sixteen hours. :sad Here's more on the story and may you rest safely in the arms of Jesus Joseline. Thoughts and prayers headed your way. :pray

Also an adorable kitten was rescued in Fairview Park a couple of nights ago and is currently looking for a new home. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :biggrin

And if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of Jupiter this month, you just might. Here's more. :wink

And also find out what one Elementary school teacher did that went above and beyond for one of her students. :)

Also this seems like something that came straight out of a horror movie as an Illinois group home resident stabbed his caregiver thirty times. Here's more. :shock

And also I just wanted to post this article due to the fact that I really do believe that bullying needs to come to an end. :crying

And a five year old cancer survivor is now currently trying to help other children with the disease. Here's more. :)

Also the Portage Animal Protective League is currently investigating to find out who left a puppy to die on the side of the road. :cryingHere's more on the details and I do hope they find the person responsible! :mad

Finally in sports The Cleveland Indians won another victory as they wound up beating The Minnesota Twins nine to seven last night. :woot

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Those kitties just get everywhere. I'm glad this one is okay.

Go Indians.

May the Lord bless you.

Exactly, I probably would have named that precious little baby Angelo which the male version of the name Angel. :halo I'm really glad that his life was saved (unlike that poor raccoon which I reported on yesterday :sad) and I hope he gets adopted soon although luckily for him that should be really easy. :)Anyways I got one more bonus news article today. Check this out,.. twenty-two thousand dollars for one statue. :mouthdrop Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto but there's no way I would spend that much on that thing. :nonono

Stop having a cry,

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Hey everybody welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a super short report today so this won't take me much time at all. :biggrin2

First of all in today's news a woman finally confessed to a crime that she committed nearly thirty years ago when she dumped her newborn baby boy in the woods. Here's more of the information.

And an eight year old little boy was rescued earlier this week after he had previously drifted away off to sea on a unicorn float. Here's more of the details. :clap

Also a man was arrested yesterday after threatening to blow up Time's Square. Here's more of the information.

Finally in sports unfortunately karma was not looking good for The Cleveland Indians as they lost to The Minnesota Twins last night. :sad (At least it wasn't by much though.)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes Btw, It's finally been warming up and becoming more like summery weather. :cool2
Hey guys, I also forgot to add that the legendary Dr. John passed away yesterday at seventy-seven and I hope that he's in a better place. :halo

If you can't find a house in the area you live or that's in price range then relocate to where there is one, the country has hundreds of towns.

People complain the city is so expensive when a couple hours drive down the road to another town you can find a place for half the price, and there's still jobs around.

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