In Today's News

I think these days they need an official self contained sticker on there vehicles, but there is still alot of fakes.

That could make things expensive. Some localities ban them in the USA, and some welcome them. There is a whole community of them called Slab City on an abandoned military base in California. Rent is free. Residents informally police and clean their own community, as there are no services. No stickers needed.
What on earth.

China is gradually building a formidable navy. They are cooperating with other nations in protecting ships from pirates by the Somali coast, as it is in their interest to keep shipping lanes safe. Their belt and road initiative is designed to promote trade globally, with their navy protecting their transports. Chinese factories need lots of imported natural resources to produce useful gadgets.

Australia is building 12 formidable diesel/electric attack submarines to keep troop transports away from their beaches.
I thought if you critisise a refugee it's racist and discrimination. Maybe it's best not to refer to this person as a "refugee" as the definition of a refugee is someone who flees there country due to persecution and respects the host country that welcome them.

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That could make things expensive. Some localities ban them in the USA, and some welcome them. There is a whole community of them called Slab City on an abandoned military base in California. Rent is free. Residents informally police and clean their own community, as there are no services. No stickers needed.

I heard of slab city, it's where the true liberals live in peace with no authorities. Everyone just does there own thing and leaves everyone else alone. I guess it has 2 rules.

1.Respect other people and there property.

2. Everyone has the right to defend themselves from those who violate rule one.
Major crooked.

Australia is being asked to subsidize such extreme levels of day care because bankers have confiscated so much purchasing power from the currency. Parents can't afford to stay home with their children, or even hire someone else to care for their children while they are at work. Children nowadays are being raised by unbelievers even before they get to the public school system. Australia needs an honest dollar.
Australia subsidizes day care because bankers have confiscated so much purchasing power from the currency. Parents can't afford to stay home with their children, or even hire someone else to care for their children while they are at work. Children nowadays are being raised by unbelievers even before they get to the public school system.

Why is there a problem in today's age?. Back in the day a family could survive ok with only one parent working.
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Back in the day when they had honest money.

Alot of people complain about money and they don't even know what it is, where it comes from, how's it's created, or anything about it.

People only believe that piece of paper or typed digit has a value through faith. If two people believe something has a value they will trade.
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Because they are a minority and have a medical condition they get away with hate speech and promoting violence. It's like the amount of keyboard jihadists on social media who send death threats and don't get banned, it's absolutely "mind blowing".

It must be a system error. Just a massive coincidence that all the words that were blocked just happened to be related to Christianity.

God. No that doesn't work. Jesus. No that doesn't work either. Bible. No doesn't work. Church. That doesn't work either, how weird. Allah. Oh great, that works.

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Maybe Tailand just need to improve there skill level. Every goal is a celebration, the bigger the score the better side you are on the day. It's only a sports game.

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Every goal is a celebration...

Americans get excited during sports events. They like to dance around in the end zone when they get a touchdown, patting each other on the back, and congratulating each other. Maybe some other cultures are more reserved, and don't understand such displays. I don't know how Thai culture reacts during sports events. It might be some misunderstanding of what Americans are doing based on culture. I was surprised that Thai players were crying. Not something Americans usually do when the other team outscores them. I don't think the American players intended to make the Thai players cry by dancing around. They seemed to be surprised and tried to comfort them.
I was on a social media site where people can moderate there own threads. Lots of bigots and hypocrites. They get angry and block people from commenting simply because they don't like there views. And they call the other person the hater.
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They get angry and block people from commenting simply because they don't like there views.

That's a common tactic, even on commercial news sites and such. Some reporters will simply delete any comments that point out logical inconsistencies in what they wrote, banning the commenter. By contrast, schools like Harvard use debate as a learning tool. Students learn how to debate in an intellectually honest fashion, which helps them to learn their subjects well. Intellectually dishonest tactics such as name calling are not tolerated.

Groups that insulate themselves from other opinions tend to devolve into groupthink. They reinforce each others nonsensical opinions, because nobody is allowed to point out logical inconsistencies. Israelis learned the danger of this when Arabs launched an attack that nobody expected, and adopted the 10th man rule. One man in each group is deliberately told to debate the case for something other than the consensus of the group. This forces the group to consider any logical inconsistencies in their opinions, and change them if needed.