In Today's News

The UFO news is probably an excuse to say "conspiracy theorists" are "dangerous people" and should be "cencored and banned".
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50 years since it was one small step for peoplekind.

If they even have the resources to go back. Manufacturing has substantially moved to other countries. They can't even seem to manufacture civilian airplanes that fly reliably nowadays. NASA hasn't launched a manned spacecraft for several years. They hire the Russians to send their astronauts into space.
I know the devil hates families and loves to destroy them, but loyal husband's and wives support each other because it's a vow they take.

The devil is having a little cry, he couldn't get a woman who supports there husband punished.

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Swimming has become dangerous.

Penguins are cute.

UFOs at area 51. Funny.

May the Lord bless you.

Swimming in itself isn't dangerous. It should just be common sense not to swim in an ocean or lake with advisers and or an open wound. On a separate note penguins are incredibly cute and one of my favorite animals to see at the zoo. :)
They can't even seem to manufacture civilian airplanes that fly reliably nowadays.

I always hear weird noises when im on a plane. Last time I was delayed due to technical difficulties.
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Swimming in itself isn't dangerous. It should just be common sense not to swim in an ocean or lake with advisers and or an open wound.

I always swim in the ocean with open wounds. Salt water is good for my wounds.
I always swim in the ocean with open wounds. Salt water is good for my wounds.

Salt zaps land bacteria, which is why people benefit from gargling with salt water.

However, the oceans are filled with a special type of bacteria that is specialized to dwell in salty environments. They are called halophiles, and they like salt. Since people's bodies have salt in them, some types of halophiles can be particularly nasty if they get in. Its best to use safe swimming practices.
I always hear weird noises when im on a plane. Last time I was delayed due to technical difficulties.

I was thinking of the Boeing 737. Boeing is the only remaining American manufacturer of civilian airliners, and they didn't do a very good job with their most recent plane. No one is allowed to fly them for months. Manufacturing has been slowly moving to other nations.
I was thinking of the Boeing 737. Boeing is the only remaining American manufacturer of civilian airliners, and they didn't do a very good job with their most recent plane. No one is allowed to fly them for months. Manufacturing has been slowly moving to other nations.

I was just looking at today's news and this was the first article. It's 2019 and a very short domestic flight.

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I like the way they walk.

So do I. :biggrin2 Anyways, hello everybody and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I don't think we have a very long report today (although it's longer than the past couple of days) as well so let's hop right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news here's a friendly warning about leaving water bottles inside your car during the summer heat. :shades

Also a little boy from Brigham City Utah is currently receiving some media attention after selling a rather unusual drink. :lol

And a woman from Houston Texas was so excited to ring the hospital's cancer free bell that she accidentally broke it. Here's more of the details and congratulations to Darla Jaye! :thumbsup

And also an Ohio man claims that he was pulled over last Saturday by a man pretending to be a police officer and asking him for money. Here's more on the story. :nono

And the house where followers of Charles Manson murdered two people is currently up for sale. (Although I honestly don't know who would want to buy it.) Here's more of the information. :shock

Also after spending nearly three decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit a Philadelphia man was finally released from prison earlier this week. Here's more.

And in sports The Cleveland Indians took an astonishing victory over The Detroit Tigers last night with a final score of eight to zero. :woot

Finally in today's news (this is one of those kinds of stories that really gross me out but I do it for you guys so,.. *shudders*) a tick was removed from a Kentucky man after he went to the doctor complaining that his eye was irritated. Here's more of the details.

Well, that's all for today's news! have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
The magnifying glass effect makes sense. I didn't think of that.

27 years is a long time. They should improve their system of determining truth.

Go Indians.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you as well and I decided to post this additional news story since it's rather shocking and sad. Apparently a six year old little girl was struck in the head and killed by a golf ball. :sad (I completely agree with you though, as somebody who currently has a fiancée behind bars, the justice system stinks!) Anyways, thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family members. :pray

They will try ban people from watching on golf courses now under the reason they could get hit by a golf ball.

This world will use any negative or unfortunate accident to take away people's freedom under safety and security.
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If detention centres are rank then don't cross the boarder illegally and you won't end up there. I know I would not cross the boarder illegally because I don't want to be thrown in a rank cage.

Build a wall then no one will be thrown in a rank cage.

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I find it amazing how some people say there is no such thing as illegal Immigration and everyone should be freely allowed to enter and dwell in the land, yet they critisise Israel.
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You can now add "communist" to the list of words that might be racist.

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