Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news.

We have a rather lengthy report tonight so I'm just going to get right to it!

(Btw, since I recently discovered that I can listen to missed sermons online for the church I attend and tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day, tomorrow morning I'm finally going to the beach for the first time this summer!

First of all in tonight's news the woman who shot the video of her daughter licking a tongue depressor and putting it back was arrested on Thursday for tampering with consumer products. Here's more of the details.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A Florida mother was arrested Thursday and charged with a felony after a video she took reportedly showed her daughter licking a tongue depressor in a doctor’s offi…
And disturbing charges were recently made against a photographer for the late child beauty queen Jonbenet Ramsey. Here's more.
The charges themselves are disturbing enough, but the connection to JonBenet Ramsey makes them all the worse. A 66-year-old Oregon photographer known for taking images of JonBenet in the months bef…
Also thirty-eight thousand dollars has been offered as a reward to find the attackers of a dolphin that was found dead back in May. Here's more of the information.
FORT MYERS, Fla. – A bottlenose dolphin was found dead with a deep head wound on a southwest Florida beach in May. Marine officials are offering a $38,000 reward for help track down its attackers. …
And also instead of drinking and driving an intoxicated man from Ogden Utah discovered another way to rescue an injured baby bird.

Here's more on the story and it's stories like these that help renew my faith in humanity.
OGDEN, Utah — A wildlife rescue in northern Utah is commending a man who found a creative way to rescue an abandoned baby bird while out drinking with friends. Staff at the Wildlife Rehabilitation …
And "the modern stone age family" might soon be making a comeback to your television screens. Yabadabadoo!!!!
BURBANK, Calif. — The Flintstones may return to your television line-up. Warner Bros. Animation and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions are working together to develop a new Flintstones s…
Also one RTA bus driver from Shaker Heights Ohio was recently fired after a brawl broke out between him and the passenger. Here's more.
SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio– The FOX 8 I TEAM has uncovered more about a fight on board an RTA bus that got a driver fired, and we’ve found how he’s trying to get his job back. RTA has fired driver …
And also checkout an incredible video of a manta ray going to divers for help after getting fish hooks caught underneath its eye. :shock
A massive manta ray has been filmed repeatedly seeking help from divers, in a remarkable encounter off the coast of Australia. Footage shows Freckles the ray approaching the divers, off the Ningalo…
Also as part of a campaign the president of the United States recently traveled to (my) the good old buckeye state!
HUNTING VALLEY, Ohio — President Donald Trump made a campaign stop in Northeast Ohio Friday evening. Air Force One landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport just before 6 p.m. The Pre…
And a deputy from South Carolina recently saved the life of a twelve day old infant after she stopped breathing.

Here's more on the story.
BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. — A deputy from South Carolina is being recognized for his heroic actions to save a baby. According to the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, Deputy K…
Finally in tonight's news Copper the iguana was finally reunited with her owner yesterday. Here's more on the story.
PAINESVILLE, Ohio — The iguana that was thrown inside a Painesville restaurant was reunited with its original owner Friday. Arnold Teeter was arrested after pulling Copper from under his shir…
That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin (the video posted below is just for fun by the way
