In Today's News

I think its all the extra pollen and mold in the air. Maybe it will dry out soon.

I'm doing much better today but I was extremely sick last night. I had a major headache and that caused me to get sick to my stomach. :sad Anyways like I said, I'm doing much better today so far and having a good night's sleep really helped. :)

Also just so everybody knows there will be no news today. So I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of their day, has a wonderful weekend and God bless. :biggrin2
Your symptoms are similar to migraine headaches, which can be triggered by pollen in some people.
Your symptoms are similar to migraine headaches, which can be triggered by pollen in some people.

Idk, I'm not sure whether or not it was a migraine as ever since I was a kid really bad headaches have caused me to puke. Although this one was pretty bad so it might have been. Ah well the really good news is that I'm better now and the weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend so I will probably wind up going to the beach after all. :shades
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I immediately thought migraines as well. Classic presentation with pain in the head and sick in the tummy (the brain chemical serotonin occurs in the gut as well as the head).

I suffered with killer headaches since I was 18. Decades later I finally got a diagnosis of migraines. Imitrex works very well for me, though I pretty much stopped getting them about 3 years ago.
Well how long do migraines last? I'm perfectly fine today that's why I wanted to know. I know that as soon as I opened my eyes last night though my headache instantly got worse. :sad I needed two Advils to make it go away and even that didn't help completely. In the end sleep is what did the trick. :yes
They are notoriously long, usually lasting between 4 hours to 3 days. The longest one I ever had was 5 days before I couldn't take it any longer and went to the emergency room.

Do you see lights at all when you get one?
They are notoriously long, usually lasting between 4 hours to 3 days. The longest one I ever had was 5 days before I couldn't take it any longer and went to the emergency room.

Do you see lights at all when you get one?

No. And like I said I'm perfectly fine today. For some reason strange reason bad headaches have always made me sick since I was a little kid.
Hard to say, then. I actually don't get the aura that some people get either. Obviously you would need to see a physician and see what they think. My migraines are like that, however. As bad as they are, once they're gone they're completely gone as though nothing ever happened.
For some reason strange reason bad headaches have always made me sick since I was a little kid.
Again this may be due to the chemical connection between the intestines and the brain. Migraines involve problems with the neurotransmitter serotonin, which occurs in the gut as well as the brain. In fact, 90% of the body's serotonin is located in the GI tract.
Sensitivity to light is another symptom of migraines. Doc might be able to give you a pill for them. To keep you going until you can call upon the elders to pray for you.

Well I'm really not sure if it's migraines since I don't get the other symptoms and the headaches don't last very long but I will go ahead and bring it up with my doctor about it. :) Anyways sorry about the delay guys but the news will be posted shortly. I've been rather busy today so far. :whirl
Do you spend lots of time in front of a screen?. That maybe cause headache.
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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a rather lengthy report tonight so I'm just going to get right to it! :salute (Btw, since I recently discovered that I can listen to missed sermons online for the church I attend and tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day, tomorrow morning I'm finally going to the beach for the first time this summer! :cool2)

First of all in tonight's news the woman who shot the video of her daughter licking a tongue depressor and putting it back was arrested on Thursday for tampering with consumer products. Here's more of the details. :nono

And disturbing charges were recently made against a photographer for the late child beauty queen Jonbenet Ramsey. Here's more.

Also thirty-eight thousand dollars has been offered as a reward to find the attackers of a dolphin that was found dead back in May. Here's more of the information.

And also instead of drinking and driving an intoxicated man from Ogden Utah discovered another way to rescue an injured baby bird. :clap Here's more on the story and it's stories like these that help renew my faith in humanity. :thumbsup

And "the modern stone age family" might soon be making a comeback to your television screens. Yabadabadoo!!!! :biggrin2

Also one RTA bus driver from Shaker Heights Ohio was recently fired after a brawl broke out between him and the passenger. Here's more. :nono

And also checkout an incredible video of a manta ray going to divers for help after getting fish hooks caught underneath its eye. :shock

Also as part of a campaign the president of the United States recently traveled to (my) the good old buckeye state! :biggrin2

And a deputy from South Carolina recently saved the life of a twelve day old infant after she stopped breathing. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Finally in tonight's news Copper the iguana was finally reunited with her owner yesterday. Here's more on the story. :)

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin (the video posted below is just for fun by the way :biggrin2)

Oh by the way, thank God Miley isn't reproducing and I can't emphasis that enough. :yes I see the original article was edited out so I'll go ahead and repost it so everybody knows what I'm talking about.
