In Today's News

Helios Gracie who created Brazilian jujitsu was smaller then his opponents and family. He developed the art from learning to use less force to grapple. He fought against bigger opponents and won, and of course bjj there is open tournaments with no weight limit, rules apply but grapple a big guy, you best have good technique. theres rules against slamming a person from certain positions and so forth. safety.
Helios Gracie who created Brazilian jujitsu was smaller then his opponents and family. He developed the art from learning to use less force to grapple. He fought against bigger opponents and won, and of course bjj there is open tournaments with no weight limit, rules apply but grapple a big guy, you best have good technique. theres rules against slamming a person from certain positions and so forth. safety.

Its like that saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall". I guess when it comes to martial arts size means nothing.
Its like that saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall". I guess when it comes to martial arts size means nothing.
I woukdnt say nothing, just use your mass properly.a lighter man will work harder to generate the same force as a bigger man
With equal martial arts training, the stronger person will usually win. A well trained person can defeat stronger people that are not as well trained.

In contact sports like American football, weight and strength matter. Getting hit repeatedly by stronger people can add up, and lead to future heath effects.
Im sure it would effect health over the long term.
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Well I'm sorry that this is a bit later than originally expected, but I've had a very busy day so far with church and seeing Christopher Robin at the movies. Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) And thankfully our report today is extremely short so it won't take me very long at all.

First of all in today's news, Cleveland firefighters rescued a woman from a fire that occurred at her house early this afternoon. :clap Here are more of the details.

And it is unfortunately bad news for the man from Vermillion as a body was found yesterday matching his description. Here's more of the information.

Also a legendary singer has recently claimed that he had a spiritual experience where he met God. :halo Here's more on the story.

And one heroic police dog led his fellow officers to the location of a suspect. :clap Well done Miro! :thumbsup

And also unfortunately in sports even though it was a really close game, The Tampa Bay Rays wound up beating The Cleveland Indians with a final scoring of five to three, but ah well, you can't win them all. :shrug

Also as you probably are aware of by now, next Tuesday we honor those lives that were lost on the September 11th attacks. :crying Well last night the U.S Navy was honored at Progressive field before the Indians' game had begun. :salute Here's more.

And several people were early yesterday morning at a Cleveland club. :sad Here's more of the details.

And also a build team came together to build a full-sized and drivable sportscar made entirely out of Legos! :eek2Here's more on the story.

Finally in today's news, this excuse is one for the books as to why a UPS driver didn't deliver a package to a doorsteps as originally planned. :shock

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes
Again, a little bit longer than I thought but not by much.
I think I would forgive the UPS driver for putting a package in my mailbox if there was a bear in my driveway. That's a good reason. Safety first.

I hope Paul winds up being saved.

Dogs have a good sense of smell. K9s are effective.

A million Lego parts to build a car. Seems like fun.

You have a wonderful Sunday too.
Yes, lots of boxers have future health situations caused by boxing. Notice that they don't pair super muscle heavyweights with 98 pound skinny people in the ring. They need to be protected.
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Yes, lots of boxers have future health situations caused by boxing. Notice that they don't pair super muscle heavyweights with 98 pound skinny people in the ring. They need to be protected.

Cauliflower ear. Common in Martial arts, Boxing, and contact sports like Rugby.