In Today's News

Hey guys although it may be Monday, (that's the bad news) the good news (besides eternal salvation) for me is that it's another break day. So I hope you all have a wonderful day! :biggrin2

Somewhere out there Trolly Man is looking out for us.

It takes a down and out homeless man to defend the nation. This man deserves a bottle of the finest. The humble shall be exalted.
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Helping the Lord's sheep is always a good thing.

The humble will be exalted. That is why Christ is honored and given thanks, he broke the power of the devil and beat Death, he has the ultimate Crown. King of Kings, Lord of Lord's through the Most High.

Trolly Man got more praise and reward than everyone else.
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If your walking down the road eating a burger or mince and cheese pie and a bit of sauce drops out, stop, check the surrounding hazard area, put your safety cones around the hazard area, then clean it up.
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Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Well it's just as well that there wasn't a news report yesterday since I had such an awful day. :sad However God is good and today is a brand new day. Cue the music!

So let's get right into today's report! :salute

First of all in tonight's news, the Medina Police Department claim that a call about a female with a gun at a medical office building turned out to be nothing more than a hoax. Here's more on the story. :nono

And the twelve year old kid who was battling cancer and was able to walk his mother down the aisle passed away yesterday. Here's more of the details and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members. :pray

And also the great Stan Lee passed away yesterday as well at the grand old age of ninety-five. Here's more of the information.

Also here's a warning to all dog owners living in the state of Missouri.

And Canadian police are currently investing an incident that involved a boy with cerebral palsy and a group of bullies. Here's more of the details. :angry3(I hate bullies by the way!)

And also an Uber driver was arrested and charged with kidnapping and kissing a fifteen year old girl from Colorado. Here's more of the information.

And here's a warning for all black Friday shoppers that a current coupon is apparently artificial. :nono

And also harsher penalties for people who don't stop for school buses could be on the way.

Finally this isn't really news worthy but it's still cute. :)

That's all for tonight's news, have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
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Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

Stan Lee was a talented storyteller. I hope he was saved.

I like Gizmo the police cat.

I'm glad everyone was okay in Medina. People should be more responsible.

I hope they keep the puppies safe.

May the Lord bless you too.
If your walking down the road eating a burger or mince and cheese pie and a bit of sauce drops out, stop, check the surrounding hazard area, put your safety cones around the hazard area, then clean it up.

Don't forget your bio-hazard suit while working. Those are cool.
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Don't forget your bio-hazard suit while working. Those are cool.

Oh yea, I forgot to add safety clothing. You never know about that sauce on the ground, could be a bio hazard, very unhygienic, must wear protective gloves when dealing with the sauce.