With all my scholarly knowledge? Am I a scholar because I ask for the verses you are alluding to? The story is found in (Luke 10:25-37). My point was not that I have never heard of the story. My point is that you stress this 'love thy neighbor' commandment as how to obtain eternal life, yet you don't know where it is located in the Bible.
You say the story is about how Christ wants us to love others of another race if they are good people. Strange, since Jesus said only God is good. (Luke 18:18-19) And, there is absolutely nothing in the story to indicate that the man who was robbed and beaten was a good man. That is not the point. And the point isn't that Christians should be kind to their fellow man. Nothing wrong with that of course. But that was not what Jesus is teaching here. And also, nothing is said of the race of the beaten man either. So, for all we know, the good Samaritan may have been helping another Samaritan.
A lawyer came up to Jesus with wrong motives. He was trying to trap Jesus with the law. He was a lawyer of the Mosaic Law. (Luke 10:25) (10:29) So he asks Jesus what he can do to inherit eternal life? Jesus knew his intent and threw the question right back at him. What does the law say? (10:26) The lawyer answered back citing (Deut. 6:5) and (Lev. 19:18) "Love the Lord they God" "Love thy neighbor" That is the essence of the Law.
And Jesus agreed with him saying 'go do likewise'. (Luke 10:28) In other words if you want eternal life by the Law, then go obey it. If the question of the lawyer had been an honest one, he would have at this point said, but I cannot keep the law, no matter how hard I try. But his question was a dishonest one. So the Bible tells us that he replied back to Jesus, "But he,
willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?"
Then Jesus gave the story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:30-36) In this story Jesus points out the inability of the Law, as represented in the Jewish priest and the Levite who passed by the beaten man, to treat this man as a neighbor. (Luke 10:31-32) These could probably cite some Laws of cleanliness and how they were to not be polluted.
But the Samaritan came along and helped the man. And Jesus asked the lawyer who of these three was a neighbor. (Luke 10:36) The lawyer said, him that shows mercy. And Jesus told him to go and do likewise. (37)
The Law says, love God and love your neighbor....just like you like to always say. This young lawyer, who sought to justify himself, would always say the same. The man appealed to the law to inherit eternal life. Thus Christ took him to the law. He is found still without eternal life because he can't do it. Christ could have easily said at this time that he He is the Way, Truth, and Life and believe on Me for eternal life. But He didn't. The man wanted to justify himself. He walked away unsaved as a result.
Nothing wrong with loving God and being a good neighbor. But that doesn't get you eternal life. Only faith in Christ, where there is mercy.