It is true I don't follow the Old Testament. I definitely see it is a history of the Jews. And it's all about the law. I think this is why Jesus came down to earth to talk to us directly. He wanted us to move beyond the law into a personal relationship with him. The New Testament it's definitely the Word of God. So I guess I became a sinner when I took off my veil. So be it. I will try to be more open-minded about the scripture in the New Testament. And for the sake of our conversation I will no longer use the female pronoun. I know the Holy Spirit is not female. It's just the way that I the HS when I'm just stressed. I don't think God cares how we imagine him. He just cares that we obey him for our own good. Because he loves us and he knows best. He knows much more about how to make us happy than we ourselves know. So every prayer I make I end with the words die will be done.
What passage in the New Testament do you want to discuss firs? I'd like to start with the most important things and work our way down to the mundane. Oops I mean less important.
It is my opinion that the most important book in the New Testament is the book of (Romans). Understand that the Gospels, though located in our 'New Testament', are not based on New Testament ground. They are on Old Testament ground. The Law is in place. Much of what Christ says is to a people under law as He is also under law.
If you get an understanding of the book of (Romans), you will have an understanding of the whole Bible and the Church's relation to God and Christ. If you're willing, I am willing to go through the whole book. Because that is what you need.
You can disagree with what I say, you can ask questions to what I say, but a study of that book is what you and the Church of Jesus Christ needs today. Because the truths of it have been rejected.