- Jul 15, 2020
- 131
- 33
Human faith can be based on knowledge. Divine faith can exist without knowledge. Human faith does not save, divine faith does.Faith includes KNOWLEDGE, opinions based on knowledge and opposing doctrines based on faith - DID YOU GET THAT?
An example of the difference between human faith and divine faith can be found in John's gospel, chapter 6. When Jesus said "except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you," (John 6:54) the Jews did not understand "how this could be", murmured and rejected Jesus' words. The apostles did not understand either, but they accepted Jesus's words because "Thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6:69). The Jews only had human faith, which is based on either knowledge, experience, understanding or human authority. The apostles had divine faith which is based on the authority of God revealing, apart from our own knowledge, experience or understanding.
When an infant is baptised in the Catholic Church, the first question that is asked of the parents is "What do you ask of the Church?" And the answer is "Faith." In other words, we ask for "the gift of faith", i.e. divine faith. Divine faith is a gift that we all receive at baptism, including infants. Divine faith is not based on our own knowledge, experience or understanding. It is what we call a virtue.
So, yes, infants cannot have human faith because they cannot yet know, love and believe in God, but they can and do receive divine faith when they are baptised because divine faith is a free gift to anyone who asks for it, just as salvation is a free gift to anyone who asks for it. And this is what Jesus referred to in Matthew 18:3, when he said we must become like little children. Little children do not question everything their parents tell them, at least not back then. They accept what their parents tell them on the authority of the parents, even if they do not understand. This is why the attitude of little children is a model for divine faith: we believe because God said so, without questioning, without murmuring, without disobedience.
By the way, just as salvation can be lost, so too can divine faith be lost!
So we must all ask ourselves: Do I "eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood", on the authority of Jesus saying we must do so in order to have life? Or do I reject or nullify Jesus' words because I do not understand "how this can be so?" Do I walk away from Jesus like "many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him"? (John 6:67) Or will I stay with Christ, believe His words and obey His commandments, even the ones I do not understand? Is my faith human or divine?