I think this is a good question.In part, I agree and I think Romans 1:17-20 touches upon this. I'm not so sure I'd add "falls short of His perfection", and that's in part what I meant about the doctrine of total depravity, which you hint at numerous times. What I see, is that God puts natural consequences in creation. Some other religions may call it Karma, or simply put, sometimes you reap what you sow... except the reality is there is no guarantee that the work of your hand will produce a crop, sometimes it's thorns... Gen 3:17-18.
That being said, "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God".... and we could speak paragraphs on this as to what it means to miss His glory.
I agree. Perhaps it's that God created us with His spirit infused in ours. We each hold that diving spark. Genesis 2:7, Ecc 3:11. If we did not have good in us, how would our conscience become seared by doing wrong? 1 Tim 4:2
While I wouldn't disagree with this, I would say that that God desires a relationship with all of his creation. 1 Timothy 2:3-4. We were created for good works, (Eph 2:10) , and when we are doing good works, we are a light to the world that should not be put under a bowl, but rather, it is put on a mountain top so that God's glory would be known.
I come from the school of thought that we are saved, we are being saved, and I will be saved. David writes in the Psalms in many places where he needs God to save him... at that moment. This I believe is part of that "Natural Law" we were talking about. But it also segway's directly into something I hinted at earlier regarding "The way". Yes, there is a way that seems right to a man, but God's way brings about not only an eternal salvation, but it saves us now from the sin of this world... think about it for a moment. In it's simplest terms, when we can forgive another, it sets us free. We don't have to pack that misery in our lives. God teaches us this in his word, and it is affirmed that it is a better "way" to live. Much of the Law is God teaching a certain people of a 'way' to live in accordance with the way that God created us to live.
I know you've written more, and I'm sorry, I ran out of time. I hope this gives you a since of my direction, and if you could, I would really appreciate it if you could do some light study on "The Way" in the OT. You can start with a simple work search. Deut 8:2 is a good start with a nice contrast with 9:16. Isaiah has much to say about this as well.
Take care, and have a great day.
When did total depravity exist?
What broke total depravity?
What was the evidence of the change?