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  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Is Calvinism Another Gospel?

Free is simply asking one take the verses on context .

He is saying that the reformed teach this or that not rather what he believes and that if you are going to debate the verses of support that can be used to support that ,then please show.

Some having been predestined from the foundation of the world .

A good place to start .
Free is simply asking one take the verses on context .

He is saying that the reformed teach this or that not rather what he believes and that if you are going to debate the verses of support that can be used to support that ,then please show.

Some having been predestined from the foundation of the world .

A good place to start .
The whole world was chosen to be saved by Jesus Christ, John 12:47.
I didn't stare what I said .

And many are called but few are chosen .
Romans 8 29-30

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

so how do you reconcile Romans with what you just posted??

Many were called but few were chosen, you say.

Shouldn't God have saved ALL that were called as per Romans 8????

See Jason, no logic.
Romans 8 29-30

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

so how do you reconcile Romans with what you just posted??

Many were called but few were chosen, you say.

Shouldn't God have saved ALL that were called as per Romans 8????

See Jason, no logic.
Jesus said that .
Matthew 22:14

Not me

But I guess stating the Bible saying the word elect is chose
Who is God's elect?

Who was chosen before the foundation of the world and so much so that theyr names were written in the book of life ?

Mary ?
Well that is one possible ,but there's more
I also adamantky don't believe God lies and reveals a partial truth in all religions .If he was that way ,he wouldn't have let them contradict the true way but all be the exact same .

You simply can't answer how a Buddhist can actually know God ,as that isn't a religious diest faith but a philosophy.same with taoism and Shintoism and zen .
You are in opposition to John 3:16. Where Jesus said, "For God so loved the world (all of humanity) that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".

All of Christianity is based upon this one scripture that you oppose.
Free believes John 3:16...he just understands it.
Jesus said that .
Matthew 22:14

Not me

But I guess stating the Bible saying the word elect is chose
Who is God's elect?

Who was chosen before the foundation of the world and so much so that theyr names were written in the book of life ?

Mary ?
Well that is one possible ,but there's more
Listen well....

Shouldn't all the called be chosen instead of just a few?

That's what Jesus said.
Listen well....

Shouldn't all the called be chosen instead of just a few?

That's what Jesus said.
No he didn't.

Read that bible.

For many are called ,few are chosen .

I can post several translations .

And don't assume because I play devil's advocate what I do or don't believe .I merely want to address the problems of arminist.

I am one.

Once you said nothing happens without a reason,no such thing as a coincidence hmmm then when I said how reformed of you .
You deny that .strange yet you just said that God uses evil ,as I can say often when I sin and God reproves me that my sin was used by God to correct me and often that involves others acting up on me .

God let's that happen to grow me and you can't seem to grasp that God knows evil will happen let's it occur and uses it to His good pleasure .

It's why the reformed say you don't understand it .
No he didn't.

Read that bible.

For many are called ,few are chosen .

I can post several translations .

And don't assume because I play devil's advocate what I do or don't believe .I merely want to address the problems of arminist.

I am one.

Once you said nothing happens without a reason,no such thing as a coincidence hmmm then when I said how reformed of you .
You deny that .strange yet you just said that God uses evil ,as I can say often when I sin and God reproves me that my sin was used by God to correct me and often that involves others acting up on me .

God let's that happen to grow me and you can't seem to grasp that God knows evil will happen let's it occur and uses it to His good pleasure .

It's why the reformed say you don't understand it .
I NEVER said God uses evil.
I'm sure God knows how to teach us without having to resort to evil.

And there's a difference between allowing evil and CAUSING evil.

Allowing evil is the most unanswered question in Christianity.

But to say that God created evil is blasphemous.
It's calling the supreme good, evil.
I NEVER said God uses evil.
I'm sure God knows how to teach us without having to resort to evil.

And there's a difference between allowing evil and CAUSING evil.

Allowing evil is the most unanswered question in Christianity.

But to say that God created evil is blasphemous.
It's calling the supreme good, evil.
I NEVER said God uses evil.
I'm sure God knows how to teach us without having to resort to evil.

And there's a difference between allowing evil and CAUSING evil.

Allowing evil is the most unanswered question in Christianity.

But to say that God created evil is blasphemous.
It's calling the supreme good, evil.
So when I got PTSD .the evil I saw that forces me to abandoned all other things to rely on God .that wasn't a prayer answered by God by me to teach me that my job ,wife isn't my source.

God can't allow that ,nope it was just msn all along.i got lucky to make it home.bullets flying close to me head so that I can hear that sound .arty rounds impacted seconds after I left exactly where I stood

Not God at all soaring me?

What man meant for evil ,according to you wasnt God using that with Joseph ?

Or the fact that men hated Jesus and one would betray him and caused his death on the cross ,God didn't use their actions even let them.?

God just waits on us.sinetines we grow. The must when a loved one dues ,a disease hits us

God allows it. Funny we shouldn't give glory for the things he allow to happen ?

My dad's death shook me and made think my time is close .God took him home .diesel and death from the fall ,a curse .

You just can't see God using and limiting evil at all .it's not what you want to hear.

I struggle with that far ,far beyond you .

Try hating the very service you retired .hating the flag for what it did to you .hating politicians for that and then God rebuking you for those thoughts .I battle that in dreams .I have them often .daily .I can wake up and dream of the troops that died ,commiting suicide or just dreaming about the army .

It shakes the core of me .why am I here ,death is better ! Let me die and yet I am not called home .
I didn't stare what I said .

And many are called but few are chosen .
It you believe that God chose to save some and damned the rest to hell, then you believe that God is an unjust tyrant that delights in sending people to hell. By your words you will be condemned.
"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16.

Your Calvinist God will not let you read or understand that scripture.
Got it. We believe all of Jn.3
Every believing one.