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Jesus encountered many individuals who had demonic possession. What actually is root of the problem. Luke 11:24. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none . He says, I will return unto the house whence I came out. 11:25. And when he comes, he finds it swept and garnished. 11:26. Then goes he, and takes to him seven other spirits more wicked than him self, and they enter in and dwell there; and last state of that man is worst than the first. Messing with the occult. Or listening to traditions of men, false doctrine. They're inviting unclean spirit to enter. Your to fill your mind with sound doctrine, God's truth. I once dated a girl from old job, 1997.i was inexperienced and dopey young guy. I had bad experience with her. After some months, I stopped seeing her. In 2004, shel left message on the answering machine. It was 5 minutes long and vulgar and pure hatred. She divulged her hate and swearing at me. Halfway through, her voice changed to masculine voice. This scared heck out me. She admitted she was evil. I never heard from her since. I converted to christianity in year 2001.i did drift away for couple years. Then I got back into God's word. Ephesians chapter 2, prince of air does influence children of disobedience. Quick case. Old job. A girl who dated a guy I played tennis with, broke up with him. This is 23 years ago. She had such hatred towards me. She spent her time trying to get me fired. I did nothing to her. I even avoided her. Jesus told us about unclean spirit. Any connection ??. How about the girl who left vile message on answering machine, demonic possession ?

The Title to thread is demonic possession real.

Please don’t turn this thread into a debate about the Godhead, or Trinity.

Jesus encountered many individuals who had demonic possession. What actually is root of the problem. Luke 11:24. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none . He says, I will return unto the house whence I came out. 11:25. And when he comes, he finds it swept and garnished. 11:26. Then goes he, and takes to him seven other spirits more wicked than him self, and they enter in and dwell there; and last state of that man is worst than the first. Messing with the occult. Or listening to traditions of men, false doctrine. They're inviting unclean spirit to enter. Your to fill your mind with sound doctrine, God's truth. I once dated a girl from old job, 1997.i was inexperienced and dopey young guy. I had bad experience with her. After some months, I stopped seeing her. In 2004, shel left message on the answering machine. It was 5 minutes long and vulgar and pure hatred. She divulged her hate and swearing at me. Halfway through, her voice changed to masculine voice. This scared heck out me. She admitted she was evil. I never heard from her since. I converted to christianity in year 2001.i did drift away for couple years. Then I got back into God's word. Ephesians chapter 2, prince of air does influence children of disobedience. Quick case. Old job. A girl who dated a guy I played tennis with, broke up with him. This is 23 years ago. She had such hatred towards me. She spent her time trying to get me fired. I did nothing to her. I even avoided her. Jesus told us about unclean spirit. Any connection ??. How about the girl who left vile message on answering machine, demonic possession ?
There is no "the devil made me do it" in life.
We will be judged for our own sins.
Jesus knew what was IN man.

24 But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, 25 And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.
Jn 2:24–25.

And it is not "demons" or "devils" for the angels that sinned are all locked up and not loose on the planet, but they are evil spirits which are evil attitudes and these are IN man:

4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
2 Peter 2:4.

6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jude 6.

Two apostles to the Jews and pillars of the early Church say the angels that sinned are locked up. This only leaves man on the planet and whatever evil, or sin exists it exists in and from man.
When I was growing up,the 'Old Timers' used to tell me about a man that used to run a farm in the area where I grew up.The man was an unrepentant 'Old Cuss' ,belligerent and mean.The story goes that he woke up out of bed one night in a fright to see the devil standing at the end of his bed rattling chains.The Old Cuss was so scared he got up out of bed and ran out of the house.True Story.

The Ohio Resistance.
A follower of Jesus was awakened one dark windy night
and looked over towards a window/ drapes.

He saw hasatan standing there.

The believer said "Oh, it is only you"
rolled over and went back to sleep.

When I was growing up,the 'Old Timers' used to tell me about a man that used to run a farm in the area where I grew up.The man was an unrepentant 'Old Cuss' ,belligerent and mean.The story goes that he woke up out of bed one night in a fright to see the devil standing at the end of his bed rattling chains.The Old Cuss was so scared he got up out of bed and ran out of the house. ..... ......
Jesus encountered many individuals who had demonic possession. What actually is root of the problem. Luke 11:24. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none . He says, I will return unto the house whence I came out. 11:25. And when he comes, he finds it swept and garnished. 11:26. Then goes he, and takes to him seven other spirits more wicked than him self, and they enter in and dwell there; and last state of that man is worst than the first. Messing with the occult. Or listening to traditions of men, false doctrine. They're inviting unclean spirit to enter. Your to fill your mind with sound doctrine, God's truth. I once dated a girl from old job, 1997.i was inexperienced and dopey young guy. I had bad experience with her. After some months, I stopped seeing her. In 2004, shel left message on the answering machine. It was 5 minutes long and vulgar and pure hatred. She divulged her hate and swearing at me. Halfway through, her voice changed to masculine voice. This scared heck out me. She admitted she was evil. I never heard from her since. I converted to christianity in year 2001.i did drift away for couple years. Then I got back into God's word. Ephesians chapter 2, prince of air does influence children of disobedience. Quick case. Old job. A girl who dated a guy I played tennis with, broke up with him. This is 23 years ago. She had such hatred towards me. She spent her time trying to get me fired. I did nothing to her. I even avoided her. Jesus told us about unclean spirit. Any connection ??. How about the girl who left vile message on answering machine, demonic possession ?
Yes it's real. Sometimes when someone seems to be demonically possessed it can actually just be their human nature. The body sometimes wants things that are sinful even when the spirit doesn't want those things. Paul talked about his own experience with this in Romans 7.

When I went to Vietnam I was in regular contact with someone who seemed to become unhinged, always complaining, always accusing, etc. Through the laying on of hands and praying, she was successfully exorcised, but the result was only temporary. Jesus talks about unclean spirits returning in Matthew 12:43-45. It is typically the result of sin and a lack of God's protection over someone.
Yes it's real. Sometimes when someone seems to be demonically possessed it can actually just be their human nature. The body sometimes wants things that are sinful even when the spirit doesn't want those things. Paul talked about his own experience with this in Romans 7.

When I went to Vietnam I was in regular contact with someone who seemed to become unhinged, always complaining, always accusing, etc. Through the laying on of hands and praying, she was successfully exorcised, but the result was only temporary. Jesus talks about unclean spirits returning in Matthew 12:43-45. It is typically the result of sin and a lack of God's protection over someone.

Yes, we must learn to "keep ourselves", which is to say, keep ourselves from sin.

Sin "opens the door" for the enemy to have access to us.

We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. 1 John 5:18

So the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” Genesis 4:6-7

A door is a point of access.

Yes it's real. Sometimes when someone seems to be demonically possessed it can actually just be their human nature. The body sometimes wants things that are sinful even when the spirit doesn't want those things. Paul talked about his own experience with this in Romans 7.

When I went to Vietnam I was in regular contact with someone who seemed to become unhinged, always complaining, always accusing, etc. Through the laying on of hands and praying, she was successfully exorcised, but the result was only temporary. Jesus talks about unclean spirits returning in Matthew 12:43-45. It is typically the result of sin and a lack of God's protection over someone.
Are you suggesting a Chrisitan (Paul) was demon-possessed?

How can a demon take up residence in a Christian where Holy Spirit dwells?

Any scriptural proof?
Are you suggesting a Chrisitan (Paul) was demon-possessed?

How can a demon take up residence in a Christian where Holy Spirit dwells?

Any scriptural proof?
No that wasn't what I was suggesting. I am saying Paul struggled with his flesh, a topic he wrote about in numerous places, but specifically about his own struggle in Romans 7:13-25.
No that wasn't what I was suggesting. I am saying Paul struggled with his flesh, a topic he wrote about in numerous places, but specifically about his own struggle in Romans 7:13-25.
Yes, all Christians struggle with sin.

Romans 7:14ff
It exists today only in Hollywood films.
Hollywood actors and actresses often are subject to demons - they actually give their will/ soul/ body over to hasatan
in a real contract they choose
in order to be successful in hollywood.

They gain a lot of the world,
and give up their life.
Hollywood actors and actresses often are subject to demons - they actually give their will/ soul/ body over to hasatan
in a real contract they choose
in order to be successful in hollywood.

They gain a lot of the world,
and give up their life.
What makes you think it's real?
The CC has special schooling for the priests that are interested in doing exorcisms.

I could post some YT's for you,?

I can think of 2 movies based on true events...
But hollywoodized. Not sure I could remember them.