But, according to your theology, you can purchase your own salvation by your own means of your own choice, completely void of God, and you say this is not an example of works but of your own faith, which you further say does not come from God, but from man himself by man's own choice, of which is of that man only....and again, void of any effort what so ever of God.
From all that you have expressed, Grubal this is what you have described as your theology, your belief and understanding, to which you say is Gospel based on all the scriptures you've used that talk about Man "DOING" something to initiate salvation first. Man makes the first move in your "biblical schema", but you don't label that as man's work, man's effort. Something is missing.
On the one hand you suggest that man's efforts are worthless, yet on the other hand man's choices are either right or wrong. Choosing God is the right choice, not choosing God is the wrong choice, and you say this is no effort of man, but that God also has nothing to do with it. ???? Does not add up because God is left waiting on man to make the right choice, a choice he indicates man will not make, can not make, hasn't the ability to make. This leaves a big hole you still have to fill in.
So we have two un-saved men. Both hear the word of God and one decides it's not for him and he's done. The other chooses God, still unjustified because he has yet to muster his faith before he can make the choice under your theology as you explained earlier. You believe that once man has faith from himself, he then chooses God by himself and then he is saved by God. He get's a gold star of salvation from God for what that man did by making the "right" choice. All God did, under your theology, is provide the word, and the justification, but not in any way the ability of man to do this. Under your theology, man has to do something. He has to 1. Come to God, 2. hear the word, 3. provide his own faith, and finally 4 believe by way of his faith. Then, and only then can he also do 5 repent. Then God will do the remaining bit and justify, thus save. But, you say this is not an example of works that come from man.
The church in Rome would be more apt to agree with you, as far as man's culpability and responsibility, in saying Faith + Something = Salvation. However, they would scratch their heads on the remaining part where you say you don't believe what you actually say, as you've said, yet you describe it in your post, and you get away with it in your mind by suggesting that faith is something of man, and not of God, there by saying God rewards man with salvation for man's faith in him....and that's not a work or effort by God, since the faith does not come from God, it comes from man.
This is a wrap on your theology. It does not make a lick of logical sense. It's a square peg hammered into a round hole and it needs a lot more "work" because it's extremely weak. If you present this to an unbeliever and he questions you as I have, you've not spread the gospel at all and that person is not going to see that you've said anything credible. What you have here in your theology is part of the good news, the rest is bad news since it requires of man what man can not provide. Rome makes way more sense with Sacrament of Penance in conjunction to ones faith.
In your description of salvation you describe God doing it. God dragging man to the light, God getting man to see his sin, and influencing man. I agree totally.
What I'm confused on is your agreeing with, and backing up in other post, of man's effort to come to God and choose God on his own.
What you describe above is very Calvinistic, it's very Luther...God does all the work. The one question we've yet raised is, Does God know the result before hand? Now Luther and Calvin would say he does. I don't know what you or Grubal would say, and that's another topic, but if God does the work, and I agree he does, then man does nothing to save himself other than realize his own culpability, but I would contend that he can not do that part, until he is justified, and he can not be justified until he has faith, and he does not have faith until God, as you described above, intervenes. If God does the work then God also knows the outcome of the work he does before he does it, otherwise he's not the very powerful God we read about in the bible.