Is Grammarly good or bad?


Dec 13, 2024
Reaction score
I see a lot of ads for Grammarly, but so far, I've not made any use of it.

The ads themselves are off-putting for me. The ideas I get from those ads is that Grammarly will change the way a person writes. By that, I mean the ads claim that Grammarly offers what it considers better word choices or ways of phrasing sentences. One implication I get from those ads is that Grammarly basically just makes everyone read and "sound" like everyone else.

I've been thinking about looking into Grammarly, mostly because my own attempts to self-edit my writing don't seem to work all that well. Even after making lots of corrections, it seems like there are still things, and pretty obvious things too, that I miss.

But while I wouldn't mind some help with spelling and grammar issues, I don't want something that's going to try to re-write my work.

So, have any of you used it? Is it good or bad? Helpful or not very? Or does it depend on how it's used?