BobRyan said:
lordkalvan said:
Ummm, in this case, no, "correctness of PREDICTION" alone is not an "indicator" of a theory's viability.
Fine -- but then you have taken a lot of the air out of the sails in the ship of Big Bang cosmology.
Did you miss the 'alone' in my comment above? Or do you think Big Bang cosmology depends solely on the predicted value of the CMB? Because I'm pretty sure that I haven't done what you suggest I have done.
The latest CMB "actual" measurement is approximately 2.75K.
Are you suggesting it is about to jump to 5k?
I don't know where you think I am suggesting anything of the kind or, for that matter, why I would be suggesting it.
[quote:eea46]..but if his [Eddington's] explanation for cause is different and shown to be incorrect or insufficient to explain measurements and observations made by later research, then your argument is demonstrably invalidated.
With that "IF" you leave the entire Big Bang cosmology argument left "suspended" waiting for evidence.[/quote:eea46]
I have no idea what you mean by this comment.
The entire reason for bringing UP a "theory" that requires "all new laws of physics" and that requires "the 4 forces of nature - be combined into one" (things we can not repeat or test in the lab) -- a theory whose predictive quality has resulted in the masking of our 2.5k CMB predictions sans-big-bang as IF that was the Big Bang temperature prediction....
This seems to be a incomplete sentence. I cannot deduce what you are trying to say. The entire reason is ..... what? What I can point out again is that the correctness or otherwise of the predicted CMB temperature alone is not the sole evidential support for Big Bang cosmology.
IF THAT is a "well accepted theory" thend ID SCIENCE that argues for the "Academic freedom to follow the data where it leads" and that IS demonstrated "commercially viable" in it's "predictive quality" when it comes to things like scanning-functions for intelligently designed electromagnetic wave forms is FAR better "science" -- far more "proven" -- by comparison.
How is the ability to detect human activity in the EM spectrum an exclusive outcome of ID science? As far as I was aware, the ability to detect human activity in the EM spectrum long predates ID science by decades.
[quote:eea46]Again, I accept the usefulness of the analogy for illustrative purposes, I just do not see its usefulness as evidence to establish your point in respect of biological "artefacts".
Step 1. The general principle that we CAN find ID in NATURE itself is fully established in the example of one of the four forces in nature. So the argument "not possible" in general - is dead.
It clearly contrasts ID vs "What ROCKS can do given enought time mass and access to an energy source" in terms of background noise.[/quote:eea46]
Step 1 fails immediately because what you are pointing to as ID in NATURE is both human-created and, most importantly, KNOWN to be human created.
Step 2. Was to note that the DEGREE of DESIGN exhibited in the systems-design for DNA to Protein synthesis exhibits DESIGN FAR BEYOND that of a simple Intelligently designed WAVE form because BOTH systems require encoding, transmitting, error-correction, decoding and then translating to yeild a useful product. But in the case of the EM wave form all that is DONE BY US whereas in DNA it is all DONE FOR US!
In Step 2 you seem to be assuming your conclusion based on little more than personal incredulity. Please point to evidence beyond argument by analogy that supports your claim. Please explain how natural selection of favourable heritable traits over time is not an equally valid explanation of biological features that you prefer to see as the product of supernatural design.
[quote:eea46]In your illustration of the detection of intelligent design in parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, anyone looking for that design already knows that it exists even before they start looking because they know that parts of the EM spectrum are generated artificially from human sources.
Indeed - but the electronic circuits that discriminate for the ID wave form "do not know that" to discriminate between "what rocks can do" and what is "intelligently designed" EVEN when the function is "scan".[/quote:eea46]
I don't understand your point. It seems wholly irrelevant to any argument about design in biology.
[quote:eea46]Intelligent design is a known and recognized part of the process.
Not by the circuit doing the scanning.
It is down to science when it comes to seeing the attributes of what "rocks can do by themselves" vs attributes of a EM wave form characteristic of ID EM.
This also applies to all areas of science not just biology not just EM -- finding attributes that identify the difference between "what rocks and do on their own given enough mass time and exposure to an energy source" is the same exercise though it may not be the same "mechanics".[/quote:eea46]
And again, your point is?