Bob said
IF Darwinists can render "STORIES about how one thing came from another are STORIES easy enough to TELL but they are NOT science" into a "And I mean that in a GOOD way for Darwinist story tellers" -- then HAVE AT IT!
I truly do not understand this sentence. Evolutionary theory is not 'story telling'; it is founded on a multiple strands of supporting evidence. That you choose to take comment out of context to attack that theory only demonstrates the paucity of the argument you have against it.
Is this the part where you DO remember what Patterson said in BOTH letters or you don't??
Recall that PATTERSON's argument that Darwinists were engaged in "stories easy enough to MAKE UP but NOT such stories are NOT SCIENCE" was in direct reference (in Pattersons words) about the topic of "HOW ONE THING CAME FROM ANOTHER".
Tell me you did not MISS that?
I notice that in your accusation that I am taking Patterson out of context - you make no effort at all to show "IN THE TEXT" (we are back to that exegesis thing again -- did you notice) that I have done anything of the kind??
Why simply assume the salient point of your response rather than showing it to actually BE true??
Seems like an odd way to carry your argument forward to me.
Bob said
So far the ONLY solution offerred on this thread is to IGNORE the text entirely... snippet out one part from the end of the letter and IGNORE the rest. Such pick-and-choose slicing of Patterson's letter by darwinists simply CONFIRMS the problem they appear to have with his remarks.
Leaves very little for me to "conclude" or "implicate".
This gets back to my point about the fact that I AM THE ONE repeatedly quoting BOTH Patterson's letters or else large portions of them -- The darwinists here NEVER bring it up! And when I do -- they try to reduce Patterson to half-a-sentence.
And your only response to posts pointing out Dr Patterson's later remarks which quite clearly indicate the fact he was being both misrepresented and misunderstood by creationists is to repeat the claim that your snippets and pick-and-choose slicing of those later remarks in some way poses a problem for evolutionary theory.
Ok "one more time" patiently....
Patterson's "subsequent remarks" to his letter to Sunderland ARE FOUND in his letter to Theunissen where Patterson REPEATS his argument about "Stories easy enough to make up".
NOT ONCE has ANY darwinist offerred to review the DETAILS in that "later remark" by Patterson!
All efforts have been to AVOID BOTH letters -- why keep doing that?
EVEN NOW you are not quoting Patterson's letter to fellow darwinist Theunissen -- short as that letter is!!
Why not show how "Stories easy enough to make up" as stated by Patterson is "A GOOD THING for Darwinists"???
Take the ACTUAL letter and make a case instead of avoiding it and then blaming me for spending so much time on HIS LATER REMARK as he framed it to Theunissen??
Where is the logic in that approach??
[quote:2652a]Bob said
As Niles Edlredge stated in his LAMENT -- there ARE atheist darwinists that SEE the problem for Darwinism in what Patterson stated and would have loved dearly if Patterson's words were never spoken!!
You place too much weight on your opinion of what that problem constitutes.
Again you provide an answer in the form of "no quotes from either Eldredge or Patterson" regarding the point/incident underdiscussion. Just more accusation without evidence.
How is that supposed to be compelling for me or any reader that does not start the post in devotion to darwinism???
7. Regardless of anything else, do you think that understanding of evolutionary theory may have progressed at all in the decades since Dr Patterson's spoken and written remarks? I am thinking particularly of research in molecular biology, molecular genetics, phylogenetics and population genetics, but please feel free to include other fields in your answer.
Bob asks
Is it your argument that Patterson was correct in making these frank statements about the flaws in atheist darwinism that existed during his life time -- but since his death in 1999 "Darwinism changed" ?
you seem to "hope" that although Patterson reveals flaws in the Darwinist argument -- yet since that time those flaws have been addressed.
It is evident from my question that this is not my argument.
Then I missed your argument. Please explain.
I am seeking to find out whether you think it possible that, even if your interpretation of Dr Patterson's comments was to be wholly conceded - i.e. that it is not possible to confirm direct relationships between living species today and ancestral species in the fossil record, thereby throwing the whole of evolutionary theory into a state of chaos and uncertainty - it is within the bounds of your understanding that further research in the field if of evolutionary theory might possibly have rendered those comments no longer valid?
Again your question shows a lack of focus on what Patterson SAID in BOTH his letters.
Patterson argues that the SCIENCE itself is not able to tell from a given fossil whether it was ancestor to some other fossil or descendant to some other fossil. Theunissen AGREES and so have numberous darwinists on this board who look at the letters and then try to argue their way out of it.
Your question is "DO I think that SCIENCE has since SOLVED the problem" of looking at a fossil and NOT KNOWING what it is ancestor TO or descendant OF.
No - since 1999 I have not heard of any "breakthrough" that solves that problem. NO announcement "WE have finally figured out how to do that".
But given Patterson's recognition of the LIMIT I have no doubt that should they HAVE found a way to SOLVE it -- a lot of hoopla would surely have resulted.
no let me ask you a question --
IF the PROBLEM REMAINS -- does THAT change your faith in darwinist orthodoxy one iota?
L.K By the way, I assume that you have no answers to my questions (4)-(6).
It is more the case that I have about 20 threads active on this board -- and while I do try to get to yours first - as I find you to be a more objective thoughtful participant than most of the regular darwin supporting group - I am also prone to missing a thread topic.
In fact it is thanks to VZ4M commenting here and bumping this up to the top that I got to this. I was not aware that you had posted a response here until then.