Jayls5 said:
We already clearly established that ID proponents are trying to lead to "God" by their argument and would regress infinitely without Him. There would be an endless requirement of more complex intelligent natural creatures.
There is no "intelligent natural creature" argument in I.D science. All there is the blatant admitting "to the obvious" that something shows design or it doesn't.
The atheist religionist argument must "worry" about where such a fact might lead on a more religious and philisophical level -- the I.D scientist is free to ignore it.
That wasn't my concern though. I was asking about testing supernatural intelligence.
I.D is not about "testing supernatural intelligence" it is about "admitting to pattern complexity and design".
The atheist religionist must then "worry" about the possibility that the intelligence behind a given disign "might be supernatural" but the I.D scientist does not have to worry about that at all when admitting to the obvious fact that something shows the characteristic of design.
I.D already IS science "by definition" but politics and atheist jiihad against "some facts" have orchestrated the censorship of academic freedom SUCH that admitting to these facts can not be "considered" in areas where they hold political or financial power.
WHAT IS Science -- apart from atheist religionist's "needs"??
The word science comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge.
How do we define science? According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is
"knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."