A related question is:
Was it ever possible to desolate the previous Temple?
If so what made that possible?
Was the previous Temple any more or less of a shadow than it would be today or ever?
Heb 8:5 They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, "See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain."
Always willing to listen and consider.
Cameron Fultz
John here:
We can agree with Isaiah 5, as pertaining to Christ & His Vineyard perhaps? In Isaiah 5:7 we read .. "That
the Vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel. (lets insert names for the house?
Fold, Sanctuary, Church, Denomination, etc.)
But it does state that Christ
has a HOUSE, and that it IS ISRAEL's. And CHRIST??? Surely Christ is prophetic for the Son of God, as My.. WELL BELOVED *Having a Vineyard!
Where one get's messed up perhaps, is who is now Israel?? But this is not the issue in Isaiah 5 here. The thought is history repeated, and in simplicity! :fadein: God requires it! As in the Eccl. verses.
OK: The Vineyard (HOUSE) has been fenced, (try Numbers 35:27-28 for the '6' cities of ones Refuge! Yes! Romans 8:1, huh?)
As one reads about Christ's Vineyard in reality, His Virgin Sanctuary of '6 fenced cities' (Revelation 3) with a 'tower in the midst of it', as seen in these verses, they come to a very important eternal life or eternal death decision as is seen in the Everlasting Gospel & Everlasting Covenant in full volume of the Book,
as a complete whole implies!! Matthew 4:4 & 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Notice Isaiah 5:3? This is the bottom line question! Even in todays time/frame as in all history, (heaven also) God deals only with His one True Virgin Fold where He is presented! Again, we are not talking of the 'other folds' where there are good, but ignorant ones of Christ still yoked there. See John 10:16 & Revelation 17:5 with Revelation 18:4. OK?
Christ came unto
His OWN! John 1:9-10
So in verse 3 we 'see' that the True Virgin Sanctuary or Vineyard (call it what you may?) was or is, the only place that Christ had for
'DWELLING WITH THEM' (see Psalms 77:13 in the K.J.)
And this meeting place for Christ being there, was and is CONDITIONAL! Also take note that a person can choose a Christ/less fold, sanctuary or denomination.
Also understand that a person (s) cannot have one without the other
without having neither! Some claim to have Christ without both His New Testament as well as Old Testament's Everlasting Gospel Order & Covenant? (alone!) But take careful notice of the entire chapter of Isaiah 5.
He HAS A VINEYARD! v. 7. It was not the Vineyard that was the trouble!
Note the Words of the Master. (Word of God!)
"And now. O' inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Juda,
And the ABOMINATION that made them DESOLATE was complete! And the rest of the story??? It is of lesser importance but can be traced in Daniel, and Matthew 24 & in the verses following this bad choice in Isaiah 5:3 on! 70AD's slaughter came, but these ones choose a new leader as in Revelation 3:9!
Yet, it is of extreme importance to understand that satan has a short time period with this Christ/less fold to do his God permitted history repeat!! :roll: