John the Baptist
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The Sanctuary on earth was of importance only as a teaching tool about the above Everlasting Gospel & Everlasting Covenant. And MOST IMPORTANT, was that it was where God was to meet with His people[. See Psalms 77:13
Now, if God was gone from the temple, (Sanctuary) it was now good for only one purpose, that of, or for, understanding Truth. And it still is! See Exodus 25:8 Note: Exodus 25:9
But to make the Temple, Vineyard, Sanctuary, or Church DESOLATE, does not mean the destruction of it per/say. What makes it Desolate is for the God of the PLACE to be put out or removed!
That had been done in Matthew 23:38, as one can see that it was able to be done in prophecy, also! See Revelation 2:5. And Laodicea's end in Revelation 3:9 (spewed out) Revelation 3:16-17. Thes ones are not the Revelation 17:5 or the DESOLATE HOUSE ones of Matthew 243:38!!
There is the point to be made of the land itself which cannot sin the unpardonable sin to be used of satan for his last false 'temple'. It has been reported that Rome has purchased a larger number of acreage there in the past few years. But that is not my point or real concern.
The Matthew 24:15 verse goes with Daniel 9:27 & Mark 13:24. Yet, It surely does not take a rocket scientist to see that Matthew & Mark are talking about different ABOMINATIONS! Matthew says simply.. "When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet, [stand in the Holy Place],..." No army, no force, just standing there! (compare Revelation 3:9) [invited as a guest! "We have no king but Caesar" Check out the K.J. of Genesis 4:7, Cain too gained a new leader by a mature rejection of Christ. Then too there are the ones of Revelation 3:9 & the same ones of Revelation 3:16-17 who are again SPEWED out. Again, the Eccl. verses.
Matthew 25:6 has a [midnight] Cry! verse 1 & verse 6 has two separate departures. The first Abomination that made & makes DESOLATE (the rejection of Christ! see Isaiah 5:3 and Isaiah 5:7 for who the Sanctuary or VINEYARD is) & then the 2nd total desolation that makes desolate the building (s). Remember why the structure came down was because of its evil defilement! What could be worse than a professed Christian fold (temple) that is Christ/less????? Again Revelation 3:9 with church needing Caesar's power to execute.
In Daniel 9:27 we see the two combined because it was a period of quite some time from the 'midst of the week (crucifixion) until 70 AD's actual destruction of Jerusalem! Some 70 years or as some figure from Paul's ministry start of 34 AD's 39 yrs. approx.
Anyway for Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15 to give us the correct read on this we see Daniel's Wording being regrouped the second time around to include Christ & Paul's DOCUMENTED fact that this time around God will 'CUT IT SHORT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS'. The Abomination is seen in Laodicea, (First 1 Peter 4:17) and the Ezekiel 9 slaughter will include the whole of the 666 rejects of the Revelation 17:5 ones, plus Laodicea.
Now, if God was gone from the temple, (Sanctuary) it was now good for only one purpose, that of, or for, understanding Truth. And it still is! See Exodus 25:8 Note: Exodus 25:9
But to make the Temple, Vineyard, Sanctuary, or Church DESOLATE, does not mean the destruction of it per/say. What makes it Desolate is for the God of the PLACE to be put out or removed!
That had been done in Matthew 23:38, as one can see that it was able to be done in prophecy, also! See Revelation 2:5. And Laodicea's end in Revelation 3:9 (spewed out) Revelation 3:16-17. Thes ones are not the Revelation 17:5 or the DESOLATE HOUSE ones of Matthew 243:38!!
There is the point to be made of the land itself which cannot sin the unpardonable sin to be used of satan for his last false 'temple'. It has been reported that Rome has purchased a larger number of acreage there in the past few years. But that is not my point or real concern.
The Matthew 24:15 verse goes with Daniel 9:27 & Mark 13:24. Yet, It surely does not take a rocket scientist to see that Matthew & Mark are talking about different ABOMINATIONS! Matthew says simply.. "When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet, [stand in the Holy Place],..." No army, no force, just standing there! (compare Revelation 3:9) [invited as a guest! "We have no king but Caesar" Check out the K.J. of Genesis 4:7, Cain too gained a new leader by a mature rejection of Christ. Then too there are the ones of Revelation 3:9 & the same ones of Revelation 3:16-17 who are again SPEWED out. Again, the Eccl. verses.
Matthew 25:6 has a [midnight] Cry! verse 1 & verse 6 has two separate departures. The first Abomination that made & makes DESOLATE (the rejection of Christ! see Isaiah 5:3 and Isaiah 5:7 for who the Sanctuary or VINEYARD is) & then the 2nd total desolation that makes desolate the building (s). Remember why the structure came down was because of its evil defilement! What could be worse than a professed Christian fold (temple) that is Christ/less????? Again Revelation 3:9 with church needing Caesar's power to execute.
In Daniel 9:27 we see the two combined because it was a period of quite some time from the 'midst of the week (crucifixion) until 70 AD's actual destruction of Jerusalem! Some 70 years or as some figure from Paul's ministry start of 34 AD's 39 yrs. approx.
Anyway for Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15 to give us the correct read on this we see Daniel's Wording being regrouped the second time around to include Christ & Paul's DOCUMENTED fact that this time around God will 'CUT IT SHORT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS'. The Abomination is seen in Laodicea, (First 1 Peter 4:17) and the Ezekiel 9 slaughter will include the whole of the 666 rejects of the Revelation 17:5 ones, plus Laodicea.