stranger said:
The OP frames a question in such a way that only explicit quotes from the bible with the exact words where Jesus says 'worship me' or 'I am God' are acceptable as answers. This style of question is: is it written?
He does not appear to be concerned about such proofs as eg Matt 18:16 Peter's confession 'Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God' nor the context of the high priests question: Matt26:63: I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God'. . .nor the verses you have quoted.
blessings: stranger
I find it amusing that you could offer such a statement above and then FAIL to see what you YOURSELF have offered.
I accept EACH of these pieces of scripture AS OFFERED. What I DON'T accept is one 'attempting' to 'change them' through 'their' interpretation.
Let me explain;
EACH of these statements that you have offered above are EXACTLY MY POINT. Jesus IS The Son of God. Yet 'you' and 'others' insist that such statements 'somehow' state that Jesus IS God. I am REALLY confused here. Jesus says, "I AM The Son of God'', and SOMEHOW 'trinitarians' use this, (ONLY in their OWN minds and hearts), to come up with ''Jesus IS God''.
God revealed to us that Jesus Christ IS His Son. Christ revealed to us that God IS His Father. This is NOT rocket science folks. The exact relationship of God and Christ has NEVER been revealed to us other than as Father and Son. When this relationship began or was created has NEVER been revealed to us. So, I guess since some INSIST that they MUST have a COMPLETE definition in order to be satisfied, they simply 'fill in the blanks' with 'their OWN understanding', (even if it does NOT agree with scripture).
Let me ask this in the hopes of sheading a bit of light on this subject.
What would my religion be if I were to 'pick' an angel and teach others that this angel, being a 'part of God' was indeed, GOD HIMSELF? I am quite sure that you would quickly offer that this would be a 'false religion', or at least one devoid of The Truth.
Now, at WHAT POINT in Christianity did Jesus Christ become accepted, (or created), AS God? Answer me this and you will answer what this thread is ALL ABOUT. The WHO, and WHEN is TOTALLY relevant to 'the truth'. For, when we do but a cursory study of the History of Christianity, we QUICKLY find that this 'trinity' or 'Jesus IS God' was created NO LESS than hundreds of years AFTER HIS DEATH. Now, if this concept was SO important to 'TRUE CHRISTIANITY, (being born again), WHY did Christ NOT reveal this to His apostles in a way that they could DIRECTLY state to us that Jesus Christ IS God? WHY did it take hundreds of years and a people that DIDN'T even KNOW Christ to 'come up' with such an important piece of information concerning the relationship with God and His Son?
Now that this is stated. Another piece of evidence concerning the validity of this 'trinity'. Would those that followed such a MAJOR revelation TRULY have been able to go out and torture and murder God's children IN THE NAME OF THIS "TRINITY"? Could these have been TRULY following the will of God? I mean, golly guys and gals, we have the EXACT example of WHAT God wants of us IN JESUS CHRIST. He wants children that not only love Him, but love PERIOD, ESPECIALLY EACH OTHER. Now, could someone TRULY be 'led by The Spirit' and go out and murder their brothers and sisters in the name of God OR Christ simply because one may NOT accept 'their teachings'?
I have offered MUCH evidence that what I have offered is FACT. Not so much in this thread, but through out those that deal with this matter. That many refute it is of NO consequence to The Truth.
What has been revealed, (through The Word), has CERTAINLY been altered in our 'modern churches'. What the original Church taught was NOT what MOST have now learned to accept and follow. The Catholic faith and almost the entirety of the Protestant have opted instead of Truth, to follow the the 'truth of men'. Thus, one of the most important changes that the CC offered is that of 'trinity' of which the word itself DOES NOT EVEN EXIST IN THE WORD. Even though these produced the modern Bible with which we learn of God's Word, EVEN THEY did not have the audacity to 'alter' it enough to clearly even INDICATE this 'ALL IMPORTANT DOCTRINE' of 'trintiy'.
They simply offer that 'THEY' know better than ANYONE ELSE what God wants us to 'know'. Pretty tricky stuff really, and used in almost EVERY 'man-made' religion that exists or has existed since the dawning of man. This 'I' know God and 'you MUST LISTEN TO ME' or 'God will punish you'. Neat stuff huh?