That's to teach us that people were the same at all times: they find all kinds of excuses to drink alcohol.
I agree with you almost completely on the issue of this thread. I'm a health and fitness crazy person, too.
We all have bee given a unique and amazing human life and a more or less healthy human body. Our physical life is strongly connected to our spiritual life (we have a saying here: In a healthy body dwells a healthy spirit), although many christians thoughtlessly equate the needs of our body with the Biblical Pauline concept of the "flesh" that stands in the way of the spirit. But it's only our bodies that enable us to experience and enjoy God's creation, learn about Him, praise Him, extend His love to other people, help people in need So we should keep our body in the best shape we can.
It's a gift from God to enjoy and make good use of. We should honour that gift not only for the sake of the gift, but also for the One who gave it to us.
Yet I want to remind you and everyone that there is a danger in how far we go. For some people health and fitness is like a new religion. There are scientists that suggest that
obssessively eating healthy can turn into an eating disorder.
And while it is true we shouldn't eat things that kill us it's absolutely okay to eat even processed junk food if it's done in moderation. That means if you've been eating healthy and exercising all week then it's okay to have a (regular sized!!) fast food menu on sunday. Our bodies can handle that if it's something we do only occassionally.