chestertonrules said:RichardBurger said:Nothing was said about everyone being saved. Do you have an agenda?
If Jesus did all the work, then everyone would be saved. Clearly, we both agree that something more is necessary for salvation. And yes, I do have an agenda, which is why I started the thread. I'm not sure why you think something is wrong with that.
Jesus' shed blood on the cross is sufficent to save anybody and everybody but that is not saying it will save them.
[quote:2iizopbw]If you do not except the fact that His blood covers all your (personal) sins then how can it save?
It is sufficient to cover my sins if I repent and obey.
A person has to place ALL their faith, trust, confidence and hope in the work of God (Jesus) on the cross. If you don't then His blood does not cover your sins. If a person says they have faith in His work but then sit on the fence and say that perhaps it doesn't save completely and so they must do works sufficient to pay for their sins then they do not have faith, trust, confidence in Jesus' work on the cross.
Jesus is to get ALL the glory.
If I trust in and believe Jesus, but live a life of sin that reject his commandments for my life, then I will not be saved. If I refuse to confess my sins based on my pride and arrogance, and if I persist in this sin until death, I will not be saved.
Dead faith will not save me. Repentence inclues a change of heart and a purpose of amendment, ie. you can't be forgiven for sin if you simultaneously confess it and plan to to do it again.
Heb 10:26
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
John 15
10If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
2 Pet 2:20
For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first.
Rom 2
6God “will give to each person according to what he has done.â€a 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.[/quote:2iizopbw]
Are you trying to talk yourself out of your salvation? You seem to understand that you are saved by grace, which is not earned, and that salvation is a gift that has to be accepted in order be yours. You should be assured through the Holy Spirit that you're saved. If this assurance seems to be lacking then perhaps you need to look back and check the progress; are you bearing the fruit of the Spirit more, and also, are you finding yourself NOT bearing the fruits of darkness as much as you know you once did?
I find in my walk that there are times I don't feel like I'm where I should be; that I should be better than I am. I find myself understanding that the renewal of my mind is in the power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit working His work out in me. He allows me to learn through trials, tribulations, and even through lingering sin. I find I still have to hold to God's promises and that He is my only hope. I find I need to get out of His way in my life.
Wanting to be absolutely free of sin is what I believe God's work through the Holy Spirit is all about, that is the desire God wants to see written on our hearts. Free me, Free me, Free me.
I think being obedient and trusting in God's Word to be very much the same. Of works, including my personal effort to not sin, are not God's plan, "Apart from me you can do nothing", our personal effort doesn't get us there; prayer and reading the Word and trusting in Him to finish His work in you. All in God's time dear brother.