The New Covenant is in fact quite new, not composed of the old ways patched together in some better order. From the Law of Sin (Old Mosaic Covenant) we learned obedience was something required, else suffer some punishment, and of course lose some blessing. The Law of Life and liberty in Christ doesn't carry that old burdensome attitude of demanded obedience. Rather, once liberated from slavery to sin, born again into the righteousness of God in Christ. we are supposed to be driven by love instead of fear. The love we are filled with upon salvation of our spirit makes it possible to be such a new creature that obedience just happens.
Have you ever met an immigrant American citizen that seems to love the USA more than native-born folks? We just love a retired couple moved here from communist nation, a former scientist/inventor "coming out" among us after a long time learning English. They delight in everything, even loving traffic lights. When they gladly stop they smile and wave at traffic, and will always offer a ride when thy see a neighbor walking. They never speed, always let traffic in ahead of them. They always smile. Most of their garden produce gets bundled up and placed on neighbor's porches even for those of us with our own gardens. They volunteer for community work, and are said to be extremely generous in every way. They absolutely love this nation and town. I believe they are the kind of people nobody needs to tell what is legal or not. I am not saying they don't sin. I can't imagine them willing to sin on purpose, though. They practice too much love to fall into law breaking. In a small way they are exhibiting the kind of pleasant lifestyle God is looking for in Christians, even though they won't yet divulge their standing with Jesus. I'm not saying God would be pleased for people to just live right to be saved. I am saying a Christian ought to be found to just live that way by default because of love in them. It's like when I put a new motor in a work truck I expected it to perform like new, not burning oil. Sure enough, it runs like a new truck.
Even so, the Lord is not requiring His disciples to live a certain minimum holy life or be found wanting, losing our salvation, having to get some new sin washed again and again. Reading the Bible washes us daily as we are soiled just living around. His is not a sin consciousness way, but an abundant living way, a righteousness-thinking way. Being found obeying the commandments of Christ ought to become more and more "natural", taking on a quick resistance to anything hinting of sin. God wants His children to stop being held back by memories of past failures, present weaknesses, and fear of sinning in the future. As liberated citizens of Heaven we are set to serve with joy. Such obedience will not add a bit to our salvation, nor preserve it. It is simply our reasonable service to God. Jesus is the one preserving our salvation, and all we need do is accept that by faith. You are Christian? You believed and still believe. You repented, were baptized. Your past, present and future sin was washed once forever in His blood, and there will be no second and third and fourth treatments with His blood. The first time was sufficient. It was sprinkled at the altar, that one time falling upon you by faith. Once taken from the altar (the cross of Christ) it was taken to and remains in Heaven in the basin before God. It was so effective a third of your total being was saved forever and redeemed at that time, that is your spirit was saved and made free. Now let it be joined by a soul made new by the mind of Christ, and present your body a holy sacrifice out of sheer joy and appreciation and love for Jesus. The redemption of your soul and body is near. Live free.