Here are some responses to francisdesales recent comments.
Francis says:
“Irrationalism? Well, I guess I am in good company, as the vast majority of Scriptural interpreters…â€Â
First of all Francis, you commit the fallacy of
ad populum when you appeal to numbers as proof that you are correct. I am not surprised at this since you do not understand the law of contradiction.
Francis says:
“whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant see that Scriptures can have multiple layers of meaning.â€Â
I would agree that Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics hold to your view of irrationalism. Those who hold to the Reformation do not.
Francis says:
“Do you think the Song of Songs was included in Sacred Scripture because there were perverted Jews on the Canon selection board? Clearly, you are in the minority on this issue, because the vast majority of exegisists see the Song of Songs as a conversation between God and the human soul OR God and the Church...â€Â
Again, let me first point out your appeal to numbers when you try to put me in the “minorityâ€Â, as if that proved you were right or wrong. You seem to enjoy the informal logical fallacy of
ad populum.
I guess you are referring to Song of Solomon, which does make use of metaphors, but we will see that this only proves my case that a verse only has one true meaning in its proper context. Any other meanings equivocated to it is done out of error.
Francis says:
“You clearly don't know much about the English language. Words can be used literally or as metaphors. They can have multiple meaning at the same time. Or do you believe that God is a literal rock?â€Â
Your fist statement is false. Your second statement, in the context of our argument is false too. Words can NOT be used literally and metaphorically at the same time with different meanings in the same sentence. Let me prove this, again.
Proposition 1) Christ is a rock
The word “rock†either means (A) a stone or (B) the certain basis of our Justification.
When used in the context of Scripture, then it only means (B) and never (A).
It is impossible for Proposition 1 to mean both (A) and (B) at the same time in the same verse of Scripture. You are claiming the contrary, although your last sentence seems to indicate that you don’t realize what you are implying with your own argument.
Francis says:
“No one is saying that "A" can only mean "A" while at the same time, "A" can only mean "B". No one is contradicting anything when they say Scripture has multiple meanings. The law of contradicition is not being broken because no one is saying that "A" can ONLY mean one thing and nothing more.â€Â
You are clearly confused. A thing can only be itself, it can not be its opposite. You are breaking the law of contradiction when you claim that any one verse of Scripture can have different meanings simultaneously while in its proper context.
For example, when James states, “You see then that a man is not justified by works, and not by faith only†(James 2:24).
The verse has one true meaning. If the context of the passage was a discussion on how a sinful man is justified before God, then James would clearly contradict Apostle Paul who states that “man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law†(Romans 3:28).
However, as any child can see, the passage of James is not teaching how God justifies sinful man, but rather, it is teaching how a man professing to be a Christian can demonstrate to other Christians that he truly has saving faith. James states, “
Show me your faith without your works, and
I will show you my faith by my works†(James 2:18). No where in the book of James does it say, “when you add works to your faith, then God will infuse righteousness into your heart and you will be justified.†Nope, James even points out that Abraham had righteousness imputed to him, thus justifying him before God, back in Genesis 15:6, before he mentions the fact that God tested Abraham, thus demonstrating Abraham’s faith to all men. The test did not prove anything to God, for God is omniscient and knows that He has already justified Abraham by imputing righteousness to him long before that incident
Therefore, Catholics, who can not deal with the context of James, must claim a “multiple meaning†in order to attempt to smuggle in their mythic-theory of double justification. This violates the law of Contradiction.
Francis says:
“I would think that this is not the definition of Protestantism, because it is based on an irrational and self-defeating idea, since the definition that the Word of God is ONLY in the Bible is nowhere found. Where did you come up with that definition, because it isn't in the Bible itself?â€Â
You probably will not be pleased to hear that Sola Scriptura is logically deduced from Scripture, since you seem so opposed to logic. The evidence is throughout Scripture abundantly. Remember when Christ was confronted by the devil in the wilderness? Every time the devil would cite Scripture incorrectly (You see the devil is a big fan of Scripture having multiple meanings too), then Christ would come back and cite Scripture Alone. Christ did not refer the devil to the teaching of some pope, nor did he recite the Rosary, or cite some other Roman Catholic tradition, thus warding off the devil and proving him wrong. Christ commands us to “search the Scriptures.†He never commands us to anything else. And, when Christ commands you to Scripture and nothing else, then that is the same thing as saying Scripture Alone. Acts 17:10-11 demonstrates how Christians use ONLY Scripture to put the words of Paul, or any teacher, to the test. The Berans did not compare what Paul taught to “tradition.â€Â
“Last time I checked the dictionary, a MULTITUDE of words had more than one meaning...â€Â
Correct, most words have about 5 different meanings, but a word only has one meaning when it is being used in a sentence in proper context. If word “x†has 5 different meanings, and word “x†appears once in a paragraph, then the context must be examined to determine which of the 5 meanings is being used when word “x†appears. Word “x†cannot appear in that paragraph with different meanings simultaneously. The intention of the writer is determined by logic and context.
“AH, now you are understanding the need for a Church to interpret the Scriptures for us. No one is making your claim that words mean nothing, so what's with the strawman argument?â€Â
Your first sentence demonstrates my point that Roman Catholicism embraces irrationalism in hopes of confusing the public to such an extent that they will simply give up on trying to understand the Bible. It also proves that you are teaching that every verse in Scripture has a multitude of contrary meanings at the same time, thus violating the law of Contradiction.
The Roman Catholic claim that any one word has a multitude of different meanings simultaneously in the same sentence, regardless of context, certainly leads to this conclusion.
“However, I won't, because it is more likely that he WAS aware of the multiplicity of interpretations, but you are taking the good bishop out of context.â€Â
How do you know I am taking the bishop out of context. You simply prove you have not read his speech with such rhetoric. Let me give you a nice portion for your enjoyment.
Strossmayer states,
“Penetrated with the feelings of responsibility, of which God will demand of me an account, I have set myself to study with the most serious attention the Old and New Testaments, and I have asked these venerable monuments of truth to make known to me if the holy pontiff, who presides here, is truly the successor of St. Peter, vicar of Jesus Christ, and the infallible doctor of the church. To resolve this grave question I have been obliged to ignore the present state of things and to transport myself in mind, with the evangelical torch in my hand, to the days when there was neither Ultramontanism nor Gallicanism and in which the church had for doctors St. Paul, St. Peter, St. James, and St. John-doctors to whom no one can deny the divine authority without putting in doubt that which the Holy Bible, which is here before me, teaches us, and which the Council of Trent has proclaimed as the rule of faith and of morals. I have then opened these sacred pages.
Well (shall I dare to say it?), I have found nothing either near nor far which sanctions the opinion of the Ultramontanes. And still more, to my very great surprise, I find in the apostolic days no question of a pope, successor to St. Peter and vicar of Jesus Christ, any more than of Mahomet who did not then exist. You, Monsignor Manning, will say that I blaspheme; you, Monsignor Fie, that I am mad.
Now, having read the whole New Testament, I declare before God, with my hand raised to that great crucifix, that I have found no trace of the papacy as it exists at this moment. Do not refuse me your attention, my venerable brethren; and with your murmuring and interruptions do not justify those who say, like Father Hyacinthe, that this council is nothing, but that our votes have been from the beginning dictated by authority. If such were the case, this august assembly, on which the eyes of the whole world are turned, would fall into the most shameful discredit. If we wish to make it great, we must be free. I thank his Excellency, Monsignor Dupanloup, for the sign of approbation that he shakes with his head: this gives me courage, and I go on.â€Â
[emphasis my own]
Not even the good bishop could find anything like the modern Catholic Church in the Bible. Erasmus, another Catholic, made the same point in his book “Praise of Folly.â€Â
Francis says:
“By the way, if you expect to discourse with me, you'll have to remove your offensive tagline. I do not desire to talk with people who are so bigoted that they find it necessary to invent lies about the Church and advertise it on every post. ESPECIALLY, so close to the celebration of the birth of Christ, where peace on earth is exclaimed, not what you post in your signature.â€Â
I will not remove the tagline. Rather, I prefer to express my mind freely, and I am no liar. At this time your right to post your opinion, no matter how wrong or irrational it is, is protected at this site. I am glad you have that right, even though your statements are heavily biased against Calvinism. After all, to profess Catholicism is to claim that all outside the Catholic Church are cursed. Remember the Council of Trent?