dad said:
doGoN said:
And I didn't mention quantum physics, you did... and you don't know what you're talking about! Dad, stop before you hurt my brain! You really have no clue what Quantum Physics are, and you have no clue what you're talking about.
Who was the first to bring it up? As I recall, I only mentioned it after Arj? Now, as for quantum physics, and how it is considered weird, because it seems not to obey things like the speed of light, and time, etc. That is correct. You kidding???? Get a grip.
I'm not Arj, so you get a grip

I am someone that calls you out to prove the same state you claim, and laughs as you fail. You can't begin to do it, nor can any man on earth!! So enjoy your myth.
But I don't claim the "same state past", YOU say that I do, but I never claimed that

. Get it through your head!
dad said:
So Egyptians lived in a universe where the light was different?
If they were post flood, the people who lived in that area, that came to be called Egypt did live in the former state for a while.
Uhm... the Shang Dynasty (ancient China) ruled almost 4000 years ago, they don't mention anything about a changed Universe... it would be a pretty obvious event if it did happen. Neither did the Egyptians. Mehrgarh (India) existed almost 1000 years ago, they show evidence of farming, the tools they used indicate that the plants grew at the same rate as now, why else would they need the tools to farm plants which grown almost instantly? So all of these people lived prior to the flood and after the flood their entire Universe changed without them noticing?
Now that my friend is MYTH!
dad said:
What about Indians and Chinese? Did they live in a different Universe too?
No, I don't think so, didn't they come a little later? The split was about a century after the flood.
Ancient Chinese- Shang Dynasty united China a little later after 2000 BCE.
Ancient India- Mehrgarh, that civilization dates 10000 BCE.
Ancient India- Indus Valley Civilization, dates 3000 BCE.
Persian Civilizations- More than 8000 years ago (6000 years BCE). etc.
They definitely lived "before the flood"... none of those people bothered to notice a dramatic change in the Universe?
dad said:
So there was a split and those people all of a sudden started living in the "present state" universe??!? HAHHA
OMG, this is the funniest thing ever! Where do you come up with this stuff?
Right, our lifespans dropped drastically, plants grew slowly, light was different, the continents separated, and the decay state of matter started, etc.
MYTH! HAHA MYTH, MYTH, MYTH! Nothing but Myth! Chinese, Indians and Egyptians all predate the flood, yet none of them notice a dramatic change in the Universe!?
You are wrong!!! There are no such records that are 'meticulous' for the folks that would have been here right after the flood at all! Look into it. The so called king lists are a joke. Not dependable for dates at all. They always rely on decay dating. Period.
You look it up

, both ancient Chinese and Indians had written records, even Egyptians had meticulous records about famines, rains, crop growth, floods, etc. No records of a dramatic change of the Universe! MYTH my friend MYTH!
Well, science has squat to say about it, and the bible is very much on my side here. What you got???
Please tell me where the bible mentions anything about the speed of light! PLEASE TELL ME! HAHA
dad said:
.. I "thunk" about it, and I figured the more reasonable thing that could have happened is not that a split occurred and then caused redshift, but my favorite unicorn cut the cheese ;)
Right, submit that to the world myth list, and see how it fares. But your myth is as good as the same state past myth, that ends up seeing the sun, moon, and stars, and trillions of galaxies all in a soup speck so small, it could fit in a pore in your nose.
But you claim that I need "same state past", I never said anything that relates to it, nor do I need it to prove anything. I'm always talking about the current Universe, and you always try to talk about the past. I'm only concerned with the past when you are misguided about it. And you are often misguided about a LOT of things! Same with your myth about the split.
dad said:
Dad, if the stars are billions of light years away it means that the light which we're seeing right now IS billions of years old!
Not at all, it means ONLY that our current light, in this current universe state only can travel a certain speed. Meaningless to the past!!! Unless you prove it was this state also!
Dad, then we would see no light right now... but anyway, your theory of different light speed (faster light speed) is a MYTH, no proof of that, not even in the Bible. You just made it up

Even if there was a different light speed, the light would have reached the earth, then on the slow-down there would be no light... the light would still not be reaching us because your "split" is no more than 6000k years. The only thing we would see is the stars within 6000k light years away, but we're seeing MUCH more than that! Dad, MYTH admit it, your theory is MYTH!
dad said:
If the light has to travel x-billion light years, then it is x-billion years old. What that means is that GOD did not create the universe 6k years ago (because he also created light at the same time), but he created it billions of years ago.
No, this was not the created light, any more than this is the eternal created universe! Things changed. Things will change back. Be happy.
MYTH dad, MYTH! What changed? What was light before the split, how fast did it travel? Where were the other stars? What about the other people which we know lived on earth? How about the mammoths, saber-tooths, dinosaurs, extinct scorpions, and hundreds of other things that predate the flood and the split and your whole MYTH? What about all that stuff?
dad said:
If the light is not that old because of some magic event, but the stars are billions of light-years away, then how are we seeing the light that's coming from them?
Because the light was left with the information it carried, on the light superhighway, but the light was not the light that existed as such in the created universe. The light of the created universe was spiritual and physical, not just PO state light. Spirits have not the physical limits material things do. Likewise, the merged state light had no present state limits.
YAY! "Light superhighway" MYTH! I bet it had different speed limits

hahaha, and no cops to pull the light over

"Light was left with information it carried" MYTH! Light carries NO information

Where do you get this stuff from? I have never heard ANYBODY mention this before, not even the Bible! Myth Dad, MYTH!
Dad, you make no sense. What information is carried by light? What "light superhighway"? So there are two lights- one that existed in the created universe and one that didn't?
So the Spiritual Light was faster than the Physical Light, well which light are we seeing now: spiritual or physical? So where is the spiritual light? What happened to it? MYTH!
dad said:
And if a unicorn farted, then we wouldn't need a split! HAHAHAH OK Dad, I change my theory!
A unicorn farted and caused redshift, the universe is NOT expanding! HAHAHAHAHA
You are welcome to change your myth. I suppose it passes the time, since you can't pony up the proof for your so called science claim. Sad.
It's not a myth, a Unicorn really did it, you assume that a unicorn didn't exist and couldn't do that, but in the different state of the Universe it did! Prove me wrong!
dad said:
Well you're wrong, our records begin even further back in time with the ancient Chinese and Indians... they have very meticulous records, you should do some more research.
Really, now??? How about showing us any date older than 4500 years??!! Give us your best shot. You will find you are wrong.

OK Have you heard of Gilgamesh? That story alone is 4750 years old, but that's just a story

, I'll tell you about other writings: Vedas (from India) are almost 6k years old), Archaic Egyptian well over 5000 years and probably the most reliable. So there are some that are just stories, but the Egyptians kept records

, look it up. Archaic Egyptian is existed more than 2600 years BCE, now it's 2007, so that's more than 4607 years ago

- they had pictographic symbols representing a specific place, object, or quantity, very interesting stuff

dad said:
Yes there IS documentary evidence of the "big pyramids"- THEY STILL EXIST! How about the long lifespan, where would we find this evidence dad? Please let us know!
So? When were they built? Don't try to wiggle out of it.
You tell me

, you seem to be the expert there HAHAH! I'll tell you this, the great pyramids are dated between 2600 BCE to about 1800 BCE, that puts the pyramids after 2400 BCE post-flood, thus created in the Universe with the same state as now... But the weird thing is that the size of the stones didn't change during that time, this clearly indicating that the Egyptians were equally capable of moving big stones even after the flood. Strange? HEHEH
Well, your feelings are touching and all, but, no, not even close. Foe rxample, radioactive decay now works a certain way. The parent breaks down, and, over time, depending on the half life, daughter material is produced. They use this to assign dates. If the different state universe saw the materials, parent and daughters, used in another process, then the current relationship is meaningless to real time!
Yes, but if you look at the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Indians there is no evidence of any dramatic change in the Universe. If such thing ever occurred it would turn the world upside down (literally), and people would notice! Not only that, but chemicals would be bonded differently, thus leaving plenty of evidence that something happened, and believe me, NOTHING would survive this kind of dramatic change! Yet the Chinese, Indians, ancient Egyptians did... so did the cave writings, do did a lot of things! Dad, face it, what you're talking about is PURE MYTH!
dad said:
So if you don't understand how CMB works, or how radiation works, then how do you suppose you can argue against it?
I don't, there is a background radiation, and a present decay process. No need to argue against it.
So what are yo
dad said:
What else caused redshift? The farting unicorn? How far in the past dad? Please be specific about what you're saying.
Around the time of the split. Pay attention, I must have said how long ago it was many times here in this thread. About 4400 years ago. About a century after the flood. Write that down, it's a good one.
And what caused redshift after the split, about 4400 years ago?
dad said:
No, you assumed it wasn't

Since it is only assumed to be, there is nothing wrong with other assumptions, especially if they agree with God.
AHHAHA, but if they don't agree with God, then they're wrong

HAHAHAHA DAD, you crack me up! I'm going to put this up on my cube at work: "Assumptions which are wrong, but agree with God, are still good assumptions!"

dad said:
but you haven't proven it. I showed you plenty of evidence, even your own words contradict what you're saying.
Only in your mind, which seems to have basic comprehension problems with anything challenging your myth.
Dad, it's your job to convey your thoughts correctly... my mind has nothing to do with your inability to put to coherent sentences together. SO: yes, your words to contradict themselves, would you like me to quote you?
dad said:
And when does it slow down? HAHAHA,
It doesn't slow down. The new light that comes to exist from the former state light becomes our light. Our light didn't slow down, or we would know that!
So which light are we seeing now: the new light or the old light?
dad said:
So light was faster before? Where do you get that? It certainly doesn't say it in the bible

You seem to be regressing to cackling a lot as of late. Maybe you should take a nice quiet rest. It is a little concerning. Yes, created state light is also spiritual, and spirits can really move.
Are we seeing it? Where did you get this information? The bible? Please show me anywhere in the Bible where the speed of light is mentioned. ANYWHERE? Good luck!
dad said:
Light was faster "before the split"? Maybe the farting unicorn made it accelerate faster

Well, here your new myth falls short, and science knocks it out of the field. Light could not have changed speed greatly in this universe, without big consequences, that science would know about.
But that's not true, because it was before the split... thus science would know nothing about the Farting Unicorn. How would science prove that the Farting Unicorn didn't do it?
dad said:
You don't need any major scientific knowledge to know that the Universe has just split. If the light is traveling slower, the stones are harder to move to make Big pyramids, and gravity isn't working the same, I suspect people WOULD know. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out

They would know a lot of things were different. But the world at that time had just had the languages divided, so who was going to tell much about it?? With all these people staring to die faster, no wonder the Egyptians were all hung up on death, and graves!!! The evidence mounts!
What was the language divided into? Gilgamesh dates over 4700 years old, oldest Indian and Chinese writings both predate the flood... all of them were in different languages. Neither the Chinese nor the Indians had any significant infatuation with death, as you claim that to be evidence of shorter life span. The evidence mounts.
dad said:
Same past state is IRRELEVANT dad

I agree, so why base your every so called science claim of the far past on it????? Work on that.
I don't: you say that I do, but I don't... All the evidence for the Expansion of the Universe exists now, and we can clearly say that the evidence which exists NOW shows that the Universe is expanding NOW

I don't see why you need to have "same state past" in order to tell what's happening now

dad said:
what part of that don't you understand? What makes you think that "same past state" is even relevant? Please explain, because what you have given so far is your skewed opinions which make no sense and only exist in your head.
It is not relevant, except in the assumptions of science! They assume the present is the key to the past, because they assume this present universe is the state of the past. I thought we covered that?
And I told you for 100s of times that it's irrelevant for the conclusion that the Universe is Expanding... it doesn't matter what the past state was, we are currently seeing that the Universe is Expanding...
dad said:
Unless you can come up with some reasonable logic to even remotely explain what you mean, I suggest you give up on trying to push your "same past state" fantasies.
The logic is that science uses that assumption for ALL claims of the past, and evolution, and etc etc etc. (evolution in the old sense of the word, abiogenesis, is the more modern word)
But we're talking about the expanding space at the moment... who cares about the past and why is it needed to explain why the Universe is Expanding?
dad said:
And you have offered nothing! ..
I have offered you and others who push they myth a chance to show their stuff, and make a liar of me, and prove the bejinkers out of it. You can't. Check, and mate. God was right all along.
Dad, you are seriously demented... I am really sorry for you, but I have shown you that even your statements contradict themselves, let alone trying to prove me wrong!
Here are some of the claims which still lay unanswered:
1. After the split the spiritual/fast light was transformed into the current light (if I'm understanding you correctly). The current light is slower than the previous light. Which light are we seeing now? The fast/spiritual or the current/slow light?
2. You claim that there are no records older than 4500 years, but many Chinese, Egyptian and Indian are more than 5-6k years old, how do you explain that without contradicting yourself?
3. You say that there was a division of language after the spit about 4500 years ago, but the Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and even many written languages in Mesopotamia (see Gilgamesh) predate the split. How do you explain that?
4. How far are the current galaxies?
5. How are we seeing the current galaxies? What light is coming from them (old light, new light)?
6. How did the Egyptians move the same size stones after the split/flood?
7. Why didn't anybody notice that the Universe had just had a major change?
8. If lifespan was shorter, then why don't we see the same infatuation with death among the Indians and Chinese as we see in the Egyptians.
9. How do you know that the Egyptians were infatuated with death because the lifespan shortened?
10. Where does the Bible mention specifically that the speed of light changed?
11. How long does it take for the light to travel to Earth from a galaxy 1 billion light years way?
12. Where in the bible does it say that the Universe split?