dad said:
Yes, it says stars. All stars are far. This is news?? Get a grip, man. If they were as signs for man then the light from those stars, all of them far, got here in creation week, and Adam's life time. That is elementary. Really.
I told you, there is no evidence that a week in the "previous state of the Universe" was the same length as the CURRENT week. If you believe that the week at creation was the same length as today, then you're a fool by your own reasoning. As I said, a more reasonable thing to assume is that a week then was more like several billion years now. That gives plenthy of time for Adam to see the stars
, and we can't even guarantee that he lived 800 of the CURRENT years, because it was in a different state universe... as I said, the speed of light does not have to change for that to be true. The bible describes a day as the apperance of day and night (sun raises then sun sets), how long it took in between the sunrise and the sunset is UNKNOWN!
dad said:
No! You confuse me with someone else, apparently. I think nothing remotely similar to that.
Oh, well you should have clarified that when you said "far stars", because if you had just said "stars" it would have been perfectly clear to me that they're all far
dad said:
So it's ENTIRELY possible that God designed the expanding space. There is no evidence in the Bible that God didn't!
Or did. So, we are left with science, or so called science. It bases all claims on present universe reality. You must know that.
There IS evidence that he DID, because we're seeing it happen NOW
. Present Universe Reality has nothing to do with the expansion of the Universe, but the speed of light does!
As I said, you have no proof that the speed of light was different, nor is there any proof that the 6 days of creation were in fact the same lenght as today's days.
dad said:
I hope by now you understand the dilemma: we see "slow light" and the stars are billions of years away. The "fast light" was replaced by the "slow light", even so we would have to experience a "belt" of darkness where the "slow light" has to catch up to the "fast light" since the "fast light" is not visible anymore.
No idea what you are talking about. How is it that a created state universe would leave some belt, precisely??
For the lack of a better term I call it a "belt", but a better description would be the constant apperance of NEW stars in the sky. You may ask why would we see new stars? Because the "fast light" got here before we could see it, then it was replaced by the "slow light", but the slow light couldn't reach us in 6k years because the stars it originated from are billions of light years away.
dad said:
In any case, there WAS no fast light because there is no evidence,
No, there is no evidence we can see, because science is blind to all but the present
natural, and admits it! Why don't you???
Uhm... there is no evidence because there is no evidence! If science is blind to all but the present natural, then who observed the "fast" light? I hope you understand how foolish you sound: "we can't see the evidence, but it's ok because science can't see it either" HAHAHA
dad said:
not even Biblical references to a faster speed of light. If you have the quote- post it, if you don't have the quote then stop arguing that the speed of light was fast.
The stars were made for their light to shine on earth, and it is impossible for that to happen in a present state, they are too far away for present light to get here in time.
AND THEY DO shine on the Earth... uhm, that's exacly my point, they're too far away for present light to get here in 6k years, thus the Universe is much older. Your assumption that God created the Universe in 6 literal/present days is wrong even by your own standards, because you calim that the state of the Universe was different at cration, thus we can't guarantee that a day then is the same as a day now.
dad said:
That does not explain how we're seeing a star 1 billion light years away, when the light that's coming from it is slow and the Universe has exited for only 6k years.
No, the light coming from the furthest star only likely existed as present light for 4400 years. Before that, the light that existed in the forever state got here pretty well right away, or close to it.
Yes, before that there might have been a light which was traveling at a different speed, but NOBODY saw that light, nor is there any evidence that such light existed. The Bible doesn't say anything about it, History says nothing about it, science says nothing about it, NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT IT but YOU!
dad said:
Yes? What part of the "present light" contains the "former light information"? LOL haha, Please show us which part of a photon carries remnants of the "former light".
I'll save you the time: IT DOESN'T! The current light which we're seeing, EVEN if it DID carry any "fast light" information, would still need to travel 1 billion years to bring us the information. The problem is that if you put a piece from a jet fighter on a flat-bed of a truck and you let the truck go down the highway at 65 mph, then the piece of the jet fighter will get here at 65 mph. So even if the jet can go Mach 2, the piece on the truck can only go 65 mph.
No. If our universe was left with present light, that came from far stars, it would still have info in that light about the star. The flatbed still has a serial number.
Yes, but the truck still travels at 65 mph along with its serial number
LOL The "info" about the star is that the star is SHINING, that's the only info there. If you have any proof that there is "info" in our current light then please tell me how I can read that info, how can I obtain it, and how can I store it!
Anyway, info about the star is NOT info about the "fast light" and my point is that the current light carries no info about the "fast light", even if it DID it would take billions of years to get here from a star billions of light years away.
dad said:
OK, so what are you saying? You neither defended nor denied your claim, which happens to be: the stars are 6k light years away (distance),
NO! 6000 years away, TIME. Distance matters not to a former light that could span the universe in days or hours.
LOL, then you're saying that they're 6000 years OLD, not AWAY! Away implies distance, not TIME!
Yes you're still talking about the "former light" for which you have provided no evidence of existance AT ALL!
I suggest you stop talking about it, because it's a completely false statement.
dad said:
and I have you quoted saying that. So you either believe that the stars are 6k light years away, or they're billions of years away? I have you quoted saying both, which one is it?
Stars billions of light years away are still only thousands of real years away, since it was not present light that was here when the light got to earth to begin with.
Uhm, this is the CROWN JEWEL of Dad's logic... I'll help you tho, "light years" describes the DISTANCE it takes for light to travel in 1 year, on the other hand years are a unit for measurement of time. So when you say that a star is 2 billion light years away (DISTANCE), then any light that's coming from it has traveled for 2 billion years (TIME). If the star is 6k years old (TIME), then the light from it would only travel 6k light years (DISTSANCE).
dad said:
I'm sure in your head you did, but you forgot to write it in the post
LOL You showed NOTHING, and you constantly contradict yourself. I have your original quote where you are saying that there are no galaxies past 6k light years away.
Let's try and clear that now, even for your mind. There are no stars further than 6000 YEARS away, present light years are nothing. They are simply a way to measure distance in the fishbowl of the present.
I hope you're not talking about disntace, but time. If youre talking about time, then you should revise your statement to say "6k years OLD" not away! Away implies distance.
If you're talking about distnace, then you're WRONG, because we would not exist if all of the stars were within 6k lgiht years from us. They would burn up everything and gravity would cruch them together.
dad said:
Uhm, yes, you brought that term up and I can only assume you are talking about star further than 6k light years away.
No, present light years do not relate to far past real time. They are strictly a distance measurement. In real time, even stars billions of light years away are thousands of years old.
Now you're starting to get your terms correct, but your logic is still not there
LOL. So now that we have coined the difference between light years (the distance measurement) and years (time measurement), then it's time to coin our logic
Oh, by the way what is "far past real time"? Back to your logic:
Stars that are billions of light years away are only thousands of years old. I can accept that statement, but the only problem is that if that's true, then we would not see them because the light wouldn't be here yet!
dad said:
Is that your quote from the Bible?
No, did it look like it was supposed to be one? Look for signs, like Gen 1 before the quote, when looking for quotes from the bible. This is news??
Uhm, I don't know what things are supposed to be with you anymore LOL, frankly I don't think you know either. I suppose that should be news to you! Gen 1 says that the stars are meant to be seen and they are seen, that's that for me... you on the other hand conclude that there was a different light which traveled faster. I don't think any person has ever come to that conclusion before, so CONGRATULATIONS: you are the one and only
dad said:
You make a lot of deductions based on NOTHING
LOL God was there had he has a book has nothing to do with the speed of light. If God is there and he has a book you can deduce that he has a book and he was there, that's ALL!
I don't see any correlation in God's existence, the presence of his book and the speed of light.
He explains when we were made, and how light was also shone on earth from far away. Much further that is possible with present light.
OK, dad yet another claim: "light was also shone on earth from far awaw. Much further than is possible with prsent light." I will not even go into that, because I told you that there was no different speed of ligth at any point in time after the universe came to be. There is NO evidence of such thing ever happening, existing or even remotley bieng possible.
dad said:
YES, and the PRESENT light causes redshift,
So what??? What else in the past also caused it? You insinuate that this state is all there ever was.
Nothing else in the past could have caused redshift. I have heard your ideas, they're false because they assume that the speed of light was different and you have nothing to support that claim.
it also travels billions of years to get here from stars that are billions of light years away. If we never saw the "fast light", which never existed anyway, then how do we see the stars which are more than 6k light years away. Again, straw man, even the Bible doesn't say anything about the speed of light.
We never saw the former light, because history only goes back so far. We, in the last few centuries could not possibly have seen the former light.
dad said:
The Bible says that, but it that has NOTHING to do with the speed of light. All it means is that the stars are supposed to be seen, which they are!
For a star to be seen, what has to happen? (I have to tell you this?) The light needs to get to earth from far away! Are you with me so far?? Now, a star a billion ly away cannot get here now in a week. So, how the hec did they see it??
DAD, FINALLY! YOU have realized the dilemma which I had throughout our entire conversation here
LOL. I wonder they same thing, but your explenation is illogical and false. The speed of light was NEVER different, there are no accoutns, no proof, not even Biblical references to any such thing.
dad said:
You do need to use science for any science claim. My logic is very correct, you have just been slow to get it so far.
You don't seem to accept science, so the only way to convince you that I'm right is to use your logic and your evidence
. Even your logic and evidence (actually you have no evidence) prove that you're wrong.
dad said:
Of course they're far, but the bible never calls them as such... in the bible they're only called STARS.
Right, I call them far, because I happen to know a little bit about modern science. The glaring fact remains that starlight, generally cannot get here in days now. Fess up.
OH, now you know a little bit a bout modern science? Since when do you subscribe to ideas from the "so called science" LOL. OH and now it's a "glaring fact" that light cannot get here in days
well I have to also add that it's a glairing fact that it NEVER got here in days! You have no proof that it did get here in days, you are completely wrong!
dad said:
And you have NO proof that there was OTHER light, not even Biblical accounts of such thing. As I said: a complete fabrication.
In the future, the bible does say there is other light. In the past, we know there must have been by deduction! Elementary.
Your deduction is WRONG even by your own logic. You claim that we can't look in the past and tell what's in the future, therefore we can't look in the future to tell what's in the past
. But even looking at this simply word for word, the only thing that we can deduce is that the light will be different in the future (nothing can be said about the past based on that quote). You can't tell what the weather was yesterday by looking at tomorrow's forecast
dad said:
You can't even seem to do basic reading.
The Bible never says anything about the light changing speed or it carrying some information etc. You have no proof of that, you just made it up and that's why you're a petty liar, a fabricator and a quack.
All signs carry information, that is the very essence of what a sign is! You must be kidding!
I'm not kidding, but you're definitely not thinking
If there is "information" in light, the only thing it says is that the star from which it came form is emitting light. If there is any other informaiton in light, then please help us decode it and read it
dad said:
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH This is the funniest thing EVER! I hope you realize what just happened. My two sentences were purposely written to make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, yet dad managed to extract some meaning out of it and tried to prove it wrong by simply repeating what he always repeats: "you can't prove same state past"... It is OBVIOUS that Dad doesn't read what he's responding to, he just posts his one line "specials" and leaves- such people are called trollers.
Let me see what you are saying here. You claim that you say things on purpose that make no sense! Then, you call others a troll??? Maybe you should consider that you usually make so little sense, that when you do so on purpose, it sounds normal for you! Sorry, but that is about where you stand. Now stop trolling, and focus.
Dad, if you notice my entire statement was in "quotes", I purposly made it to mimic your illogical sentances. I had the full intent of making this statement in order to immitate you
. And if I usually sound like I make no sense is because I'm trying to get you to get your story straight. Your story makes no sense so any conversation around it would make no sense
dad said:
Obviously you have problems comprehending, just look at my previous quote LOL I put two sentences together, none of which made sense whatsoever, and you managed to extract an "argument" from them. That is the funniest thing ever, again, proving that you don't even understand what you're responding to.
I know the stance of so called science. If you did as well, you may not have to say things, as you yourself admit make no sense! Is that all you have to do on a science forum, is make no sense on purpose??? Strange.
Oh, I make sense and purpose, but when I try to mimic you, you seem to get lost
LOL, I hope you see what I have to deal with on a regular basis when I'm talking to you. I purposly put the statement in quotes and purposly made it sound like you. Don't get mad at me, be mad at yourself
dad said:
Yes, but where evidence lacks doesn't mean that science fails
Stop the hand waving, man. Does it really become you?
Uhm... I tell you what, you get your story straight, then we start talking about science
dad said:
Really, now. The church believed that, eh? Amusing. Prove it. If you could, I might not be that surprised, much of the church believes your myth!
As I told you, the Church believed that the earth was flat from about 300 AD to at least 1300, yet it Greeks in 200 BC had calculated the circumference of the Earth and were only 5% off.
[quote:8e478]Indeed, but the Church claimed that the Earth was flat from abut 300 AD to about 1300, yet even in that time everybody else pretty much knew that the earth was NOT flat. That's just to show you how the Bible can be used to support even the most ignorant and false ideas- much like yours
Enlighten us here, as to the basis of that claim. [/quote:8e478]
The Warfare Of Science With Theology (1896) by Andrew Dickson White, Augustine, Ambrose and Basil... they all believed in scripture, that the Earth was set on pillars, that there were four corners on the earth, etc.
dad said:
Yet you have no evidence from the Bible
HAHAHAHA Well bring your evidence, wherever it is from... but nowhere will you find any evidence that the speed of light was different, nor that it was replaced by our "current light". That's why you're a fabricator, you make up complete lies!
You are quite the accuser. I have shown that science cannot know, and that the bible indicates a different past, and that starlight can't get here in days. You are grasping at straws. Straining at nats.
NO, YOU are the accuser
LOL. You accuse science that it can't prove that the space is expanding because the speed of light was different, that caused redshift, etc. You are wrong untill you prove that the speed of light was different. I'm still waiting to see what your proof is that the speed of light was different ;) By the way I loved the website there
nice scrolling text, neverending story, no point, no evidence of a different speed of light
It was great! A great waste of time!