The Barbarian said:
Barbarian observes:
But remember "earth" means "the area" as in "eretz Israel", "the land of Israel." .
ground, land
1. ground (as general, tilled, yielding sustenance)
2. piece of ground, a specific plot of land
3. earth substance (for building or constructing)
4. ground as earth's visible surface
5. land, territory, country
whole inhabited earth
7. city in Naphtali "
I can believe God or I can believe you. Not much of a choice, really.
Any time now would be good, sounds so far like all you have is doubts.
Barbarian observes:
That's not scriptural, either. God doesn't say he will start to die. God says he will die that day. He did, too. But not physically. Physically, he lived for many years after. But Adam was never immortal. You made that up, to make scripture more acceptable to you.
Dying, you will die. Not, all of a sudden, boom dead.
" Thou shalt surely die.
moth tamuth; Literally, a death thou shalt die; or,
dying thou shalt die. Thou shalt not only die spiritually, by losing the life of God, but from that moment thou shalt become mortal, and shalt continue in a dying state till thou die." ... =17#Ge2_17
If man was created to die, eating the fruit would be no big deal. The same tree that God had to guard that could give eternal life was in the same garden before they ate the forbidden fruit. Do you have some indication that they never ate it????
God says in Genesis that if one eats from the tree of life, one lives forever. Adam didn't. Again, I can believe God or I can believe you.
Genesis 2:17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
(Man's alteration of God's word follows)
moth tamuth; Literally, a death thou shalt die; or, dying thou shalt die. Thou shalt not only die spiritually, by losing the life of God, but from that moment thou shalt become mortal, and shalt continue in a dying state till thou die."
Sorry, I think it's particularly insulting to God to change His word in scripture. It's an awful blasphemy. Note that the person who committed this blasphemy specifically denies God's assertion that Adam will die that very day.
They were right, Adam lived on. His body at least. So did his spirit! We have a spirit now, don't we? Adam must've had one as well.
Imagination is not a useful tool for understanding Scripture.
Neither is small mindedness or pigheaded stubbornness and short sighted dogmatism.
Barbarian on the sudden movement of continents:
And the friction engendered would have boiled the oceans. And, of course, a rapid continental separation isn't Scriptural, either. You're just making stuff up to fill in the holes in your story.
Of course a dividing of the continents is a common interpretation for the dividing in the days of Peleg. I already pointed out that former state matter could not have had the heat that present state matter generates. Maybe Barbarian should listen for a change, rather than narrating what he is doing, and ignoring everything else almost.
Your imaginary universe has no relevance to the real one. And yes, we can indeed read the evidence in rocks to show that it happened very slowly. Eight grade science students can analyze it and show how long it took.
Not any more, you are busted. The present is real, but not the only reality of the future or past. Stick to science and stop preaching, and ,making stuff up.
You don't like the testimony of the Bible, so you adjusted it to make it more acceptable to you.
I interpreted it in a believing spirit, leaving God real and true, and met all the evidence we do have, including the spiritual.
Another instance of a planetary movement of water and land is right in creation week. The land was separated from the water. Only about 3 days later, animals were created to live on the earth! This tells us that a property of matter, or rock at the time seems to be that it cooled fast, and/or did not get as hot.
Christians nearly 2000 years ago, commented that it was absurd to read Genesis as a literal history, because a literal reading produced logical contradictions.
Jesus talked of the flood, and time of the garden. Other Christians in the NT believed also, and spoke of the same. Whoever you are referring to can go fly a kite. They are overruled.
Likewise in the future, the whole earth will be burned (surface) with fire, but we also see, soon after that, the holy city of God coming from space (above) -and landing right here!!! The past and future states seem to be the same. We are the odd man out, in the present.
Ah, more imagination. But you're still stuck in the real universe. Sorry about that.
The city is imagination now?? Or the fire that burns the earth as the bible says??? Or...???