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Is the Bible infallable.?


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It is stated the Bible is the inspired , infallable and authoritive word of God.

and that all these things that have been written, are to prove Jesus is the one God sent, he is the one.

we say we believe in free speach, free thought, we have free will to choose.

It could be said the written word is very power full when it comes to beliefs,

for instance a muslim has to believe the Koran , if they were to question the Koran , they could face execution?

so if it is written, or some one puts that any one who will not submit to Islam, including Jews, Christian, are an enemy if you like,

what a bondage, manipulation of power, people could find them selves under, a very heavy yoke, this is what you must believe and obey, with out question.

Is it the same for some one who questions the bible, for myself i think it is healthy for people to ask questions, search , research the facts,

to see if any thing has been lost in translation, covered up or concealed.

by the lying pen of the scribes,see what was written in other Gospels not included it the bible, ancient jewish texts,manuscripts then you can FREELY choose.

i stated this on a christian forum, people are free to question and consider what has been written,what some people have believed in the past and present,also.

for stating i believe people have this freedom, i was banned for one month, ??

Christian Wilderness Forum so is the above a crime, the right to question? consider?

for me the truth is the truth you can not change the truth, it stands the test of time.

for myself Jesus is the ulimate truth, so i have put my faith and trust in him,

the risen living Lord. johnny

ps how did people get on in the dark ages, when the bible was written in latan, most people could not read or write.

may they have experenced the living word, The Lord Jesus. David Icke's Official Forums religion forum
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I believe, BY FAITH, the original manuscripts were perfect and infallible, however, the original manuscripts are gone and we no longer have them with us. We only have copies and translations, which I do not believe are infallible!

And over the centuries with so many scrolls being copied there were errors that crept in and the translations contain human errors as well.

I believe Gods Word, the original manuscripts and the original manuscript writers were inspired, but I don't believe the translators and copyists were.
You can not make such a distinction between the Word of God in flesh (Jesus Christ) and the word of God in print (the King James Bible). If the word of God in print has error, what about the word of God in flesh? No, both are infallible.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." —I Peter l:23

Where is the inerrant word of God today? Could you show me this infallible Bible? If you can not, how can you teach Biblical infallibility today?

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." —John 8:32

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." —John 17:17

My friends, God said He would keep His words, without error, forever (Psalm 12:6-7; 119:89,140; Matthew 5:17; 24:35). If He did not do this, then the whole Bible is a lie. However, the Lord is always true to His word. Why not ask Christ which Bible honors Him the most and use the Bible with no corruption?
It is clear there are mistakes in the bible. To not acknowledge this is blindness to the Truth. To see Truth one must be honest when it is revealed to him so that he admits the clear validity of it and be changed. Jesus is the Word and he is infallible because of who he is. The scriptures are written to testify of him for God is a person not a thing.
Then please show me where they are in the Authorized King James Bible.

Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18 give different accounts of how Judas Iscariot died.

Matthew 27:44 and Luke 23:39-42 give different accounts of what one of the thieves said.

These are a few mistakes albeit irrelevant regarding salvation. My main point is that God is Spirit and the bible testifies to that. The preaching of the New Testament is about the Spirit and not about the letter. The scriptures testify to that also. The scriptures say the Word existed with God and is God from the beinning. The bible is not refering to itself. Christ is the Word made flesh so that he says, go look in your precious scriptures for they all testify to me. He would only say such a thing to those who follow after the letter and know not the Spirit, for elsewhere the apostles say, the Spirit gives life but the letter kills. Hence those who followed the letter crucified the Christ and persecuted his witnesses.
Is it the same for some one who questions the bible, for myself i think it is healthy for people to ask questions, search , research the facts,

to see if any thing has been lost in translation, covered up or concealed.

by the lying pen of the scribes,see what was written in other Gospels not included it the bible, ancient jewish texts,manuscripts then you can FREELY choose.

i stated this on a christian forum, people are free to question and consider what has been written,what some people have believed in the past and present,also.

for stating i believe people have this freedom, i was banned for one month, ??

Christian Wilderness Forum so is the above a crime, the right to question? consider?

for me the truth is the truth you can not change the truth, it stands the test of time.

for myself Jesus is the ulimate truth, so i have put my faith and trust in him,

the risen living Lord. johnny

ps how did people get on in the dark ages, when the bible was written in latan, most people could not read or write.

may they have experenced the living word, The Lord Jesus. David Icke's Official Forums religion forum

No it's not a crime to question the bible. Question everything. test all things in light of scripture. You are wise. :)

:lol.....I just visited that forum. Older regulars will recognize the admin of the site. ..........."Strangelove" I have to poke around on that one............:toofunny...Here is a pasted copy of his about page...."I decided to make this forum because I keep getting banned from every Christian forum I join even though all the stuff I want to talk about is backed by scripture and real documentation. Go figure?. They just dont like the information I bring forward. If you feel like your in the same boat then join up!"
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Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18 give different accounts of how Judas Iscariot died.

Matthew 27:44 and Luke 23:39-42 give different accounts of what one of the thieves said.

These are a few mistakes albeit irrelevant regarding salvation. My main point is that God is Spirit and the bible testifies to that. The preaching of the New Testament is about the Spirit and not about the letter. The scriptures testify to that also. The scriptures say the Word existed with God and is God from the beinning. The bible is not refering to itself. Christ is the Word made flesh so that he says, go look in your precious scriptures for they all testify to me. He would only say such a thing to those who follow after the letter and know not the Spirit, for elsewhere the apostles say, the Spirit gives life but the letter kills. Hence those who followed the letter crucified the Christ and persecuted his witnesses.


Neither account is contradictory of the other in that Matthew does not say that he could not have hanged and then fell nor does Peter say that he could not have been hanged before he fell headlong and spilled his guts.

Is it possible there are four criminals and not two?

Neither account is contradictory of the other in that Matthew does not say that he could not have hanged and then fell nor does Peter say that he could not have been hanged before he fell headlong and spilled his guts.

Is it possible there are four criminals and not two?

Many have said the same thing using glaring omissions that cannot be verified. A stretch in my opinion since this does not account for why one says Judas bought the field and the the others says the priests of the temple did. Moreover it is hard to grasp someone falling headlong from a hanging position. The four criminal comment is pretty funny. I don't see the big deal that there are some mistakes. The Christ happened that's all that should matter. Is God Spirit or not? For if one has the Holy Spirit he will be led accordingly.
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Many have said the same thing using glaring omissions that cannot be verified. A stretch in my opinion since this does not account for why one says Judas bought the field and the the others says the priests of the temple did. The four criminal comment is pretty funny. I don't see the big deal that there are some mistakes. The Christ happened that's all that should matter. Is God Spirit or not? For if one has the Holy Spirit he will be led accordingly.

I did not have to use any ommision whatsoever to come to that conclusion the fact that it cannot be verified means nothing other than in the mind of the skeptic it is unsubstatiated as is the rest of the bible in their mind. There is also a good explanation of the field bought that could get rather lengthy but makes perfect sense so no to me it does matter and the bible does flow in perfect harmony and there are explanation to things that seem contradictory in the bible.

You are dealing with diffrent authors looking at the same history from different perpectives while one focuses on the fact Judas hung himself and the other focuses that he fell afterwards from possibly the branch breaking and him spilling out on the rocks does nothing to contradict itself just like the field being possibly bought in Judas name since it was his body that defiled the area and the money he returned was blood money again two diffrent accounts not contradictory but from two diffrent perspectives.
I am in agreeance with Childeye, there are a lot of contradictions in the bible, but I don't believe it makes the message any less potent.
Many have said the same thing using glaring omissions that cannot be verified. A stretch in my opinion since this does not account for why one says Judas bought the field and the the others says the priests of the temple did. Moreover it is hard to grasp someone falling headlong from a hanging position. The four criminal comment is pretty funny. I don't see the big deal that there are some mistakes. The Christ happened that's all that should matter. Is God Spirit or not? For if one has the Holy Spirit he will be led accordingly.

Per subject, the 66 bks. are 'testimony' of each bible writter as they penned it in their own Wordings. (discribing the Inspired thought picture) Yet, God Himself only wrote the 10 Commandments.

And the two theives? They both were with Christ during His fake trial surely! And one repented during that time is the way rhat I see it. We are told that Saul (Paul) in Acts 9 had the striving of the Holy Ghost during Stephan's trial to fight against! (kicking!) So here we see true Godly repentance. (me at least)

I think the bible if it is understood what it is is accurate enough. God transcends the bible. The bible is a great way to understand about God but is not God, and is not to be worshipped in any way!. God is perfect not the Bible!

Only time in prayer helps you really know God combined with truths in the bible. The problem some have is they limit God actions to only whats written by men in the bible. Thats why guys get hung up on things of a spiritual nature sometimes.
I think the bible if it is understood what it is is accurate enough. God transcends the bible. The bible is a great way to understand about God but is not God, and is not to be worshipped in any way!. God is perfect not the Bible!

Only time in prayer helps you really know God combined with truths in the bible. The problem some have is they limit God actions to only whats written by men in the bible. Thats why guys get hung up on things of a spiritual nature sometimes.

If you believe that God is perfect, then why do you also believe that He could not create a perfect Bible?
If you believe that God is perfect, then why do you also believe that He could not create a perfect Bible?
Probably because of Adam and eves track record and the fallibility we inherit. Their descendants wrote it to the best of their abilities under God's direction. The bible has a couple of questionable places like Mark chapters 9-20 and the way they appear in some versions and not others. The examples of Gods character described in the bible have stood the test of time and scrutiny.
For someone to accept that the Word is infallible, he must first accept that it is Inspired.

Romans 3:4 said:
Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written:
“So that you may be proved right when you speak
and prevail when you judge.â€

If it is Inspired, and I believe it is, The Words were Given to men by the Holy Spirit. If someone can accept that, it doesn't seem like a large leap to believe what they wrote is what He Spoke to them.
Probably because of Adam and eves track record and the fallibility we inherit. Their descendants wrote it to the best of their abilities under God's direction. The bible has a couple of questionable places like Mark chapters 9-20 and the way they appear in some versions and not others. The examples of Gods character described in the bible have stood the test of time and scrutiny.

So you believe that God is perfect, but some things are simply out of His control. Right?
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So you believe that God is perfect, but some things are simply out of His control. Right?
Did you sin in any form recently? Could yuo write a holy book that is error free and 100% accurate and only conveyed Gods message.

If you believe the bible has 100% no discrepencies you are setting yourself up for a spiritual let down when you discover where human error has made minor changes in acouple of places. I did and it shattered my faith because I naievely believed the world was 6000 years old, The gospels of Matthew mark Luke and john were eye witnesses called Matthew mark Luke and John. I also believed there was absolutely no error in the bible or ever had been. I did not understand this magnificent book for what it is. I was idealistic.
Did you sin in any form recently? Could yuo write a holy book that is error free and 100% accurate and only conveyed Gods message.

If you believe the bible has 100% no discrepencies you are setting yourself up for a spiritual let down when you discover where human error has made minor changes in acouple of places. I did and it shattered my faith because I naievely believed the world was 6000 years old, The gospels of Matthew mark Luke and john were eye witnesses called Matthew mark Luke and John. I also believed there was absolutely no error in the bible or ever had been. I did not understand this magnificent book for what it is. I was idealistic.

Are you telling me, that you don't believe that God could deliver His Word to us and keep it preseved in a pure form?

Or, are you saying, that God, did not see fit to intervine in the preservation of His Word after it was given to holy men?

I'm not sure which of these two things you believe but I think that it must be one of them. Would you please explain your position to me?
Are you telling me, that you don't believe that God could deliver His Word to us and keep it preseved in a pure form?

Or, are you saying, that God, did not see fit to intervine in the preservation of His Word after it was given to holy men?

I'm not sure which of these two things you believe but I think that it must be one of them. Would you please explain your position to me?
can you tell me why there are footnotes in the bible like ' verse # does not appear in other Gospels'


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