The four horsemen of the apocalypse, are messengers from God. The nearer they get, the louder that message becomes.
Our Lord gave us the signs to look for (Matt. 24), as the last act on the world stage plays out. Today I can see there are no props that are not either in place, or visibly coming into place for that last act to begin.
In fact it is already starting to play, you are going to see some changes in the next year or so, you might have not even dreamed of yet. I am not a date setter, nor will I try to make predictions outside of those things I can see. But time is running out fast for Satan, and he knows it.
If you have not accepted Christ as your savior, or have any doubt as to your position in Christ, its time to get all those matters straight. Its time if you know someone, a friend or relative that has not accepted Christ, that you make an appeal to them. Because we don't have a lot of time left.