Amen to everything
Dear Stove , this here is my last post here. I'm very serious this time

My father forbids me t write anymore . So please everybody who is reading this , I request do not reply. JUST CONSIDER fir it is from my Lord . His words my fingers/ pen. Thank you very much

( it's in two parts )
"Dear Stove and all brothers and sisters ,
As mentioned before I eill not be participating anymore in discussions on CF since my views and convictions on the legitimacy of Paul as an apostle of Christ causes much strife and heartburn among brothers and sisters.
My Father and Lord, Jesus told me to back off permanently for this very reason. I did say this few months back and I'm guilty of returning , simply love this forum and I love all children who love my father Jesus. And so I keep coming back

However the bone of contention is Paul which makes it almost impossible to have a peaceful n loving discussion, and even debate. And as much as you love Paul , I'm on the opposite side. Before leaving I request you brothers and sisters ( as I once earlier did) , Pray to my father Jesus and ask Him Who is this Rajesh Sahu, who comes here and repeatedly attacks Paul, and claims he came from you?
My father Jesus will testify for me, for I have nobody but Him. And if He doesn't then I'm a liar and deceiver. However since we cannot put God through the test as the Christ told the devil in his wilderness encounter, I cannot test Him either. Please pray and ask my father Jesus WHO AM I? ( Sahu) and wait for Him to answer. I do not know WHEN He will answer. But He surely will. Either now or on the day of Judgment. But He will surely testify for Him. For what I shared about Paul was revealed to me by my father Jesus. This rejected, broken, disgraced and sorrowful man called Rajesh Sahu is yet from Jesus Christ , carrying His message ( and even the name , check what this name Rajesh means which my deceased Hindu parents gave 59 years back in India) in these last days when the Judgment has already begun ( 2020 or thereabouts) when Corona Virus was unleashed on mankind. This will end exactly as predicted in the Word.
Before Judgment comes Jesus wants us to understand His doctrine of Salvation. I wrote what He asked me to write ( pray and ask Him) and I wrote in 3 parts in my previous post. But I was amazed not one like comes. Nobody accepted what Jesus my father asked me to share as a last ditch effort to change hearts and help people move to loving kindness, practicing loving compassion consistently until it becomes their second nature and they start reflecting God and Christ in their lives , for God and Christ are love.( 1 John 4:8, 16 )
No surprise, the top 3 commandments of Christ revolved around LOVE.
He was kind enough to provide us DAY OF JUDGMENT vision ( Matthew 25:31-46) which clearly inform us WHAT METRIC will be used on the day of Judgment. If you read that that Vision Account , you will see the Jesus in His capacity as Judge of mankind will use exactly what He repeatedly taught--- WORKS OF LOVING KINDNESS. Whoever had them ( The Sheep) was saved , whoever did not ( The Goats )was condemned and removed from His presence.
Brothers and sisters you can dislike me and reject as much as you like, but I beg you HEED my father. Listen to Him. Do as He says . Remember this Judgment day vision CANNOT CHANGE, no matter which man or teacher or Paul says, this Judgment day scenario will play out word for word . Read Matthew 24:35 and you'll understand why.
Do not make the blunder of placing words of anyone ( except ) God before the words of Christ. And for this reason , my father Jesus warned us in in John 13:16
All this has unfortunately gone unheeded. My father's worda and warnings were consistently rejected for Paul's doctrine who repeatedly attacked Father God's eternal delightful priceless, forever and ever Law . Read words of the man after God's heart Psalms 19:7-11, Psalms 111:7-8, Psalm 119: 151-152 , Psalm 1:1-3, Read all of Psalm 119 the largest Psalm in the Bible dedicated to extolling and praising the ETERNAL Law of God which was brutally attacked by Paul and ABOLISHED by him Ephesians 2:15 and CRUCIFIED by Paul on the same cross where he and his Pharisee murdered my father, Christ Jesus.
Not only did Paul abolish and Crucify God's Law ( Ephesians 2:15 , Colossians 2:14) but he blamed Jesus Christ for doing so. Read these verses repeatedly friends for on the day of judgment they will cause condemnations of all those who believed and taught others.
Understand this brothers and sisters, nobody in the universe dare touch even a tittle or a jot or the Law . Christ warned us about that didn't He? Why? Because its eternal, universal, forever and ever. Yet we the Church chose to believe the thirteenth apostle, who destroyed COMPLETELY the Law , calling it dead and obsolete and put us under something called Grace a word my father Jesus never even uttered from His mouth and yet had become the very crux of Christian salvation ( Saved by Grace through Faith )
The Lord Jesus is furious as the book of revelation reveals. Now we know why. Pure wrath will come down on that time on all who killed Father God's eternal Law instead of obeying it in full which my father Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 7:12, and Luke 10:25-28 but unfortunately He was yet again ignored/ rejected and the Pharisees doctrine of saved by faith alone was taught. Check out ANY Church if you wish to ascertain this.
Finally friends remember it's going to be YOU and CHRIST on the day Judgment and we will be judged INDIVIDUALLY based on WHAT he have DONE not just believed exactly as James warned in James 2:2 and the Baptist warned in John 3:36 ( look NASB or Greek lexicon)
My father himself warned FOUR TINES! moments before ascending the cross in John 14 :15, 21, 23, 24 " IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS"
Think friends WHY was my father repeatedly reminding us that IF WE LOVE HIM WE MUST OBEY COMMANDMENTS?
I'll tell you why, because He wanted to SAVE us , but if we YET do not keep His commandments He will not hesitate to condemn us. And He did this on the day of judgment ( Matthew 25:31-46). Read this account repeatedly and you will know the truth.
So what were the top commandments of the Lord Christ ? LOVE GOD, AND LOVE OTHERS
( Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 7:12, Luke 10:25-28, John 15:12)
Love is the OPPOSITE of SIN friends . It covers ALL SIN reveals the Word , Proverbs 10 :12, 1 Peter 4:8
Also remember asks my father to remind the Churches. The Father established principle " YOU SHALL REAP WHAT YOU SOW" will play out to its FULL on the day of judgment . The ones who had SOWN LOVE in their earthly life REAPED LOVE from Father and Son the Christ and they were Saved because they had loved others ( as the SHEEP did on the day of judgment) but the Goats who likely got swindled by Pauline deception of Saved by Grace through Faith were rejected for lack of WORKS OF LOVING KINDNESS.
---------Concluded in next post
