- Sep 1, 2010
- 5,084
- 565
Ok, this is the heart of this thread isn't it Brother Nathaniel? I's so simple.
If we know our Gospels and we know our Jesus and we follow His two commandments then everything else falls into place, as long as you are sincere in your faith.
We dont need OT written law. You dont even need to read the OT.
I just dont understand why this guy is coming here and muddying the waters.
Think about new Christians and how they read this thread. It started off with a bunch of guys saying outright that we needed to study the OT to understand Jesus and His commandments and that the Old written law was still applicable to Christians today. Then a few good Christians came in and battled for the truth like Brother Drew and yourself and a coupla of the mods. And the noise from the OT fanboys all but dried up. They are gone.
But now this confusion from Elijah just keeps raining down. I dont know what he's trying to do but I just dont like it. Christianity is not cryptic. It's simple and easy and he's making it out to be some secret that we need to unlock and only he has the key.
Maybe it was the thread title....just worded wrongly that makes him keep comming back......dunno. What we've clearly been dabating is >> Are Christians under the written law.
It's a simple no. The ten commandments are effectively abolished because we dont need to go there and read up on the laws becasue we fulfill the law AUTOMATICALLY as a by product of Gods grace through faith in Christ. This is not rocket science. As long as we sincerely walk in true faith.
If your talking about people professing to be Christian but showing no fruit then thats something entirely different. Thats false salvation. Thats a different debate.
I hear your heart. I do. And I do agree, but I think that it is a good thing to read the O.T. It might not be imperitvie to Salvation. But ohhhh does it ever beautifully illustrate Him.
I seriously think it is a language barrier with Elijah. I can discern from his post on other threads that he is not trying to hide anything, he just simply cannot seem to fully grasp the english language.
It can muddy the water. However light will always shine through darkness, and as long as there are people who will let His light shine there will be truth present. What would be sad is if no one refuted the disception and light was not present on this forum.
He does make a person dig, but I just do not get the full idea that he is intentionally being deceptive. It can be taken that way, but until we know more we should give him the benifit of the doubt.