I do NOT appreciate your false assumption that anti psychotics will turn someone to shoot others.
Angel please don't feel bad.
The truth is that when the incorrect medications are given to people or the wrong dosages it can have unseen side effects. This is with any drug, not just anti-psychotics or anti-depressants.
I have witnessed two instances of this happening.
The first with my own husband. He had been seriously injured in an auto accident. The doctors gave him an anti-depressant. We did know that's what it was or that anti-depressants are used for inflammation in muscles and tendons. No one mentioned side effects. Within a week or so I noticed that my very verbal and optimist husband had gone silent and unhappy, I was concerned. I worked at a medical clinic and looked up the drug. When the doctor came in I spoke with her. She told me to call my husband and tell him not to take one more pill, not one. She said that with people who do not need an anti-depressant they can work just the opposite as they would with someone who does and have been the cause of suicides.
In the second case, a young extended family member who still a teenager was given Prozac for depression because he and his girlfriend were having problems. He became a very angry young man and threatened her father with a gun. He call the father and told him to get out his gun because he was on his way with his. The police stopped him before he left his house the gun was already in the car. Was he suicidal, yes, but he was going to try to force someone else to do it. He was taken off Prozac and given counseling. There have been no more instances and that's been almost 9 years ago now. He is doing fine.
"Prozac is one of the few antidepressants approved for the
treatment of depression in youths. Unfortunately, however,
studies on children have linked the drug to increased suicidal thoughts and behavior. As a result, the FDA issued a public warning in October 2004, and two years later extended the advisory to include young adults as old as 24.
In 2007, the FDA took an even stronger stance. The agency required antidepressant manufacturers to update existing black-box warnings about the increased risks of suicidal thoughts and behavior during initial treatment, which the FDA defined as the first one to two months.
FDA black-box warning is the most stringent precaution a drug can carry before it is pulled from the shelves. It takes its name from the black border that surrounds the warning information on the drug’s packaging. The agency often requires pharmaceutical companies to include a bold warning on drug packaging and patient instruction sheets if serious or life-threatening risks are associated with the drug’s use."