Now to really twist your biscuit...
Since we are to see Jesus/God "face to face" we will have to become timeless like God is.
This means that we:
Have been in Heaven
Are in Heaven
Will be in Heaven
So when we are told that Heaven is beyond comprehension and there are no words to describe's an understatement.
hmmm - yes this is getting more complicated to understand
i can see we are for sure eternal from the time we were created - because we were created in the image of God
angels were created too - and i think also eternal
are animals eternal? - i don't know - i think once they pass away they are gone - maybe - maybe not
Jesus and the Holy Spirit are eternal and always have been eternal because they are God - along with the Father - and they 3 created all that is created as per Genesis 1
back to angels and humans - before we were created did we exist? - i don't think we did
but now that angels and humans have been created i believe we are now eternal because God says we are eternal
wow - this is quite the topic
what is it that you see that causes you to think we were always eternal? - is it because we are now eternal? - and you believe eternal does not have a beginning?
Genesis says in the beginning God created - and we were one of those creations that had a beginning
now i can see that our breath came from God - Who is eternal - so when we receive His breath/His spark of His Life we begin to exist
i can see that the God part of us always was - but the rest of us - our spirit soul body has not always been - it had a created beginning