Why do you believe they are born with a sin nature?
Are you really asking me this?
I know that you know the story of Adam and Eve.
Didn't Adam damage all of humanity?
Romans 5:12
...Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,...
Romans 6:6
knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;
and many more...
We are born corrupted, stained with original sin/concupiscense/sin nature.
Not according to scripture. Jesus was tempted to sin in every way, but chose not to sin. God cannot sin nor be tempted. That means Jesus is not God.
Are you saying Jesus was born with the sin nature?
You're going to have to prove that since Christianity does not believe this.
Being tempted does not mean you have the sin nature.
It just means you are being tempted to sin.
Because He does not have the sin nature within Him.
Adam wasn't a sinner at first and he wasn't God. It doesn't follow that being sinless makes someone God. You have to include anyone who hasn't sinned yet with being God.
There's something here you're not understanding RM.
God created Adam.
Sin entered into the world AFTER Adam ate of the fruit.
Of course he wasn't God!
Who said that he was???
Jesus was born of a woman. Which one of God's laws do babies break?
Babies don't break any of God's Laws.
They are innocent until the age of reason.
Do YOU think a baby can sin?
Do YOU think they get to an age where they become responsible for their actions?
Does God choose not to sin or is it that God cannot sin?
God cannot sin.
Sin is not a part of Him.
God does not have the sin nature like we do.
Jesus did not have the sin nature because He is God.
God the 2nd Person of the Trinity, God the Logos become flesh.