CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Just to take the Nicene Creed, it was very badly worded as you must know. It was decided that the one from 325 was correct, but I don't like the wording of that one either. It makes it sound like Jesus came into being at some point in time. The word "hell" doesn't appear anywhere in the N.T. at least not in the way it's meant by us. Except for 2 James 2:4 but it was a place for fallen angels. So does this mean hell doesn't exist?There are difficulties in doctrines. Few, if any of them agree. Here for example we take a 'reasonable' approach with the Nicene Creed as a basic and essential understanding. I'm fine with those determinations and agree with them without any dispute. But, were we to get hypercritical, even a word or two here or there CAN bring trouble, such as defining what constitutes "apostolic." That will in fact vary dramatically from sect to sect and we can and will find non-agreement there. Even while "pretending" there is agreement. You see the dilemma, I hope?
Then I see this "hot button issue" here on these threads. Who believes salvation could be lost and who doesn't. I believe it could be lost. Then I start getting reprimanded because I believe in "works." Eventually, I'll figure out what one has to do with the other.
Jesus preached works. Paul preached grace. With works. It could get confusing. We've picked the bible apart too much. Each sect has made it's own determination as to what each passage means. It's man putting his own ideas into God's words. We're not pure - so our understanding could not be pure. All I'll say is that God will be able to look past all this. I wish Jesus had been clearer on some matter, like the above for instance.
"Apostolic". Authority that was passed down from the apostles to the next generations of teachers, elders, bishops, etc. The Apostolic church - the original church. The universal church. We do have to be thankful for the early church. It kept the faith beliefs pure so that they would not be poisoned by heresies. It must not have been easy - no iPhones or email back then.
Smaller, if these two doctrines were followed, we would need no others - as Jesus Himself said.There are OTHER doctrines that are just as important if not more important than the Nicene Creed. For example, I take Romans 13:8-10 as the most critical doctrine, coupled with 1 Cor. 13 and other clearly dictated doctrines that are in direct line to these dictates. This particular doctrine has actually fallen far far away from ALL the churches. Following these doctrines vary, literally, almost down to each individual.
Love your neighbor as yourself covers all the commandments. This can be taken wrongly too. If I love myself too much it turns to vanity or narcissism. Man can take anything, even God ideas, and get them mixed up with satan's ideas. It's in our nature not to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.
Yes. But they were to study what the Apostles taught and those after them. NOT what each of them thought individually. I must say, though, that some doctrine of some churches has come to make little sense to me theologically and from scripture. How can we know the truth? I do think we have to stay close to the bible. I do believe in solA scriptura. When we stray from that we create a web of problems.Believers during Paul's time were STILL laboring in studies, Word and in doctrine. 1 Tim. 5:17. We are to study to show "ourselves," individually, as "approved." And not just fall into taking the authority of some other man or sect. That I can not do unless I consider their deliberations legitimate to scriptural discourse "myself."
I do think we must work out our own salvation. God will judge us on what we know and truly believe - not on other believers faith. But how about finding a church you could feel comfortable in? it's good to be with other believers.Doctrines vary. And a lot of them are bad, and in some cases, sick and hypocritical. It IS the obligation of "each" believer to follow the dictates of their own conscience and to bear their own burdens, pay attentions to their own "works" and work out their "own" salvation.