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Bible Study Jesus Is Not Your Buddy.

My wife pointed out to me that the "beloved disciple," John, the one who laid his head upon Christ's breast, was the one who fell at Christ's feet as though dead when he saw Christ in his glorified, heavenly state. No buddy stuff. No semi-romantic snuggling. No casual, trivial jawing with God. Instead, John was so overcome by the awesomeness of Christ he couldn't remain standing in his presence. Buddy, indeed
And yet John did not fall at Jesus feat when Jesus was not glorified.

John was there when Jesus farted.

Why can two things not be true at the same time? You have a very limited view of Jesus.
On the earth as. Man Jesus set aside His Glory . He was Glorified in heaven and assumed his Full nature once again not that I'm saying He lost it just set it aside .
Sin ,the Holiness of Jesus and His Glorious state will overwhelm us .and yet Jesus showed mercy in that His Glory can kill men . I believe Moses was told that he can't see God's face or his Glory fully as it would kill him .Moses saw God's back and shine for days

Yes, God is not untouchable, or distant, or cold toward us; He's not disinterested in our state of being; He loves us dearly. But it doesn't follow that, therefore, we can approach God in a trite, casual, disrespectful way. This fact rubs directly against the modern, western cultural current of hyper-self-interest. At every turn in modern, North American culture, we are told we deserve this or that; we are told that reality itself must bend to what we imagine about ourselves; we are prompted to fixate, in ever-finer degree, on the things that distinguish us from others. Our dreams are the most important thing, our self-identity is the Ultimate Truth, our satisfaction and gratification is vital - this is the trumpeted message of modern, western, pop culture to the individual. Under such influence, many Christians in the West have taken up a very self-centered conception of living, bringing this self-centeredness even to their interactions with God. He must appeal to them, conforming to their idea of what He should be, brought down and confined to their preferences. But this God doesn't exist. He is an imagined version, the mirror, of the individual, not who He really is.
And yet John did not fall at Jesus feat when Jesus was not glorified.

And so? Jesus is now glorified, as John's Revelation declares to us. He will never again be the "man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," the sacrificial Lamb, clothed in human flesh, moving ever-closer to the cross. That is all done and now Christ sits at the right hand of the throne of God, with eyes like a flame of fire, face shining like the sun at noon-day, speaking with a voice of "many waters," holding in his right hand seven stars. (Revelation 1:12-18)

John was there when Jesus farted.

Oh? And so? See above.

Why can two things not be true at the same time? You have a very limited view of Jesus.

No, it's you who has taken up a "limited view" of Jesus. Very limited. Imaginary, even.

Find out what a TYPE is in theology.
Don't have to.
You introduce an idea the burden is on you to explain.
What if I research a totally different idea than you wish to present?
Best if you just do your own research.

And it is a distinction without a difference.
Using different words to present the same idea.
And so? Jesus is now glorified, as John's Revelation declares to us. He will never again be the "man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," the sacrificial Lamb, clothed in human flesh, moving ever-closer to the cross. That is all done and now Christ sits at the right hand of the throne of God, with eyes like a flame of fire, face shining like the sun at noon-day, speaking with a voice of "many waters," holding in his right hand seven stars. (Revelation 1:12-18)
Nope... you forgot the Rev 5:6 "stood a Lamb as it had been slain".
Please don't use definitive statements where they are not appropriate.
Oh? And so? See above.
That is a buddy move. Or are you not a man?
Just a gender question... not an insult.
Men and women approach the subject of "buddy" differently.
No, it's you who has taken up a "limited view" of Jesus. Very limited. Imaginary, even.
Imaginary is the opposite of limited.
Please keep your ideas coherent.

Question: Why can Jesus not by my buddy?
Nope... you forgot the Rev 5:6 "stood a Lamb as it had been slain".

??? Are you saying Jesus has still to fulfill an atoning sacrifice for sin? I sure hope not. Jesus will always be the "Lamb of God," but he will never again have to atone for sin - as I pointed out:

"...the sacrificial Lamb, clothed in human flesh, moving ever-closer to the cross. That is all done..."

Please read more carefully.

Also, the description of the Lamb in Revelation 5 actually makes my case for me, depicting a Christ so alien, so strange, so un-human, that the idea that anyone would snuggle up to him, or treat him casually, is patently ridiculous:

Revelation 5:6-8
6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb...

Do you see any snuggling with Jesus going on? I don't. I read of twenty-four elders and four "beasts" falling down before the Lamb, but no back-slapping jocularity, or any casual "Hey, how's it goin', Jesus?"

Please don't use definitive statements where they are not appropriate.

Again, please read more carefully.

That is a buddy move. Or are you not a man?
Just a gender question... not an insult.
Men and women approach the subject of "buddy" differently.

??? Deflection. Red herring. Take your pick.

Imaginary is the opposite of limited.
Please keep your ideas coherent.

Here's a great example of the very incoherency of which you're accusing me. There is no intrinsic, necessary oppositeness between "imaginary" and "limited." Your own imagined view of "buddy Jesus" is very confined, unable, it seems, to allow for a properly biblical conception of who Jesus is and how he ought to be approached. Your imaginary Jesus actually limits you, keeping you from the truth about him, even obscuring him, it seems. So, no, "imaginary" is not necessarily the "opposite of limited" - as you've demonstrated.

Question: Why can Jesus not by my buddy?

Asked and answered. Read my earlier posts in this thread.
??? Are you saying Jesus has still to fulfill an atoning sacrifice for sin? I sure hope not. Jesus will always be the "Lamb of God," but he will never again have to atone for sin - as I pointed out:

"...the sacrificial Lamb, clothed in human flesh, moving ever-closer to the cross. That is all done..."

Please read more carefully.

Also, the description of the Lamb in Revelation 5 actually makes my case for me, depicting a Christ so alien, so strange, that the idea that anyone would snuggle up to him, or treat him casually, is patently ridiculous:
I don't see the Rev 5 description of Christ as alien nor nu-snuggable.
You don't want to be a friend of Jesus that is your choice.
Revelation 5:6-8
6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb...

Do you see any snuggling with Jesus going on? I don't. I read of twenty-four elders and four "beasts" falling down before the Lamb, but no back-slapping jocularity, or any casual "Hey, how's it goin', Jesus?"

Again, please read more carefully.
Definitive statements where they are not appropriate are one of my triggers.

??? Deflection. Red herring. Take your pick.
Proving the buddy point and you call it deflection and misdirection.
Sounds like projection on your part.
Here's a great example of the very incoherency of which you're accusing me. There is no intrinsic, necessary oppositeness between "imaginary" and "limited." Your own imagined view of "buddy Jesus" is very confined, unable, it seems, to allow for a properly biblical conception of who Jesus is and how he ought to be approached. Your imaginary Jesus actually limits you, keeping your from the truth about him, even obscuring him, it seems. So, no, "imaginary" is not necessarily the "opposite of limited" - as you've demonstrated.
Wow that is double-speak of the first order.
Nice gaslighting.
You have not asked me my view but you tell me my view.
Sounds silly.
Asked and answered. Read my earlier posts in this thread.
Which ones?
Don't have to.
You introduce an idea the burden is on you to explain.
What if I research a totally different idea than you wish to present?
Best if you just do your own research.

And it is a distinction without a difference.
Using different words to present the same idea.

I don't know what you're talking about.
A TYPE in theology means something specific.
I'm not here to be your teacher but to exchange ideas.

Now, I'd explain it to you, but I doubt you'd pay any attention.

So there is no burden on me to teach you anything. No idea where you got that idea from.
I don't know what you're talking about.
A TYPE in theology means something specific.
I'm not here to be your teacher but to exchange ideas.

Now, I'd explain it to you, but I doubt you'd pay any attention.

So there is no burden on me to teach you anything. No idea where you got that idea from.
By saying that... your entire point is moot.
If you will not explain yourself then your opinion is of no value.
You are introducing an idea into our conversation.
If I said this conversation is an armadillo.... it would be up to me to explain how and not your obligation to try to discover my thought processes.
So yes... if you introduce an new item into an ongoing conversation it is your responsibility to make sure the idea is understood.
Stop trying to duck your responsibilities as a conversation participant.

Excuse me for no being aware of the acrostic of TYPE.
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But this God doesn't exist.

I will give you one thing. While scripture teaches that we can become a friend of God and He a friend to us, the whole misconception that He will not bring judgment upon Christians who sin is flat ignorant. All this "grace grace grace" business is highly uninformed of actual New Testament teaching. Both the saved and the unsaved were ending up deader than a doornail when they brought spiritual death to others in some way, and it didn't matter how much "grace" they thought they were going to receive or not. This is clear from the New Testament, and it's only because of how distant the church presently is from God that it's not happening more today, but the days are going to return and they need to. Judgment begins with the household of God, and sickness and death will come with increasing frequency upon those who have been corrupting the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and IMO they are long, LONG overdo. The spineless Christ who will not act with severity and bring judgment and death upon sinners most assuredly does not exist, and the sooner we get THAT nonsense out of our heads the better.

It's something I wish more people taught, but it's all "grace grace grace, and blah blah blah." The Real Christ is staring them dead in the face in the pages of scripture, but they can't see it because of indoctrination.
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Not to speak for Tenchi but I think 🤔 perhaps 🤔 a larger issue is the lack of awe of God and that which is holy. I dunno 🤷‍♂️ honestly I think 🧐 it’s largely modern culture. Even the Catholic Church now writes about confession in largely psychological terms.
I think if we could get a second or two of lucid thoughts about God...
we'd fear Him just like the OT states.

I mean, do we ever stop to think about what a powerful being He must be?
Yes. It's pretty awesome --- and more.
I will give you one thing. While scripture teaches that we can become a friend of God and He a friend to us, the whole misconception that He will not bring judgment upon Christians who sin is flat ignorant. All this "grace grace grace" business is highly uninformed of actual New Testament teaching. Both the saved and the unsaved were ending up deader than a doornail when they brought spiritual death to others in some way, and it didn't matter how much "grace" they thought they were going to receive or not. This is clear from the New Testament, and it's only because of how distant the church presently is from God that it's not happening more today, but the days are going to return and they need to. Judgment begins with the household of God, and sickness and death will come with increasing frequency upon those who have been corrupting the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and IMO they are long, LONG overdo. The spineless Christ who will not act with severity and bring judgment and death upon sinners most assuredly does not exist, and the sooner we get THAT nonsense out of our heads the better.

It's something I wish more people taught, but it's all "grace grace grace, and blah blah blah." The Real Christ is staring them dead in the face in the pages of scripture, but they can't see it because of indoctrination.
I think if we could get a second or two of lucid thoughts about God...
we'd fear Him just like the OT states.

I mean, do we ever stop to think about what a powerful being He must be?
Yes. It's pretty awesome --- and more.
So you feel that the perfect marriage between the Bride and Bridegroom is one based on fear?