Since there can be no contradiction and Jesus spoke directly to the iussue of resurrection and this thread is conserned with what Jesus personally said wrt rapture theories anything he said should be adequate.
You sound as though Jesus is unreliable Jason, perhaps Jesus said something that doesnt quit fit your program?
But if our Lord addressed a given issue shouldnt that be our begining point for comparitive study?
no. i disagree with your point.
didnt jesus and the holy spirit tell John via visions what was coming?
if jesus spoke to john in visions and also nearly a century earlier made those statements.
you only focus on what you want to say. quote jesus and then also revalation 20-22 and then compare.
they should be the same in the endtimes.
if not..
i disagree with the idea that its all done in a.d. 70.
and the world is getting bettter. when we still have slavery, the mass murders etc.
evil is still here. and i also dont buy calvinism at all.
i asked you about if what you say is true then surely men who did what luther and calvin did surely they could read for themselves and believe and go forth and take world by suprise.
show me one nation.. one nation.
i even gave you one. and we americans were that experiment. and sadly we have fallen from that calling we espoused ourselves just like the brittish and other european nations.
its always been a minority that has really done this, not the large amounts.
i dont see what you say. God didnt come to save "govts, cultures, and languages" but men and women, girl and boy.
the world is a sinking ship and we must be aware of that.
the bible says it plainly the world is passing away.